***Official University of Washington School of Dentistry c/o 2015 Thread***

Congrats cambo! Welcome to the class. :)

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Thanks! I had to check my AADSAS status again this morning because when I woke up I thought I had dreamed it...lol.
Well I just recieved the official letter!!!
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Yeah this is a dream come true, We are gonna have so much fun...and pain, lol.
hey what's the scrub situation at UW? I can't remember from my interview, its a change color by year type of deal right? Anyone know what color we will be next year?
NICE!!!!! Congratulations, welcome to the class!
hey what's the scrub situation at UW? I can't remember from my interview, its a change color by year type of deal right? Anyone know what color we will be next year?

Hmmm, no one ever told me either. I don't care what color as long as we get to wear them.lol
Sorry to be asking so many questions, but when did people get confirmation (if at all) that UW has recieved their commitment letter? I know I am being anal, but I still feel like this is a dream...lol.
Sorry to be asking so many questions, but when did people get confirmation (if at all) that UW has recieved their commitment letter? I know I am being anal, but I still feel like this is a dream...lol.

I was the same way. Just realize that they can be really slow w/ the process. You should get it sometime within the next few weeks. It literally took them over a month for mine. If you need reassurance, just call Kathy b/c she's really nice. That's what I did.:D
Did you just call the interview number and leave a message? Or is there another number?
No, don't call the generic dental school number b/c you'll HAVE to leave a message and they take forever to get back to you. If you still have your email that they sent you regarding your interview, then Cathy's direct number should be in there and that's what I call. Although she still doesn't always pick up. I find that she usually picked up after 3ish.
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yeah I called that number and left a message, but haven't heard anything, I think they're on spring break though...
Soooo does anyone know what the process is for loans? Is it something we do independently, or will they send us stuff through the mail to help guide us through the process?

I'm kinda lost on that subject. :D
I'm trying to figure out my living situation for next year. Is lynnwood too far to commute to school? Should I go for an area like Northgate/Lake City instead?
So, I still have not heard anything from the school except the AADSAS update and acceptance letter. When does orientation/school start? Are there any other forms that I have to fill out before we start? I can't get anyone to answer phones or return messages.
I'm trying to figure out my living situation for next year. Is lynnwood too far to commute to school? Should I go for an area like Northgate/Lake City instead?

I'm not sure, but I'm gonna try to live somewhere in the U district.
So, I still have not heard anything from the school except the AADSAS update and acceptance letter. When does orientation/school start? Are there any other forms that I have to fill out before we start? I can't get anyone to answer phones or return messages.

You'll have to fill out a resident questionnaire and a few other minor documents, but nothing too big. Mine took a few weeks to arrive.
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Well I got a call back from Kathy, so now I have my background check filled out. Yeah I don't know about financial aid, my undergrad didn't let you know what you got or dispersed until a few days before class started. I am sure they will let us know, we gotta pay tuition somehow...lol.
For those of you who got in this year, are you a first-time applicant or a re-applicant?
hey can anybody tell me what is there in the secondary application for washington dental school?...Do they ask you about the technicalities of dentistry or general essay based questions?