
  1. C

    Does undergrad degree really not matter?

    Considering a BA degree in English, as it’s what I would enjoy the most. Only concern is by the time I graduate, I would pretty much be taking the bare minimum science prerequisites and have a Bachelor of Arts. If everything else is good (GPA, MCAT, LOR’s, volunteering, etc) - does it really...
  2. C

    Will this look bad?

    So, I was originally going the PA route and decided against it and to pursue med school. I’m attending a bigger name college online (think Penn State, Arizona State, University of Florida, etc) for Biologicall Sciences but some of my labs are virtual - which I know will look bad when applying...
  3. M

    Engineer, Low GPA, Post-bacc advice

    Hello, New to SDN and looking for some advice. I graduated with a 2.72 gpa but I'm looking to go to med school. I'm currently trying to get into a post-bacc program to boost my gpa and take what pre-med classes I didn't take in undergrad. I was biomedical so I've taken some of the pre-med...
  4. H

    Goucher / JHU / Bryn Mawr?

  5. girlinthebar

    MD 3.6 gGPA 3.0 uGPA 513 MCAT

    MCAT (2017) 513 (90%) - 128/128/128/129 State: NJ Resident Race: Asian Gender: Female (27) Undergrad: Private Top 30 (Economics) Grad (MS): Private Top 20 Med School (Physiology) - Finished in 10 months + completed additional semester of courses to boost GPA Clinical experience: Mental...
  6. Y


    23 yo, 2017 college graduate, 2.9 GPA bio major. Volunteered for AmeriCorp for 6 months after graduation, decided I wanted to be a doctor/continue education. Accepted to a masters of bio program (pre-professional focus) at a small university...set to attend January 2019 - January 2020. Trying...
  7. T-rexa

    Current LMT: good experience or get new training?

    First thread, so go easy on me :) I have been a licensed massage therapist for about a year now. I'm in the process of earning my pre-req's for med school at a 4 year university as a non-degree seeking student because I earned my BFA in Modern Dance about 7 years ago. I have called 4-5...
  8. Fishy fish

    Anxious Non-trad

    Just felt like letting out my mixed emotions here...I'm a non-trad student who will be starting med school at 27. I love everything about medicine and truly feel like it's the only career that will make me happy. I obviously thought hard about attending medical school before enrolling in my...
  9. D

    Stuck between chasing MD or CAA..

    I’m currently 24 and I’m not that far in my undergraduate courses. By the time I finish and would apply to Anesthesiologist Assistant or MD programs, I would be 28. With that being said, I come from a completely different background than medicine, but have always held a high interest in it...
  10. 3

    Major Career Change, NONtrad — Where to begin?

    Hi there! I'm a 36-year-old professional without a conventional psychology background, evaluating pathways to clinical practice. Background: 2004/5 undergrad in Spanish and International Business, 3.79 GPA, honors Tested out of statistics, took intro psych Some math/science — calculus (A)...
  11. A

    Getting prereqs while working fulltime

    Hello :) I graduated UG in 2017 and recently finished my first year in a 2 year graduate program in religious studies. I unfortunately found myself in a financial bind this past spring and had to start working fulltime somewhere that pays well in order to start earning money to pursue my...
  12. S

    Institutional Action as a reapplicant

    I failed to report institutional action on my first AMCAS application. The instances were in my freshman and sophomore years of college and did not result in probation of any sort. The first, I was involved with a "dorm party" and written up. The second, I received a Minor in Possession of...
  13. DoBurrosLayEggs

    School help, please! Old/spread-out ECs, etc.

    I would really appreciate some opinions on a school list! I'll preface this by noting that I included years because my experiences are quite spread out. (I'm in my mid-30s.) cGPA: 3.90; sGPA: 3.81 MCAT (last month): 510 (127/127/128/128) State of residence: California; also qualify as...
  14. L

    Previous med student wanting to reapply

    hi, I attended a DO school for 3 semesters, all in good standing. At that time I took a medical leave of absence for a year and planned to return the following year. After taking leave though I changed my career path to nursing and needless to say did not return. Like I said, I left in good...
  15. F

    Will my light course load hurt me?

    I’m currently attending an online (big name and regionally accredited) university for psychology. I can’t give up a full time salary, so I’m switching from my job in aviation to become a surgical tech - this way, I can gain clinical experience, LOR’s, volunteer opportunities, network, etc. With...
  16. Y

    Drexel IHS 2018 v. Chatham MSBIO

    Hey guys, New to sdn, just joined. cGPA 2.92 MCAT 506. I don't know if this happened for a lot of folks or not but I got a serious reality check when applying to post-bacc programs. I thought it would be easier. I applied to Loyola's MPMS, BU MAMS, EVMS 2-year, Drexel MS in biomedical...
  17. F

    Doing my last 2 years of undergrad online?

    I’m currently 27 years old and just finished my prerequisite classes my local community college. I also became certified as a Surgical Technician, which is why I’m in a predicament. Would it be okay for me to finish my last two years of my undergraduate degree at a nice university (University...
  18. QueenAudrey

    C+ in Adv Multivar Calc, No Calc I/II, Should I Retake?

    Hello friends, I'm dreaming/planning out my future course load for post-bac and trying to follow the "only retake courses you got a C or worse in" rule of thumb. Way back in the day, my undergrad had me skip Calc I and II and go straight into Advanced Multivariable Calc. Got a C+ (my only C in...
  19. A

    Military + Online Degree (in person state school prereqs), July MCAT. When to submit primary?

  20. theITcrowd

    Paying back loans/saving for retirement as an older student

    Hi all, Did some searching and was unable to find anything particularly specific to my question, so here goes. I'm currently 27 (almost 28) and am finally in a position work-wise where I can potentially take pre-med courses part-time at my local college/CC and/or online while still working...
  21. M

    Should I still consider Medicine?

    delete post
  22. F

    What are my chances? Non-trad, unique

    - Non-Traditional student - 27 years old - Bachelor of Science in Psychology from an average school (#4 best college in my state, but one people outside wouldn’t know) - 510 MCAT... considered taking it again, but didn’t want to risk getting a lower score. - 3.8 GPA, 3.65 Science GPA - 230...
  23. C

    What clinical experience should I get?

    I was really wanting to become an EMT, but there’s no EMT volunteer opportunities near me. Seriously, none. I emailed every county within an hour from me and none take volunteers, which is highly surprising since I’m in a pretty rural location in south GA. I spoke with the Regional EMS Director...
  24. S

    Re-apply with acceptance into inaugural class at DO school?

    I know this question has been asked before. If this school was better established I would not be questioning taking this acceptance. 1 in the hand is 2 in the bush and all that. I am trying to decide whether or not to reapply MD and DO this upcoming cycle, take a gap year or take an offer at a...
  25. SecondChance87

    MCAT before Organic, Gap Year or Sorcery??

    I feel I should preface this thread by stating I am a first generation and non-traditional student who lacks academic common sense. BUT, I have fallen in love with the stretching that comes with academic growth, so I am ever so excited to learn. I decided to pursue a medical degree towards the...
  26. D

    MD second thoughts... Too competitive?

    I’ve always wanted to become a doctor, but the realization of how competitive things are worries me. I’m interested in both orthopedic surgery and anesthesia - two of the most competitive residencies to get into. I really can’t imagine myself doing anything else. I’ve shadowed a variety of...
  27. girlinthebar

    Help Choosing Schools! 3.6 gGPA 3.0 uGPA 513 MCAT

    First MCAT (2013) 26 (55%) - expired Second MCAT (2015) 29 (73%) Third MCAT (2017) 513 (90%) - 128/128/128/129 State: NJ Resident Race: Asian Gender: Female (27) Undergrad: Private Top 30 (Economics) Grad (MS): Private Top 20 Med School (Physiology) - Finished in 10 months + completed...
  28. D

    Non-traditional Student Advice

    To spare you the vague cliches of why I'm choosing to go into medicine at 24 years old, I'll just simply ask for some advice. Long story short: I'm attending college online (yes, from a great, regionally accredited university) and I know prerequisites being done online is a no-no for a lot of...
  29. D

    3.6 GPA, 512 MCAT, Non-traditional student

    Finished my BA in biology from the University of Florida. Did this online as I’m working full time as and couldn’t quit my job for school. Currently 27. Stats: 27 White Male 3.6 GPA 512 MCAT ~ 2,000 clinical hours as OR tech ~ 100 research hours ~ 200 clinical volunteer hours Started a...
  30. C

    Pre-Med Inquiry at 24 years old

    I’ve just recently started my undergrad at Arizona State University for Biological Sciences. The only concern is it’s an online degree, but the prerequisite classes that require a lab are on campus. I live in Georgia, so as an example: Organic Chemistry’s lecture portion is taught online. I’ll...
  31. Whatwethinkwebecome

    Do I fit into OHSU's mission groups?

    Hello, I am new to SDN. I will be applying to OHSU this coming cycle and am curious whether or not I fit into a mission group. I am married and my husband is in the military, so we are not currently living in Oregon. We both have drivers licenses in OR, vote in OR, file taxes in OR, own...
  32. MommyMD2022

    Married mom of a toddler- starting med school

    Hello all- I'm new to SDN, so I apologize if this is a duplicate post. I am a nontrad (35yo) who is diagnosed with ADHD (inattentive type). I'm married with a 17-month-old son. I have been accepted to medical school in Texas. I'm thrilled, but also concerned about managing school and family...
  33. JACO_2017

    MD Somewhat lost nontrad (Asian) eyeing OHSU MD

    Hey there. I'm a current uni student taking up pre-med (majoring in Life Sciences, minoring in Global Politics), and I was wondering where I could even begin to apply for a med school abroad, particularly OHSU? I'm full Filipino, with relatives in the States (NY, NJ, LA, WA to name a few areas...
  34. R

    Back to school after 6 years - advice?

    I don't know if I fall into "nontraditional" yet, but I think this forum might be best suited to my question. Ive been accepted this cycle, finally, but I'm my late 20's and haven't had a class in 6 years. I applied to medical school 2 years out of undergrad and it took me 4 tries to gain entry...
  35. Z

    Former Professional Soccer Player ...cGPA 3.4

    Hi everyone! 26 year old nontraditional student here. Graduated from a 4 year university back in 2013 with a double major in Economics and International Business. After graduating I played professional soccer for a couple years. Unfortunately that got cut short due to injuries. I now own my own...
  36. T

    NP making decision to enter Med school

    Hi all, New to this network. I know there are many (very many) threads of Non-trad students. Wanted some advice. Background: Currently an NP. I have been in my 1st and only NP job for 5 years. 30 years old, single, no children. Med school has always been at the back of my mind but I guess...
  37. A

    3rd time reapplicant help please :)

    Hi beautiful community of SDN I am going to a 3rd time applicant this upcoming cycle and I would LOVE some advice as to what I can improve so that my apps are more solid this year. A little bit about myself top/mid tier UC undergrad (3.75) and same UC school Grad (3.96) with a research/thesis...
  38. I

    List of Schools Please?? Low GPA-Average MCAT- Post Bac Student

    Hello. Im currently a California post bac student, finishing up my last semester. My GPA is very low (3.36 as an undergrad, managed to pull it up to 3.39 after first semester of post bac because I got a 3.9 GPA that semester... hoping ill pull it up to 3.42/3.43 by the end of May 2018) I took...
  39. N

    Post-Baccalaureate Program at William Paterson University

    Hi all, I'm new here. I have scoured the boards for feedback regarding the program at WPUNJ, and haven't found any thus far, so I figured I'd start a new thread. Has anyone here attended WPUNJ's post-bacc program? If so, would you please provide your feedback? Was it successful for you...
  40. D

    Applying to med school while in SMP or wait until after SMP?

    I was planning on applying to medical schools (MD and DO) this upcoming cycle (2018-2019) with cGPA 3.4, sGPA 3.7, MCAT 508. I'm a career changer (history major, worked in accounting for a few years, started undergraduate post-bacc 3 years ago). I've gathered all my LORs, which I think are...