***Official University of Washington School of Dentistry c/o 2015 Thread***

Does it mean anything when your AADSAS status changes from "Invited to Interview" to Received/Under Review? Mines just updated to that today.

Not sure - mine didn't change. But then again, I haven't been accepted lol

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Does it mean anything when your AADSAS status changes from "Invited to Interview" to Received/Under Review? Mines just updated to that today.

You probably want to see "Offer made". If it is "Received/Under Review", that means your application will be competing with next applicants in the rolling admission cycle. I believe that next committee meeting is in a month, so you might get accepted after couple weeks later.

good luck!
You probably want to see "Offer made". If it is "Received/Under Review", that means your application will be competing with next applicants in the rolling admission cycle. I believe that next committee meeting is in a month, so you might get accepted after couple weeks later.

good luck!

Haha, it'd be a dream come true if it popped up as Offer Made. I guess all I can do is continue to wait and hope!

I thought the committee met every 2 weeks on Thursday? Or something like that..
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has anyone heard anything this week from UW? my status is still 'invited for interview' :(
has anyone heard anything this week from UW? my status is still 'invited for interview' :(

No news. It looks like someone recently got an interview there for Dec 20 so the admssions people are still there and working at least until then.
No news. It looks like someone recently got an interview there for Dec 20 so the admssions people are still there and working at least until then.

I too recently received an interview for Dec 20th.
I received an interview this Monday for Jan. 10th. there are only two interviews this month since 17th is a holiday. I hear early Feb. is the last interview for the year so alternate list will be generated sometime in March?

Any advice for the interview?
I received an interview this Monday for Jan. 10th. there are only two interviews this month since 17th is a holiday. I hear early Feb. is the last interview for the year so alternate list will be generated sometime in March?

Any advice for the interview?

Talked to Kathy and she said they're still going over applicants. Adcom should meet soon she said also.

The small amount of interviews left is good news for those who have already been interviewed :) - Less competition for the remaining spots.
Talked to Kathy and she said they're still going over applicants. Adcom should meet soon she said also.

The small amount of interviews left is good news for those who have already been interviewed :) - Less competition for the remaining spots.

Good point. Good luck everyone!
Received the acceptance call from Kathy today! What a great way to bring in the cold rainy weekend!
Received the acceptance call from Kathy today! What a great way to bring in the cold rainy weekend!
Congratulation my friend :)
I am still waiting :) wish me luck :luck:
when did you have your interview if you don't mind me asking.
Received the acceptance call from Kathy today! What a great way to bring in the cold rainy weekend!

Congrats! Are you instate or OOS? Also, what time did you receive the call?
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Congratulations! Does anyone know how many seats have filled?
Congrats! Are you instate or OOS? Also, what time did you receive the call?

I too got an acceptance call from Kathy today!!!!!

Missed her call (while playing call of duty :slap:) but now I have the message to cherish for the rest of my life!

In state, Oct 4 interview. She called at 4 literally a few minutes before she left for the weekend so I missed her on my call back.


Good luck to all still waiting!
I too got an acceptance call from Kathy today!!!!!

Missed her call (while playing call of duty :slap:) but now I have the message to cherish for the rest of my life!

In state, Oct 4 interview. She called at 4 literally a few minutes before she left for the weekend so I missed her on my call back.


Good luck to all still waiting!

Major congrats man! COD pays off ;P.

On AADSAS, has your status changed? What as it listed as before you got accepted?
Major congrats man! COD pays off ;P.

On AADSAS, has your status changed? What as it listed as before you got accepted?

It was and still currently is "Invited for Interview". Kathy said they sent out some snail mail earlier today.
I am in-state and interviewed late December.
Not sure if this is the correct place to post but I just got an interview at UW. MY only interview thus far. I would love to hear if anyone has suggestions that haven't already been mentioned. Still waiting to get in contact with Kathy to schedule an interview time. The email I received totally made my day.
Not sure if this is the correct place to post but I just got an interview at UW. MY only interview thus far. I would love to hear if anyone has suggestions that haven't already been mentioned. Still waiting to get in contact with Kathy to schedule an interview time. The email I received totally made my day.

Honestly, it's really laid back. Just be yourself and you'll be fine. Good luck and hopefully you nail it! :thumbup:
Has anyone who interviewed on January 10th heard back, positive or negative?
I interviewed late December, and still haven't heard anything...does anyone know when the committee meets again? Since they have already sent out acceptances after my interview, does that mean bad news?
Kathy told me the next meeting is going to be held on January 27th. Seeing that acceptance calls were given out on fridays, 28th would probably be the day for the next round.
Ok let's hope for the best! Thanks for the info!:xf::xf::xf::xf::xf:
Kathy told me the next meeting is going to be held on January 27th. Seeing that acceptance calls were given out on fridays, 28th would probably be the day for the next round.

It seems they meet on Thursdays. Do you know if they met on the 13th or the 20th? I'm just curious if anyone else who interviewed on the 10th has heard, I'm on a fact finding mission lol.
Kathy told me the next meeting is going to be held on January 27th. Seeing that acceptance calls were given out on fridays, 28th would probably be the day for the next round.

Hi there, how did ur interview go? Mine is on Monday 24th.
Honestly, don't sweat it. The interview was an ideal environment for a pre-dent, two caring individuals in a nicely lit conference room. They give you the opportunity to express what makes you unique and explain your academic accomplishments.

Make sure to be passionate for what you believe in, have solid answers from the heart pertaining to situations in the dental clinic and also make sure you understand why you are pursuing dentistry. I only state this because some people aren't socially inept and therefore come off with less potential. Seasoned doctor types (interviewers) can read your mannerisms like the back of their hand. If that is you, practice as much as you can beforehand. Good luck!
Anybody has any idea of how many students are already accepted?
I am stressed again :scared: I interviewed late Sept and haven't heard anything yet! Kathy said my application is in the pool but I don't know when they are going to tell me the result :luck:
Anybody has any idea of how many students are already accepted?
I am stressed again :scared: I interviewed late Sept and haven't heard anything yet! Kathy said my application is in the pool but I don't know when they are going to tell me the result :luck:

I think how it works is that if you haven't heard back, you're still being considered in every adcom meeting. But there will be new people who just interviewed so you're going to be competing with them too. UW probably gives out the waitlist (numbered) sometime in March when they have filled their class. Once someone withdraws their acceptance (possibly due to their acceptance at another school), then people get the acceptance in the order of the waitlist.

fyi, few years back waitlist #4 didn't get in, but I think 2009 entering class got in even with #11 or 12. I heard this from a current D3 student who knows a D2 student who was #11 or 12. not too sure which number it was but it was definitely after 10.
congrattttts dat2010 :)
I hope I get the call tomorrow :luck::xf:
CONGRATS! You got the call on a Thursday!? Fingers crossed for tomorrow. Good luck to the rest of us :xf:
I wonder why Kathy would call some Thursday and some Friday, can't take too long to call 12 or 15 people and give 'em the good news.
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I wonder why Kathy would call some Thursday and some Friday, can't take too long to call 12 or 15 people and give 'em the good news.

That's what I'm wondering too, maybe she just had a list and had time to only call a few at the top? I don't know...hopefully tomorrow will bring good news for some, if not all, of us. Good luck everyone, it's anyone's game, and everyone here deserves it.
no calls yet...:scared: does anybody know when they stop interviewing and make their decision about the rest of the class? last time i talked to Cathy she said by early Feb they will let us know about their decision, but its almost Feb and no news yet!!
no calls yet...:scared: does anybody know when they stop interviewing and make their decision about the rest of the class? last time i talked to Cathy she said by early Feb they will let us know about their decision, but its almost Feb and no news yet!!

I think the last interview date is February 7th. Probably that's why she said early february. Since the interviews will not be done, you might hear back after any of the adcom meetings (once in few weeks) or after February 7th -- I believe sometime in the second or third week of February. There needs to be an adcom meeting after the last interview so you might not hear back (if waitlisted) until early March I believe. If you are accepted, you will be notified via phone (since most people did) and mail; if you haven't heard back from the school, it means you're still in the applicant pool and you're competing with the new interviewees also; you are being considered along with all the others who haven't heard back. Hope this helps.
Don't try to stress out too much! Keep hope and stay positive; once DS starts, you'll have plenty of anxiety to deal with then. :)

Others didn't receive the acceptance call till 4pm on Friday!
I think the last interview date is February 7th. Probably that's why she said early february. Since the interviews will not be done, you might hear back after any of the adcom meetings (once in few weeks) or after February 7th -- I believe sometime in the second or third week of February. There needs to be an adcom meeting after the last interview so you might not hear back (if waitlisted) until early March I believe. If you are accepted, you will be notified via phone (since most people did) and mail; if you haven't heard back from the school, it means you're still in the applicant pool and you're competing with the new interviewees also; you are being considered along with all the others who haven't heard back. Hope this helps.

I have an interview at UW on Feb. 14th.
Anybody talk to Kathy lately? As far as I know, this is 2nd week since they last met. Some people should be hearing this week
Haven't heard anything one way or the other yet, and I interviewed on January 10th.
So I called Kathy a few days ago and she told me that they decided to add a few more interview dates, and won't meet again to make any decisions until after they are done interviewing. She said they should start informing people again in mid to late feb, more likely later though. I interviewed back on Oct. 14... Almost 4 months of waiting now, so you January people can wait a little longer :p
Thanks for the update Spit and good luck to all you potential Husky Dents!
Thanks for the update! I interviewed back in Oct 4th and still haven't heard anything...almost all other schools are done accepting and rejecting students that have been interviewed except for uw!!
I'm in!!!!!:whoa::whoa::whoa:
After what felt like a million years of waiting, I finally received the call from Kathy yesterday at around 2PM.

So stoked, hope to meet some of you guys soon!
I'm in!!!!!:whoa::whoa::whoa:
After what felt like a million years of waiting, I finally received the call from Kathy yesterday at around 2PM.

So stoked, hope to meet some of you guys soon!

Wow, late notification there huh? (despite your amazing stats)

Congrats Sleepy!