Ohio State c/o 2028

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Update on the OOS waitlist: I emailed the school and they told me that there has been no movement on the OOS waitlist so far

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Can someone share their stats for those that got accepted please. Second time applicant.
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Hey yall, noticed that the FAFSA stuff is out. Did anyone hear whether they received an admissions scholarship yet?
Just got my acceptance call today!!!!! This was my 5th application cycle so I’m beyond pumped lol. I was IS waitlist #7
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I also got in yesterday!! IS #6
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I just got the call! I was OOS #16, quite surprised since I didn't think they used the OOS waitlist much, if at all. But now I'm in a dilemma since I already committed to another school (Dublin), and idk what to do
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Can someone share their stats for those that got accepted please. Second time applicant.
Cumulative gpa: 3.94 Science gpa: 3.9 Casper: 4th quartile. Worked in Microbio research lab for 2 semesters & animal behavior research lab for 1 semester. Worked 4 summers in small animal clinics including general practice, ER, dermatology, internal medicine, & specialty surgery. & shadowed an equine vet 1 summer. Totaling 1,546 vet experience hrs. Lots of volunteer hrs with sorority philanthropy & dance marathon in undergrad & involved in several clubs with small leadership roles throughout undergrad. I’m a pretty tradition applicant though! We all have very different stats I’m sure :)