@rodriguez00 we only need to send transcripts if we get in and have outstanding prerequisites.
Waiting feels so weird. Christmas and now the new year will pass, and then maybe 15 days or so more and everything will change. Personally I never felt like I would actually make it this far. For the most part it still feels like I won't make it any farther. But it feels weird being so close after working and wanting for so long. 16 or 18 years. Growing, changing, stumbling but continuing. I'm so excited for vet school and the future. And it feels even better because being alive was a little touch and go there at times. There will be 150 of us or so pretty soon. Learning, surviving, crying and laughing side by side. I'm excited for the friendships and connections forged through that hardship. Excited to maybe meet everyone in August.
Happy New Year People