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7+ Year Member
Oct 20, 2015
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Does anyone who applies to Indiana University Optometry School get invited to an Admissions Day interview? Or do they first narrow it down then invite people to an interview?

I'm just trying to figure out if I should feel special because I got invited to the IUSO Admissions Day, or does everyone get invited! Also, how do I make myself stand out during this process to guarantee a spot in their program?

Wamika Kumar

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Does anyone who applies to Indiana University Optometry School get invited to an Admissions Day interview? Or do they first narrow it down then invite people to an interview?

I'm just trying to figure out if I should feel special because I got invited to the IUSO Admissions Day, or does everyone get invited! Also, how do I make myself stand out during this process to guarantee a spot in their program?

Wamika Kumar


Not everyone that applies gets an admissions day interview. I currently work for an optometrist that graduated from there. The Admissions Day interview is very laid back and it is more a chance for the school to get to know you on a personal level. There is not actually a 1 on 1 interview. I am going to the January admission day. Hope this helps.

Not everyone that applies gets an admissions day interview. I currently work for an optometrist that graduated from there. The Admissions Day interview is very laid back and it is more a chance for the school to get to know you on a personal level. There is not actually a 1 on 1 interview. I am going to the January admission day. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your response! I just scheduled for the January admission day! I'll see you then 🙂