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Jul 19, 2016
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Here are two options:
1. You take a gap year, that way your latest grades and hopefully an upward trend will be able to be sent to schools when applying.
2. You apply broadly and hope for the best.

Beggers cant be choosers, Unfortunately your GPA is below the 10th percentile of many schools, you should apply to schools where you are above the 10th Percentile of GPAs and LizzyM median.
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What is your sGPA? Where is your state of residence? If you are interested in MD schools work on increasing your GPA to a minimum of 3.4 before you graduate in 2018. You would be more competitive if you apply in 2018. You also need a minimum of 50 hours of shadowing MD and DO physicians and more clinical volunteering experience. If you increase your GPA to 3.4 then your chances of a MD acceptance increase to 75%.