Nova Southeastern vs. University of New England (NSU vs UNE)

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    Votes: 20 50.0%

    Votes: 20 50.0%

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Sep 1, 2011
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Hi all! (Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, the "Help Me Decide" thread seems to be more for the Pre-MD forum)

I am very lucky to have been accepted to both NSU and UNE, but now am having a hard time deciding which school to attend. If you could help me by voting in the poll and posting your advice/opinions, that would be greatly appreciated :)

Here are the facts:
I am a 27 year old non-traditional student from Massachusetts. I hope to do my residency/one day practice in MA or a surrounding state. This makes me think UNE would be the better option as I could do 3rd and 4th years in this area and build some connections. Nova does have a couple of sites in NY, but I haven't been able to get much information on the quality of those sites. Overall though it seems Nova has the better clinical sites and a better match list (leaning towards EM/IM/Neuro at the moment, but this could change).

Additionally, my entire support system is in MA. I have lived in New England my entire life so am comfortable here. On the other hand, some change might be good. I really enjoyed my interview day at Nova - the campus was beautiful and the area seemed nice. I didn't mind Biddeford, ME either - I'm pretty adaptable to rural/urban environments so that isn't a huge deal for me. The snow/cold in Maine is a little scary though.

In terms of tuition, they both are pretty similar (NSU: 56k vs UNE: 55k) but the total estimated COA is higher for Nova (NSU: 100k vs UNE: 88.5k) - if anyone disagrees with these estimates given by the school, let me know! Is this a big enough difference to pick UNE over Nova?

In terms of curriculum, Nova's curriculum is more of what I'm used to in terms of separate/individual classes like undergrad. When talking to current students, they do say the constant exams can be exhausting (I think I read something like 5 exams in 7 days?). UNE has the integrated curriculum with block exams, which is different but seems a little nicer/less stressful. On the other hand, there are less exams so each one is higher stakes.

Nova appears to have less mandatory classes, which seems nice (UNE's policy keeps changing so this is a difficult claim to make at the moment). Overall, I'm leaning to Nova having the better pre-clinical education in terms of preparing for boards. I've heard some complaints (even at Osteoblast) that the UNE preparation for boards isn't great. I know doing well on boards is the responsibility of the student, but help from the school in accomplishing this is important. UNE also has some PBL-like stuff, which I'm not too sure I'm a fan of.

Overall, my biggest concern is as a non-traditional student, I've been out of school for awhile so I definitely want the school that is going to have the most resources available for me to succeed. Tutors/review sessions/etc. It seems that both schools have these resources, but any opinion on which is a better climate for older non-trads? I got a little worried about UNE a few months back when there were claims on here about the unfairness of their exam policies (i.e. what happens when you fail one of the larger composite exams).

Ok, I could honestly go on forever but this should be a good basis for some opinions (if you are still reading at this point!).

Thanks a lot guys, any help would be great!

Oh, and I like seafood and Spanish food so that won't be a deciding factor ;)

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They're both established schools. Idk when nova's MD school opens up but that will take spots away I hear but who knows for sure.

I personally would choose UNE because your family is all there. I seriously underestimated how important a support system would be when I applied to schools. It's a hellish journey and having people within a few hour drive would be nice on a free weekend. Sometimes you just have to get away.

I'm also in the mindset that boards are largely on you and any established school will have had enough classes that there aren't any holes in the curriculum. I have no doubt both will teach well enough to get average to slightly above average. The ones that are cracking 600/245+ did it on their own
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1. You're not that old. I know people who started med school in their mid/late 30s. There are quite a few 27 year olds starting med school. I wouldn't worry too much about "resources" as most DO students have taken at least a few gap years, so most students haven't done formal schooling in a while.

2. I agree with the above post. Go to UNE. New England seems like where you want to be, and that is extremely valuable. From a cultural stand point Florida and Mass. are pretty different, so it'll be much easier not having to adjust to that. Plus, when you move the moving process will be infinitely easier.
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Both are great schools, congrats on getting in. For your long term goals, seems like UNE is a better fit. From the three DOs I've shadowed, they've all emphasized that unless you do military medicine, there's a good chance that you will ultimately practice in the region you went to med school. That's not a hard rule or anything but I would bet that you will have a more straight forward path to having a job in MA if you went to UNE.
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seems like UNE is a better fit for you in regards to family support, and future career goals, both schools are good though so you cant go wrong
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All of the DOs I've shadowed (3) have been from UNE and loved the school. NE is a great place to complete medical school and you will have no problem matching in MA, or RI (where I am from). I had to choose between PCOM and UNE myself and it was a hard choice. I went with PCOM because of its history and after 23 years I'm personally ready to leave New England, even though I love it and will probably return. Although I am very happy with my choice, I still occasionally wonder if I made the right choice. Portland is a great city and not too far from campus. The cost of living is super cheap, and the area around UNE is beautiful. I don't know much about Nova but after visiting Ft Lauderdale in the middle of winter I wish I had applied haha.

Good luck, I say UNE. PCOM was the right choice for me but I am going to miss being close to home.

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I'm an M4 at Nova and I agree with everyone that it sounds like UNE might be a better fit for you. I have a blog that documents med school from day 1, so check that out if you want to have a general idea of how it is here. I posted a lot about the exam schedule, especially during M1 year. Reading back on it now I don't really know how we survived, lol. You can PM me for any other questions you have. Good luck! :)

Edit: blog link

Hi all! (Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, the "Help Me Decide" thread seems to be more for the Pre-MD forum)

I am very lucky to have been accepted to both NSU and UNE, but now am having a hard time deciding which school to attend. If you could help me by voting in the poll and posting your advice/opinions, that would be greatly appreciated :)

Here are the facts:
I am a 27 year old non-traditional student from Massachusetts. I hope to do my residency/one day practice in MA or a surrounding state. This makes me think UNE would be the better option as I could do 3rd and 4th years in this area and build some connections. Nova does have a couple of sites in NY, but I haven't been able to get much information on the quality of those sites. Overall though it seems Nova has the better clinical sites and a better match list (leaning towards EM/IM/Neuro at the moment, but this could change).

Additionally, my entire support system is in MA. I have lived in New England my entire life so am comfortable here. On the other hand, some change might be good. I really enjoyed my interview day at Nova - the campus was beautiful and the area seemed nice. I didn't mind Biddeford, ME either - I'm pretty adaptable to rural/urban environments so that isn't a huge deal for me. The snow/cold in Maine is a little scary though.

In terms of tuition, they both are pretty similar (NSU: 56k vs UNE: 55k) but the total estimated COA is higher for Nova (NSU: 100k vs UNE: 88.5k) - if anyone disagrees with these estimates given by the school, let me know! Is this a big enough difference to pick UNE over Nova?

In terms of curriculum, Nova's curriculum is more of what I'm used to in terms of separate/individual classes like undergrad. When talking to current students, they do say the constant exams can be exhausting (I think I read something like 5 exams in 7 days?). UNE has the integrated curriculum with block exams, which is different but seems a little nicer/less stressful. On the other hand, there are less exams so each one is higher stakes.

Nova appears to have less mandatory classes, which seems nice (UNE's policy keeps changing so this is a difficult claim to make at the moment). Overall, I'm leaning to Nova having the better pre-clinical education in terms of preparing for boards. I've heard some complaints (even at Osteoblast) that the UNE preparation for boards isn't great. I know doing well on boards is the responsibility of the student, but help from the school in accomplishing this is important. UNE also has some PBL-like stuff, which I'm not too sure I'm a fan of.

Overall, my biggest concern is as a non-traditional student, I've been out of school for awhile so I definitely want the school that is going to have the most resources available for me to succeed. Tutors/review sessions/etc. It seems that both schools have these resources, but any opinion on which is a better climate for older non-trads? I got a little worried about UNE a few months back when there were claims on here about the unfairness of their exam policies (i.e. what happens when you fail one of the larger composite exams).

Ok, I could honestly go on forever but this should be a good basis for some opinions (if you are still reading at this point!).

Thanks a lot guys, any help would be great!

Oh, and I like seafood and Spanish food so that won't be a deciding factor ;)
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Thank you all for the replies and votes! Funny how all the replies were in favor of UNE but there were still quite a bit of votes for NSU! Both are great schools honestly and I agree with you all, I can't really go wrong with either. (Quotes edited so this isn't super long)

I personally would choose UNE because your family is all there. I seriously underestimated how important a support system would be when I applied to schools. It's a hellish journey and having people within a few hour drive would be nice on a free weekend. Sometimes you just have to get away.

Thanks for replying :) I'm definitely close to my parents, so proximity to them is obviously a huge plus for UNE.

1. You're not that old. I wouldn't worry too much about "resources" as most DO students have taken at least a few gap years, so most students haven't done formal schooling in a while.
2. I agree with the above post. Plus, when you move the moving process will be infinitely easier.

Thanks for the advice! Sorry wasn't trying to say I was old haha... it'll just take me a bit to get back into the swing of things I'm sure. Just want to make sure I'd have resources to seek help if needed, and from some further asking around, it appears both schools are kind of equal in this regard.

Both are great schools, congrats on getting in. For your long term goals, seems like UNE is a better fit. From the three DOs I've shadowed, they've all emphasized that unless you do military medicine, there's a good chance that you will ultimately practice in the region you went to med school. That's not a hard rule or anything but I would bet that you will have a more straight forward path to having a job in MA if you went to UNE.

Thank you! I figured this would be the case. Although I've been told over and over location of medical school does not determine location of residency, I'm sure it helps.

seems like UNE is a better fit for you in regards to family support, and future career goals, both schools are good though so you cant go wrong

Thank you!

All of the DOs I've shadowed (3) have been from UNE and loved the school. NE is a great place to complete medical school and you will have no problem matching in MA, or RI (where I am from). Portland is a great city and not too far from campus. The cost of living is super cheap, and the area around UNE is beautiful. I don't know much about Nova but after visiting Ft Lauderdale in the middle of winter I wish I had applied haha.
Good luck, I say UNE. PCOM was the right choice for me but I am going to miss being close to home.

Thanks for the input! Congrats on PCOM - amazing school! I also applied there but had an issue with an LOR that I didn't realize until way later so my application was complete SUPER late. At least you are still somewhat close to home in case you need a break and want to go visit :). And I mean, the Nova campus is BEAUTIFUL and HUGE. I really liked the area and the school - unfortunately it is a lot more expensive to live in than Maine. But that Maine weather though :nailbiting:... I wouldn't mind being in FL, away from snow for a few years hahaha

I'm an M4 at Nova and I agree with everyone that it sounds like UNE might be a better fit for you. I have a blog that documents med school from day 1, so check that out if you want to have a general idea of how it is here. I posted a lot about the exam schedule, especially during M1 year. Reading back on it now I don't really know how we survived, lol. You can PM me for any other questions you have. Good luck! :)

Edit: blog link

Wow your blog is great! What an amazing resource for incoming students! I might PM you with a few questions :) Thanks again!
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I'm pretty biased for NSU-COM, going to UG there and all. IMO, it seems like you would be a much better fit for UNE though.
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