Disney WW Official Game Thread

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Feb 11, 2010
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It’s Spring Break time here at Best Vet University. Where else would our burnt-out vet students go to blow some more loan money? Disneyland of course! However, when our excited group of students arrived at the park, they found the gates padlocked shut. Being a determined bunch, they started banging on the bars of the gate. Finally, a park worker showed up. He explained that all of the characters in the park had been taken ill with a mysterious illness. He thinks they all ate a bad batch of funnel cakes. Because Disneyland isn’t Disneyland without its numerous princes, princesses, and villains, they were forced to close the park. “If only we could find someone to wear the costumes and be the characters, then we could open,” declared Mr. Parkworker. “We’ll do it!” exclaimed Lissarae. Everyone nodded in agreement and it was settled. The gates were unchained and costumes donned. The happiest place on earth was full of smiles once again! After starting their new jobs, the group quickly realized that they needed someone to lead them. Who should it be? They decided that the only good way to choose their leader was to have a good ol’ fashioned election. Here is the ballot:

.Little Mermaid..
1. TigerWillow (Flounder)
2. Orca2011 (Scuttle)
3. bandierose (Sebastian)
4. Graduatedly (Ariel)

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
1. LIS (Grumpy)
2. CorporateFatCat (Doc)
3. Minnerbelle (Sleepy)
4. BlackDog618 (Bashful)

Beauty and the Beast
1. wildcatj (Cogsworth)
2. squirrelsrule (Chip)
3. sooprnova (Lumiere)
4. SOV (Beast)

Lion King
1. hedgiehog (Timon)
2. petpony (Nala)
3. dyachei (Mufasa)
4. WTF (Scar)

1. Emiloo4 (Rajah)
2. Katie8 (Abu)
3. Sheepdogpsu (Genie)
4. Sunnex (jasmine)

1. krist (Lady Tremaine)
2. devyn (Jaq)
3. Orcagirl (Gus)
4. DVMDream (Lucifer)

1. Trematode (Flit)
2. Kaydubs (Pocahontas)
3. Kakurubird (Percy the Pug)
4. Nstarz (Meeko) .

It is Day 1. You must choose one person to elect as Mayor of Disneyland. The mayor will have the power to veto one lynch during their term, so choose wisely. You have until 9pm CST to cast your vote. To vote, bold your choice like this: Elect Lissarae. You can change your vote up until the deadline. You may now starting PMing your group.

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My vote is for squirrelsrule because of how well she did in her secret role last game.
Good point, but I will talk to my group first! BTW, I did better :D hahaha
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I am having a brain fart. I deleted all of my old messages. Maybe it was you.
Unelect squirrelsrule, elect petpony.
I am off to a FANTASTIC start.
I just want to get a vote in before I am whisked away to my own little Disneyland of Terror tonight.
You don't have to vote for me because of that! hahaha If you think she'll be better, I'm all for that! It wasn't meant like a campaign speech hahahaha ;)
Yay we are starting! Lissa, will there be any "betas" to lead along with the mayor in this game, or just 1 mayor?
You had a good strategy going, Petpony. I was impressed. :D

I am also voting to elect PetPony.
Plus Nala is one of my all-time favorite Disney characters. Lol.
Elect orca2011
I seriously hope I don't screw this up. When do we interact with our "movie" groups?
Aww, wow, thanks! hahaha
I really love these games. It was the first time I played, but all the strategy stuff is really interesting to me. :)
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I read the instructions in the original thread after I posted here :).
elect emiloo!

I want a mayor in our group :) and you'd be great (I mean, you are Rajah and all rawr!)
It has been brought to my attention that someone (who is to remain nameless) sent a PM to the wrong person by mistake. Please double check the recipients to your messages before you send them.

Current Vote Tally:
PetPony -3 (trematode, SOV, NStarz)
Orca2011- 1 (bandierose)
Emiloo-1 (katie8)
Elect orca2011
I seriously hope I don't screw this up. When do we interact with our "movie" groups?

You can always PM within your groups.

I just wanted to make a statement, because I noticed this being slightly problematic in the other game (and I'm innocent...or else I probably wouldn't be saying this)

1. Sharing roles can be dangerous. If you have an investigatory role, DO NOT SHARE IT publicly. Investigate one person, preferably someone in your group you can already talk to. When/if you find you can trust them, communicate with them. Tell them (and more members of your group you investigate and find to be clean) if you find a wolf and have them lead the charge. That way, you can keep your identity safe for a while. If you go OMG I investigate so-and-so and they are a wolf!!! You are IMMEDIATELY a target and the wolves will come after you.

2.. If you have a "protector" role, don't share it either unless you can 100% trust someone. This also may make you a target.

3. The groups are arbitrary and for communication purposes only. The goal of the game is NOT to have everyone in your group survive or to protect your group - there may well be a wolf among you. Be careful what you admit to someone unless you feel you can really trust them.

4. There may also be items circulating in this game that may give ordinary "villagers" powers, be they powers to assassinate, investigate, or attack. Be vigilant and use them as best you can.

5. People may also be "silenced" in the game after using a power. Do not immediately jump on someone only because they are being "too quiet". This almost never works unless we have all noob wolves who are too afraid to say anything.

6. A review for noobs.

There are usually investigatory roles (or "seers") that can investigate one person per Night Cycle.

There are also sometimes "protector" (or "angel") roles that can protect one person per Night Cycle.

The Night cycle is when the wolves (who can all PM each other, as well as PM within their respective groups) decide who to kill.

After the Night Cycle, there is a Day cycle. This is where we find out who was killed, and we all figure out who to lynch.

Be warned: The first couple lynches are quite arbitrary. It is very likely we will mess up. Do not get discouraged! These games take a long time to work out. Keep track of people who say to do anything suspicious.
I'm also jumping on the "holy cow how did you manage your role last game" bandwagon:

Elect PetPony
And lastly NO EDITING OF POSTS! Editing is bad because it makes you suspicious - ie, maybe you said something incriminating and want to change it....even if you misspelled something or whatever, just post again to make up for it.

Ok, I am off my soapbox now :) I wanna wiiiiiin! Go villagers!

Now to find an avatar....
So we finish at 10 eastern time (ga)? Sorry I'm so slow with that stuff..
For now, everything is in Lissa's court. It's up to her if she wants me to take over for part or all of the PMs and for how long, so watch here for info on that.
And lastly NO EDITING OF POSTS! Editing is bad because it makes you suspicious - ie, maybe you said something incriminating and want to change it....even if you misspelled something or whatever, just post again to make up for it.

Ok, I am off my soapbox now :) I wanna wiiiiiin! Go villagers!

Now to find an avatar....

Yes, no editing! Like I said in the other thread, editing is punishable by death, so don't do it!
Elect CorporateFatCat because hey - a Doc should be in charge. Being a dwarf is just icing on the cake.

Awww, you make me blush. Oh wait no, that's bashful :p.

I'll elect SOV since he obviously knows the business of these WW games. Also because it seems like his life has taken a turn for the worse after his game ended. Gotta keep you vet students busy.
A lot of voting happened while I was taking my much needed nap. Here is how the vote stands as of now:

Pet Pony- 4 (trematode, SOV, NStarz, sooprnova)
Orca2011-1 (bandierose)
Emiloo-1 (katie8)
Squirrelsrule- 4 (wildcatj, graduatedly, tigerwillow, kaydubs)
Krist-2 (DVMDream, devyn)
Sooprnova-1 (squirrelsrule)
Unelect squirrels
Elect SOV

Sorry squirrels! Just wanna keep him busy. Since he was the creator of THe other one, I think he'd be able to catch when people sound too fake
A lot of voting happened while I was taking my much needed nap. Here is how the vote stands as of now:
Sorry, missed some.
Pet Pony- 4 (trematode, SOV, NStarz, sooprnova, minnerbelle)
Orca2011-1 (bandierose)
Emiloo-1 (katie8)
Squirrelsrule- 3 (wildcatj, graduatedly, kaydubs)
Krist-2 (DVMDream, devyn)
Sooprnova-1 (squirrelsrule)
SOV-2 (CFC, tigerwillow)

Deadline is 9pm CST.
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I wouldn't mind having the mayor in my group. Elect CFC
I'll jump on the bandwagon!

<b> elect petpony </b>

Hope I did that right! If not, sorry I'm on an iPad!
Krist, you have to use these doo dads
[ ]

Then on the last one you have to use this slash /

Took me a while!
Thanks tiger, I knew I messed it up...good to know for next time!
Clarification: Are there any Second in Commands, or was that unique to dog sanctuary?
Mayor vote update:

Pet Pony- 7 (trematode, SOV, NStarz, sooprnova, minnerbelle, hedgiehog, kirst)
Orca2011-1 (bandierose)
Emiloo-2 (katie8, sheepdogpsu)
Squirrelsrule- 3 (wildcatj, graduatedly, kaydubs)
CFC-2 (LIS, Blackdog618)
Krist-2 (DVMDream, devyn)
Sooprnova-1 (squirrelsrule)
SOV-3 (CFC, tigerwillow, kakurubird)

PetPony looks to win in a landslide, but a late surge by someone could steal the mayor's office right from under her.

Deadline is 9pm CST.-Just over 2 hours