Summer Research Application and Acceptance Thread (SPUR, SURF, SURP, SIP, AMGEN, LA etc.) 2020

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Feb 13, 2020
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Alright so I figured I'd try to start this year's thread. What programs has everyone applied to? I applied to:
  • Jackson Laboratory
  • Gerstner Sloan Kettering
  • University of Oregon (Rejected 2/14)
  • Purdue MBAP
  • Cornell MBG REU
  • Tufts University
  • Pepperdine SURB
  • Northeastern University
  • NCAT REU Synthetic Biology
  • UMichigan REU- Pharmacy
  • Wadsworth Center

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Applied to:
U of Minnesota
U of Utah
Michigan State
N. Illinois
CU Boulder
U of Michigan
BYU (accepted 2/21)
U of New Mexico
Notre Dame
UC Davis

I've only heard back from BYU and am still waiting on the rest.
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I applied to:
HSCI (Rejected 2/24)
Mayo Clinic
MD Anderson
Columbia Amgen
Yale Amgen
Vandy Engineering
Cold Spring Harbor
WashU Endure
Leadership Alliance: Princeton, Boulder, Columbia

Also, I have my recommendations in for the big 10 academic alliance but still have to submit the app this Sunday after finishing the personal statement. I'm hoping I have a couple more decisions in by the next week.
I submitted my application in early January but have not heard back from any of them. My friend who applied in early February already received acceptance, since the admission is rolling-based, am I screwed?
I submitted my application in early January but have not heard back from any of them. My friend who applied in early February already received acceptance, since the admission is rolling-based, am I screwed?
I wouldn't say screwed. A lot of programs pass around applications based on needs and the applicant's specific interests. Unless you both applied for the same position for the same PI, I wouldn't lose hope just yet. How many/which programs have you applied to?
Has anyone done the Cincinnati Children's SURF in the past? I had an interview with one mentor, but I'm not sure if all mentors do interviews or if other people just get emails from the program saying they got in. Hate this weird limbo period and this is the only program I applied to. I'm hoping that if I don't get accepted to the one I interviewed for, there is a chance I could get into another group
Any news (positive or negative) from any programs? And are there usually also waitlists in REUs?
I've heard back from UMiami SURF, Columbia AMGEN, NIH, UCSD MSTP, and University of Michigan -- I'm going with Miami
@ac_lover99 Just had an interview with a faculty member for the CCHMC SURF, just like you did last month. I didn't get a formal acceptance letter either, which seems pretty weird. Did you end up hearing anything back from the program after your interview, regarding an official acceptance?

Someone created a crowdsource of REU programs at Reddit with each REU in regards to the pandemic status: Here is the doc:

Please feel free to contribute if you've heard back at all
Super unfortunate the NIH SIP has been cancelled. I’m not entirely sure what to do during the summer anymore.

if you’ve had your internship cancelled, how are you planning to fill your summer?
Super unfortunate the NIH SIP has been cancelled. I’m not entirely sure what to do during the summer anymore.

if you’ve had your internship cancelled, how are you planning to fill your summer?

Cry, haha. I fully expect mine to get cancelled and I honestly don't know what I'll do. everything is happening so quickly.
@ac_lover99 Just had an interview with a faculty member for the CCHMC SURF, just like you did last month. I didn't get a formal acceptance letter either, which seems pretty weird. Did you end up hearing anything back from the program after your interview, regarding an official acceptance?
Messaged you!