VMCAS Questions and Rants c/o 2027

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Definitely no reason to worry at all! People will be submitting it at 11:50 pm on 9/15 and will still end up fine
I feel attacked

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But also make sure you guys are all having LOR writers have their “deadline” well before the actual true deadline because someone in 2020 had their LOR writer iirc try and submit literally right before the deadline, had tech issues, didn’t contact vmcas, and then screwed over the applicant for some schools (including their IS) because the LOR didn’t get uploaded and most wouldn’t accept it late outside the vmcas app.
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okay so I know it would look bad to re-submit my exact personal statement, but I have not had another eye-opening experience since submitting the application last year. Personally I really connect to my personal statement, it's a very specific experience/story that changed my whole persona of vet med, one that I very often reflect on. I am just not sure if I can think of anything else to write about! HELP!! (I only applied to one school last year and was interviewed and waitlisted there, so I know they liked it).
I am seeing a lot of applicants stating they have submitted their applications or that they know their chances of getting in are lower because they won't be submitting their app until late August.

I planned on finishing up by the second week of August, allowing 1 month for VMCAS verification. Is this too late? I thought there was no benefit of submitting before the deadline
I only submitted mine early because I applied for a fee waiver! I have to submit an application at most 21 days after approval.

Also, I cannot edit parts of my application I submitted except for my demographic information, or adding new info. Everything else is grayed out!
okay so I know it would look bad to re-submit my exact personal statement, but I have not had another eye-opening experience since submitting the application last year. Personally I really connect to my personal statement, it's a very specific experience/story that changed my whole persona of vet med, one that I very often reflect on. I am just not sure if I can think of anything else to write about! HELP!! (I only applied to one school last year and was interviewed and waitlisted there, so I know they liked it).
Then don't change it.
Do you think they will look at that as me being lazy ?
I wouldn't think so. The only reason to change it would be if they said in a file review that the essays were poor. If they didn't have an issue with the essay the first round, I don't see why they would the second round.
Is this the thread to ask a vet/vet student to read over personal statements? If not, where is that? Thank you!
Is this the thread to ask a vet/vet student to read over personal statements? If not, where is that? Thank you!
Earlier in this thread you’ll find the link for readers:

I totally hadn't even noticed that a thread hadn't been started for this cycle yet. Good catch!
Do you think they will look at that as me being lazy ?
Three-time applicant here, my gut reaction is no they won't think you're being lazy, especially if you went through a review and they didn't have any issues with it. That was my situation, and the only reason I changed any of my essays over the course of those 3 years was just to make little updates (if applicable) or if the prompts changed
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Hi! I have a question about how I am suppose to describe my extra curricular activities. Do I simply detail what I did during those activties? Am I suppose to detail what I learned from those activties? Am I suppose to relate how those activties will serve me well as a vet? Any guidence would be great!
Does anyone know about how Cs affect your application? I’m scared as one of my other pre-vet friends told me that UPenn won’t allow more than one C. Is this true? I hate to admit it but I have not one, not two, but three Cs on my transcript. All in science classes too- but all were freshman and sophomore year when I was dealing with serious family health issues. Not trying to make excuses, and I am worried if I put this in my application that admissions will think it’s a cry for pity and sympathy. My overall gpa is still a 3.6, but I am still really worried.
Does anyone know about how Cs affect your application? I’m scared as one of my other pre-vet friends told me that UPenn won’t allow more than one C. Is this true? I hate to admit it but I have not one, not two, but three Cs on my transcript. All in science classes too- but all were freshman and sophomore year when I was dealing with serious family health issues. Not trying to make excuses, and I am worried if I put this in my application that admissions will think it’s a cry for pity and sympathy. My overall gpa is still a 3.6, but I am still really worried.
When I was applying I don't remember there being a limit on the number of Cs at the schools I was looking at, but that could vary from school to school. Your best bet there would be to look at the admissions requirements for each program you're interested in, and if you can't find it on a website you can always reach out to the admissions team to confirm! As far as your concerns about putting your circumstances in your application, those kinds of things are exactly what the explanation statement is for. Look at it as an opportunity to show them how you came through it and didn't let it stop you from pursuing what you want to do
Does anyone know if any schools count Ws as a 0.0? I know VMCAS doesn't but I heard someone say Illinois does when calculating GPA. Is this accurate?
Does anyone know about how Cs affect your application? I’m scared as one of my other pre-vet friends told me that UPenn won’t allow more than one C. Is this true? I hate to admit it but I have not one, not two, but three Cs on my transcript. All in science classes too- but all were freshman and sophomore year when I was dealing with serious family health issues. Not trying to make excuses, and I am worried if I put this in my application that admissions will think it’s a cry for pity and sympathy. My overall gpa is still a 3.6, but I am still really worried.

Petvet’s answer is great, and I’m just here to encourage you! I got a C (in organic chemistry, yikes), had the same overall GPA as you, and I’m enrolling at UPenn. Never came up in interview (unsure if it was closed app, but thinking it was), but I made sure I had something on-hand to say in case it was asked. I do fit the “one C” you’re talking about, but I’m unfamiliar with that understanding and whether schools actively look for specific grades. And if you feel that your app would benefit from adding your reason, then add it! Others are more qualified to speak on this, but I doubt they see it as a negative. Good luck with the cycle!
Does anyone know about how Cs affect your application? I’m scared as one of my other pre-vet friends told me that UPenn won’t allow more than one C. Is this true? I hate to admit it but I have not one, not two, but three Cs on my transcript. All in science classes too- but all were freshman and sophomore year when I was dealing with serious family health issues. Not trying to make excuses, and I am worried if I put this in my application that admissions will think it’s a cry for pity and sympathy. My overall gpa is still a 3.6, but I am still really worried.
I wrote an explanation statement when I got an F. The admissions office really appreciated my honesty and the discussion of my circumstances. If you are worried about how your grades influence your application, consider writing a thorough explanation statement (were you dealing with other issues? how did you learn from it? and what paints you as a desirable applicant?). I don't think it is a cry for pity especially if you are genuine and aware of the situation.

I'll be attending PennVet in the fall, let me know if you have more questions!
Does anyone know about how Cs affect your application? I’m scared as one of my other pre-vet friends told me that UPenn won’t allow more than one C. Is this true? I hate to admit it but I have not one, not two, but three Cs on my transcript. All in science classes too- but all were freshman and sophomore year when I was dealing with serious family health issues. Not trying to make excuses, and I am worried if I put this in my application that admissions will think it’s a cry for pity and sympathy. My overall gpa is still a 3.6, but I am still really worried.
I can't speak for Penn, and every applicant is different, but I had ~7 Cs. Some were from courses I just didn't care about as an arts major early on, but some were in science - including bio and chem. I had a 3.4 GPA and got in to 3 of the 4 schools I applied to. You can try getting in touch with the individual schools you're interested in and get their perspectives on it. Only one that I asked told me they believed it looked bad, and I didn't end up applying there.
Does anyone know of any services that I could pay for that would sit down with me and go through the application fully? Or does that not exists. TIA!
Does anyone know of any services that I could pay for that would sit down with me and go through the application fully? Or does that not exists. TIA!
They may exist, but they honestly aren't worth the money. If you really would like someone to look over it with you, ask a friend if you could buy them coffee and have them read the app to you out loud. Have a few people read through your essays separately from you and make suggestions.
Quiiick question that is worrying me: is it bad to get two letter of recs from two vets of the same practice??
Quiiick question that is worrying me: is it bad to get two letter of recs from two vets of the same practice??
I’m also another person who applied this cycle and got in with multiple LORs from the same clinic (3 to be exact!). So please don’t let that be a worry at all, there are other aspects of the app to stress about 😕😂
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I’ve yet to take org 2 or biochem. Do you think having these harder/more intense science courses to complete will make me less likely to receive an acceptance?
I’ve taken org 1, physics series, all other pre reqs I think.

I’m just worried they might say “You’re a straight B student in the sciences. You haven’t even taken the 2 hardest courses. Apply next cycle after these have been taken to prove you can handle rigor”
I’ve yet to take org 2 or biochem. Do you think having these harder/more intense science courses to complete will make me less likely to receive an acceptance?
I’ve taken org 1, physics series, all other pre reqs I think.

I’m just worried they might say “You’re a straight B student in the sciences. You haven’t even taken the 2 hardest courses. Apply next cycle after these have been taken to prove you can handle rigor”

I still had to take biochem when i started my application and not a single school seemed to mind and while those classes are some of the most difficult i think there are plenty others that will show you can handle a rigorous course load! Just double check the schools individual pre-req requirements to make sure you can have them in progress during the application process and focus on doing well in them. I bet you’ll be just fine!
Gah, I sent my official GRE scores to Davis but just noticed I inverted my Qual/Quant scores (165/162) when I entered my unofficial GRE on VMCAS so the wrong scores are listed right next to the correct ones on my app whooops 🤪
Gah, I sent my official GRE scores to Davis but just noticed I inverted my Qual/Quant scores (165/162) when I entered my unofficial GRE on VMCAS so the wrong scores are listed right next to the correct ones on my app whooops 🤪
Honestly they will more than likely just overlook that. I doubt they rely on the unofficial anyway and I think it’s odd that we even have to put self entered gre scores in there when you still have to send them to vmcas (iirc for most schools that require it) to verify them for the schools anyway
Does anyone submit like 4-5 LORs? I feel conflicted because some schools state they only want 3 very explicitly, but others say they'll read them all.
Where on the application can I include that I am a part of the Educational Opportunity Program(EOP) and Louis Stokes Alliances for Minority Participation(LSAMP), I was thinking under experience, and the experience type to be "extracurricular activities"? I am very unsure about this and would love some tips!
another quick question: I was a husbandry intern for a farm that was owned by a veterinarian for research purposes so technically the veterinarian was the supervisor but I didn't actually contact him much, so does this experience count as animal experience rather than veterinary experience?? I love chickens
Does anyone submit like 4-5 LORs? I feel conflicted because some schools state they only want 3 very explicitly, but others say they'll read them all.
If you feel that you have 4-5 people that can write you good letters of rec, totally fine to have. Some schools do not look at more than three so even if you have more they just will ignore the 4th/5th letter. It's not going to hurt you if they receive more than the specified number of letters.
Does anyone submit like 4-5 LORs? I feel conflicted because some schools state they only want 3 very explicitly, but others say they'll read them all.

I'm submitting 4! I had planned on only doing 3 (vet, hospital manager, and pre-vet advisor) but some schools require two faculty letters (or one faculty, one advisor) so I requested an additional one to cover my bases. Seems like the schools with very specific LOR requirements have sections in the supplemental application for you to indicate which letters they should read.
Like @WonderingStudent said, if they're all strong letters, seems like there's no harm in having more than 3.
another quick question: I was a husbandry intern for a farm that was owned by a veterinarian for research purposes so technically the veterinarian was the supervisor but I didn't actually contact him much, so does this experience count as animal experience rather than veterinary experience?? I love chickens

I would assume animal experience since you were a husbandry intern but it would depend on what you did there. Seems possible experiences at that farm could be considered veterinary or even research experience depending on your role and responsibilities.
I would assume animal experience since you were a husbandry intern but it would depend on what you did there. Seems possible experiences at that farm could be considered veterinary or even research experience depending on your role and responsibilities.
Ok I’ll make it animal experience because I was feeding them, cleaning their habitat, administering meds, etc not really clinical stuff, thank you!!
Does anyone submit like 4-5 LORs? I feel conflicted because some schools state they only want 3 very explicitly, but others say they'll read them all.
many schools who say they want 3 will have you list the 3 letters you want them to read! I had 4 letters last year and I believe I had 4 out of 7 schools that would only read 3 of them when filling out the supplemental apps and the forms, they asked me which ones 🙂
Does anyone know whether or not schools will typically notify you if you match a prerequisite to their requirement and they decide it isn't acceptable? I know it's best to avoid this situation and contact schools with any questions, but I was wondering what happens if this occurs unexpectedly.
But also make sure you guys are all having LOR writers have their “deadline” well before the actual true deadline because someone in 2020 had their LOR writer iirc try and submit literally right before the deadline, had tech issues, didn’t contact vmcas, and then screwed over the applicant for some schools (including their IS) because the LOR didn’t get uploaded and most wouldn’t accept it late outside the vmcas app.
I had a question about this -- can I submit my application before my recommendations are submitted? Or do they have to be completed before I can submit my application?
Does anyone know whether or not schools will typically notify you if you match a prerequisite to their requirement and they decide it isn't acceptable? I know it's best to avoid this situation and contact schools with any questions, but I was wondering what happens if this occurs unexpectedly.
it depends on the school; in my experience, not exactly. one school didn’t contact me at all when i didn’t meet some pre-reqs in 2017, and that’s fine. in contrast tufts called me on the phone to ask when i would be taking organic chem. also, ohio has a really nice pre-req evaluation program where you can see if your courses match to help get rid of some stress, so check if your schools offer something like that. i did gamble a bit with some pre-reqs and it worked out fine, but at the end of the day it’s still a gamble. iirc tufts ended up swapping around a couple that i put as pre-reqs, so some schools will read your transcripts and make up their own minds as well rather than go off what you put.

that said, and just to reiterate cause i know you said you know, but it’s really best to get in touch with them. admissions departments do their best and want to help, but unless something’s changed in the last couple years there’s no guarantee anyone will get in touch with you if something isn’t right or doesn’t match.
I had a question about this -- can I submit my application before my recommendations are submitted? Or do they have to be completed before I can submit my application?
You can submit before the letters are submitted. I believe you just have to have assigned evaluators to submit. I’m unsure if you’re able to add more evaluators once you submit if someone drops the ball, but in general people don’t have an issue with that. Just make sure your people get their stuff in early (aka ideally at least the day before the deadline in case there’s any issues) and pester them if they are not submitted and the deadline is approaching. One of my eLORs thought he submitted it but it was not submitted on my end so he had to go back in and submit it fully and only knew there was an issue because I asked about it.
Hi all! Can you turn in your application before taking the Casper exam and sending those results in?
pester them if they are not submitted
THIS!!! No joke I gave all of my evaluators a date like a week in advance of the actual deadline, and started sending reminders about a month out from my made-up deadline if they weren't in to make sure they had plenty of time
Does anyone know whether or not schools will typically notify you if you match a prerequisite to their requirement and they decide it isn't acceptable? I know it's best to avoid this situation and contact schools with any questions, but I was wondering what happens if this occurs unexpectedly.
Some schools will contact you but some will not so be careful and if in doubt contact the school. When I applied I got an email from UGeorgia that my application was removed from the admissions process since they didn’t consider certain courses that I took to meet one of their prereqs (which other schools I applied to did accept).
Is it ok to say "vet" in our essays instead of "veterinarian" to save on characters or would this look bad?