UFCVM c/o 2028

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They added more anxiety when they told us they send out offers all the way up to the week before classes start! I really hope that is not the case for me. Oye. I know they send out updates at the beginning of January, but I didn’t get a chance to ask about what they mean by DVM Preview Day in January then it looks like a few weeks after, applicant decisions. Can anyone elaborate? Thanks! Good luck to everyone that interviewed!
Preview day they do like a tour of campus and talk about the school more! My friend is a student there and went last year

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for people that interviewed...do we send our transcripts now? because I thought at the end of the interview they said to send them asap, but on the email that they sent concluding the interview, it says only accepted applicants need to at the end of the their spring semester
@rodriguez00 we only need to send transcripts if we get in and have outstanding prerequisites.

Waiting feels so weird. Christmas and now the new year will pass, and then maybe 15 days or so more and everything will change. Personally I never felt like I would actually make it this far. For the most part it still feels like I won't make it any farther. But it feels weird being so close after working and wanting for so long. 16 or 18 years. Growing, changing, stumbling but continuing. I'm so excited for vet school and the future. And it feels even better because being alive was a little touch and go there at times. There will be 150 of us or so pretty soon. Learning, surviving, crying and laughing side by side. I'm excited for the friendships and connections forged through that hardship. Excited to maybe meet everyone in August.

Happy New Year People
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@rodriguez00 we only need to send transcripts if we get in and have outstanding prerequisites.

Waiting feels so weird. Christmas and now the new year will pass, and then maybe 15 days or so more and everything will change. Personally I never felt like I would actually make it this far. For the most part it still feels like I won't make it any farther. But it feels weird being so close after working and wanting for so long. 16 or 18 years. Growing, changing, stumbling but continuing. I'm so excited for vet school and the future. And it feels even better because being alive was a little touch and go there at times. There will be 150 of us or so pretty soon. Learning, surviving, crying and laughing side by side. I'm excited for the friendships and connections forged through that hardship. Excited to maybe meet everyone in August.

Happy New Year People
Your words resonate with me so much. I applied 10 years ago and went through so much to get to this point at 47 years old. I too didn’t think I would make it this far. I am hoping and praying and am so damn scared but like you, so excited to meet everyone and go through this together. Happy New Year and hope we all get some good news soon.
for people that interviewed...do we send our transcripts now? because I thought at the end of the interview they said to send them asap, but on the email that they sent concluding the interview, it says only accepted applicants need to at the end of the their spring semester

That's mostly regarding the spring semester, so for those accepted who still need to take classes Jan-may. I would still send in your fall transcripts as soon as you can so they can see that you've completed any outstanding pre-requisites.
They added more anxiety when they told us they send out offers all the way up to the week before classes start! I really hope that is not the case for me. Oye. I know they send out updates at the beginning of January, but I didn’t get a chance to ask about what they mean by DVM Preview Day in January then it looks like a few weeks after, applicant decisions. Can anyone elaborate? Thanks! Good luck to everyone that interviewed!

I think some of the dates are mixed up on their calendar. I got put on the alternate list last year, so based off of my experience last year, they should send out offers for acceptance/alternates/declines in the second week of January. Anyone who is accepted or put on the alternate list will then get invited to the preview day where you get to tour the campus, sit in on a class, ask questions, etc. Last year, this invite was sent out with my alternate letter. From there, only alternates have to be on stand by for a potential offer until the start of classes. Hope this helps! 🙂
I think some of the dates are mixed up on their calendar. I got put on the alternate list last year, so based off of my experience last year, they should send out offers for acceptance/alternates/declines in the second week of January. Anyone who is accepted or put on the alternate list will then get invited to the preview day where you get to tour the campus, sit in on a class, ask questions, etc. Last year, this invite was sent out with my alternate letter. From there, only alternates have to be on stand by for a potential offer until the start of classes. Hope this helps! 🙂
When was the preview day for you?
When was the preview day for you?

Last year we received decision emails in early March and then the preview day was late March. They are moving a lot faster this year, so I assume the preview day this year will likely be late January or early February.
If those on the alternate interview schedule did not get an interview request, does that mean the applicant is not longer considered for acceptance?
So far I think all interviews are done You should get a letter stating as such though.
They just emailed me to let me know they forwarded my thank you email to the interview team. I sent the email on December 15. 😩
They just emailed me to let me know they forwarded my thank you email to the interview team. I sent the email on December 15. 😩
Me too and nearly had a heart attack 😩 this wait is killing me. I think we interviewed together! I interviewed on the 15th and sent my thank you note right after.
Hopefully we hear early next week instead of late but glad it’s coming up soon !!
Me too and nearly had a heart attack 😩 this wait is killing me. I think we interviewed together! I interviewed on the 15th and sent my thank you note right after.
Me too! I know that it probably doesn’t hold any weight but knowing they got it sooner rather than later would have made me feel better since they are probably deep in decision making right now.
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Has anyone here interviewed before and then gotten denied? I think what I'm trying to ask is, do they interview ALOT more people than they actually accept or do you feel like we have pretty decent/good chances of getting accepted if we made it to the interview stage? (In state particularly)
Has anyone here interviewed before and then gotten denied? I think what I'm trying to ask is, do they interview ALOT more people than they actually accept or do you feel like we have pretty decent/good chances of getting accepted if we made it to the interview stage? (In state particularly)

From what their stats show, it looks like last year they interviewed 160 for in-state and the final class for IS was 101. I'm sure a lot went on the alternate list as well though. I personally haven't heard of anyone interviewing and getting outright denied for in-state, but it could happen I'm sure. Keep your head up! We got this!
Does anyone have experience with the dual DVM/MPH program? I want to ask a student from the program some questions. I want to know if they have been able to effectively manage the difficulty of the professional degree and a masters degree simultaneously. Also, how much more in tuition does it cost them in comparison to completing the DVM alone without the MPH?
Has anyone here interviewed before and then gotten denied? I think what I'm trying to ask is, do they interview ALOT more people than they actually accept or do you feel like we have pretty decent/good chances of getting accepted if we made it to the interview stage? (In state particularly)
What about for OOS along these lines? I saw the stats last year said that only 12 OOS got denied once making it to the interview, a good amount declined the offer which I would assume brought people off the waitlist, but the numbers on their statistics don't exactly add up.
What about for OOS along these lines? I saw the stats last year said that only 12 OOS got denied once making it to the interview, a good amount declined the offer which I would assume brought people off the waitlist, but the numbers on their statistics don't exactly add up.
Right! The math doesnt add up!
I specifically asked if I could tour the school in early January when I’m in town, and they told me that I should wait for preview day in mid-late February if I happen to make it through/waitlisted! Hope this helps with your timeline!
I saw that UF says they do a behavioral interview, does anyone know what that means? They have like "qualities" they are looking for and then they rank you on those qualities following the interview? And then that interview ranking plus GPA/academics plus packet review is how they accept spots (according to the website?)?
I saw that UF says they do a behavioral interview, does anyone know what that means? They have like "qualities" they are looking for and then they rank you on those qualities following the interview? And then that interview ranking plus GPA/academics plus packet review is how they accept spots (according to the website?)?
The behavior aspect of the interview just basically indicates they are trying to figure out who you are as a person. Therefore they aren’t like MMIs, they ask questions like why do you want to be a vet for example. It’s a more traditional interview and there may also be questions asking about a certain scenario and how you handled it. So you pull a lot from your experiences in the interview. I’m not sure if they have a list of qualities that they look for or more so just try to gauge who you are as a person and how you’d fare within the vet program. And then yes the interview is factored in with your GPA, etc into who gets in. Hope that helps!
I’m IS and I’m so nervous about the decisions coming out, can’t help to hyper fixate on everything I said in the interview. I just know my anxiety is going to be at an all time high this week, wish they gave a specific date lol.
I’m IS and I’m so nervous about the decisions coming out, can’t help to hyper fixate on everything I said in the interview. I just know my anxiety is going to be at an all time high this week, wish they gave a specific date lol.
SAME, i really feel like itll be announced on Thursday or Friday so im just expecting not to hear anything until Friday.
I saw that UF says they do a behavioral interview, does anyone know what that means? They have like "qualities" they are looking for and then they rank you on those qualities following the interview? And then that interview ranking plus GPA/academics plus packet review is how they accept spots (according to the website?)?
Yeah, 40% of the admissions decision comes from the interview. I've been told by a vet who was on the admissions committee for years that they do look for certain qualities and they give you a grade based on your responses. Then, the admissions committee ranks your overall responses.
Yeah, 40% of the admissions decision comes from the interview. I've been told by a vet who was on the admissions committee for years that they do look for certain qualities and they give you a grade based on your responses. Then, the admissions committee ranks your overall responses.
That makes sense, thank you. Then the other 60% is based on GPA/academics and your vet/animal/other experiences and hours, LORs and supplemental essays I guess?
That makes sense, thank you. Then the other 60% is based on GPA/academics and your vet/animal/other experiences and hours, LORs and supplemental essays I guess?
I’m IS and I’m so nervous about the decisions coming out, can’t help to hyper fixate on everything I said in the interview. I just know my anxiety is going to be at an all time high this week, wish they gave a specific date lol.
Same! After the interview I felt pretty good about it but now I think back and pick apart everything I said and make myself think it went horribly lol. I hate all of this waiting it's killing me🙃
Same! After the interview I felt pretty good about it but now I think back and pick apart everything I said and make myself think it went horribly lol. I hate all of this waiting it's killing me🙃
This is EXACTLY what I am doing, I am glad I am not alone but I am driving myself insane! I thought it went SO well during the interview/right after, but now that I am thinking back on it I keep thinking of different things I should've said and convincing myself it actually went terribly. I did not get to talk much on my actual vet/animal experiences but I am hoping the packet review portion considered supplements that...
This is EXACTLY what I am doing, I am glad I am not alone but I am driving myself insane! I thought it went SO well during the interview/right after, but now that I am thinking back on it I keep thinking of different things I should've said and convincing myself it actually went terribly. I did not get to talk much on my actual vet/animal experiences but I am hoping the packet review portion considered
It is definitely natural to feel that way! I am sure everyone is nervous to a degree if not extremely nervous. We all have worked very hard for this. My interviewers said they were very impressed by my answers and even said I was the only person out of their 10 to 15 interviewees that was able to answer a question correctly, and I still am extremely nervous and cannot stop thinking about everything I said!
agreed. and last two years decisions were sent on a Tuesday and Monday. full. panic. mode.
hoping for today bc interview invites were also sent on a monday so it seems like monday may be their day but also idk if they may wait for more people to respond about whether they accepted an offer somewhere else the anxiety is eating me alive
It is definitely natural to feel that way! I am sure everyone is nervous to a degree if not extremely nervous. We all have worked very hard for this. My interviewers said they were very impressed by my answers and even said I was the only person out of their 10 to 15 interviewees that was able to answer a question correctly, and I still am extremely nervous and cannot stop thinking about everything I said!
Now I’m asking myself am I one of those people that wasn’t able to answer a question correctly 😳
Now I’m asking myself am I one of those people that wasn’t able to answer a question correctly 😳
I wouldn't worry about it! I don't even think any of my questions had a right answer necessarily they were mostly questions about me/the vet profession/my interests and not like about specifics that would have a right answer
Anyone know what time they send the invites last year? I remember interviews were sent late afternoon/early evening
Now I’m asking myself am I one of those people that wasn’t able to answer a question correctly 😳
They asked me what One Health was. I know people who were not asked about it though, so it probably is not that important. Sorry if I stressed you out though! That was not my intent.
Is there anyone that interviewed that has already accepted a seat elsewhere? Like someone said they may just be giving people a little bit to let them know
They asked me what One Health was. I know people who were not asked about it though, so it probably is not that important. Sorry if I stressed you out though! That was not my intent.
lol. They asked me about one health. I am pretty confident I answered it correctly. I’m slightly obsessed with One Health. 😉
lol. They asked me about one health. I am pretty confident I answered it correctly. I’m slightly obsessed with One Health. 😉
They asked me about it too! Luckily I threw it in with one of my answers to a different question so they didn’t really go into depth on it, but they did mention it after and made it obvious they were going to ask about it had I not talked about it beforehand.
I got asked that too! I work in research so I was happy to hear that question!
I wonder how their interview scoring works since it’s such a big percentage of their decision making. Their website is pretty vague about it.
I wonder how their interview scoring works since it’s such a big percentage of their decision making. Their website is pretty vague about it.
I agree, I was questioning about the same thing above. It sounds like it was a behavioral interview so you're kind of scored on different attributes/your understanding of the profession/who you are as a person and how you would fit into their vet school.