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10+ Year Member
Mar 22, 2012
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I recently got accepted to both Nova Southeastern University and Kansas City University of Medicine and Biosciences. I have pros and cons for both schools but still can't decide where to go! I was just wondering your opinions on both schools for curriculum, tuition, location, etc. Thanks! 🙂

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I didnt have a chance to go to NOVA but all I know is NOVA >>>> KCUMB in terms of location.

I feel for you man, KCUMB was a great school but I cant imaging giving up the opportunity to go to a good school in Florida to go to Kansas City.

You have a great situation to be in. Two good schools.

I look forward to seeing the responses and your eventual decision
Choosing a school based on location--unless you are married with kids--is a terrible mistake. In terms of matching, KCUMB is the better school. If I recall correctly, someone from KCUMB matched PM&R at Johns Hopkins last year. It's a very very solid school academically.
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Holy cow 😱 nova has DO/DMD degree. I don't know much about the school, but Florida is awesome. 😍
Choosing a school based on location--unless you are married with kids--is a terrible mistake.

+1, you have to go with the better academics unless it will seriously disrupt your life or you are incapable of being away from home for a few years. I know nothing about Nova so I can't compare the two but I would only use location as a secondary reason for attending.