Your 4th year is typically spent focusing on programs in the specialty you wish to pursue for residency, which will likely be across various hospitals as far away or close together as you wish. I myself am only a first year, but to me it doesn't seem feasible to spend my entire 4th year in one hospital since that's when I'm attempting to do my rotations in programs I hope to match in. That being said, same hospital is highly unlikely and may even be unfavorable for you as a match candidate, especially if you want a competitive specialty like optho or derm. Plan to rotate at various hospitals/clinics.
You can however find a metro area with multiple hospitals that you can rotate at if staying in one place is important to you, but nothing is guaranteed and there is always a level of uncertainty.
I've also heard from others that UNE may take your family situation into consideration as far as placing you for your 3rd year rotations, but I don't know how true that is. Email COM Recruitment to see how they'd be able to accommodate your situation.