
  1. H

    [Participants needed, IRB approved] Childhood, Personality, and Lived Experiences (18+, in the USA). Participants can enter a drawing.

    Hello! This survey takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. We are conducting a research study at Whitman College exploring the relationship between hardships in childhood and personality traits that predispose people to different levels of mental health challenges. Participation...
  2. HiggiB

    [Participants needed] Sexual disorders/dysfunctions and healthcare

    Hello! My name is Brooke Higginbottom; I’m Sociology Master’s student at the University of Victoria (UVic), in British Columbia, Canada. Currently, I am working on my Master’s thesis and am looking for participants for my research study. I have received IRB approval for this study (see below)...
  3. Mr.Smile12

    "How to Prepare for PREview" article

    For medical school applicants (mostly AMCAS) who plan to apply in spring 2024 (entry 2025), we have just published an article about preparing for the PREview situational judgment test: How to Prepare for PREview - SDN . There will be upcoming webinars that go into more details and updates about...
  4. S

    Resources for finding research participants

    I am a clinical psychology PhD student currently working on my dissertation on attitudes towards evidence based practices. I'm looking to recruit psychologists to participate in my study. The tasks consist of watching a ~7min video and 3 - 8 min of surveys. Participants can enter into a raffle...
  5. W

    surveys to supplement income for hospitalists

    Anyone know where to find surveys to complete for extra income for hospitalists?
  6. Mr.Smile12

    HPSA/SDN Situational Judgment Assessment Poll

    Hi everyone, I wanted to make sure we included as many professions as we could to complete our survey on situational judgment assessments during admissions or possibly residency/job placement. We have a post in our Casper/SJT forum, and we are including experiences with Kira Talent, SortSmart...
  7. Mr.Smile12

    HPSA/SDN Situational Judgment Assessment Poll

    Hi everyone, I wanted to make sure we included as many professions as we could to complete our survey on situational judgment assessments during admissions or possibly residency/job placement. We have a post in our Casper/SJT forum, and we are including experiences with Kira Talent, SortSmart...
  8. R

    Dissertation Survey Participation Request - therapy students

    Hello everyone, My name is Richard Felicetti, and I am a doctoral student in clinical psychology at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. For my dissertation, I am examining the self-care habits of practicing therapists/counselors, particularly how they relate to constructs such as...
  9. Q

    Medical Student Mental Health Research Project, IRB-approved (seeking participants for ~10 min survey, Amazon gift card raffle!)

    Hello! I am leading a research project focusing on mental health and possible barriers to seeking help among medical students. For this study, interested participants/you (medical students) would fill out an online, confidential Qualtrics survey in the fall of 2021 and then another one in the...
  10. H

    MD & DO 20-30 min healthcare operations research survey for $30 Amazon gift card (MS4s only)

    We are looking for MS4s from US medical schools to participate in an IRB-approved nationwide study on how different operational designs may affect the speed and quality of patient care delivery. We would greatly appreciate your participation in our anonymous survey, which we expect will take...
  11. P

    Data collection on long-term results post-interview: Please respond if you have completed 1/+ cycles with 1/+ interviews. Thank you for contributing!

    Hello! This is a survey to help collect data that reflect with more specificity the ultimate fates of applicants who attended at least one interview, particularly how many accepted applicants come from waitlists versus direct acceptances, as well as how often waitlists seem to actually turn into...
  12. a_zed24

    Dyslipidemia Dietary Knowledge Questionnaire (DDKQ)

    Hello there! Has anyone heard about the DDKQ - Dyslipidemia Dietary Knowledge Questionnaire? I've recently stumbled on an article that concluded that this questionnaire is valuable to assess how much people really know about the relationship between their diet and their plasma cholesterol's...
  13. D

    Two-Minute Pre-Med Student Experience Survey!

    Hey there guys! I hope y'all are all doing great in these weird times. I'm working on an Honors Thesis Project aimed at discussing how to maximize your undergraduate experience as a Pre-medical student and it would mean a lot to me if you guys could fill out this quick 2-minute survey about your...
  14. L

    Back Pain and Sleep survey - Enter Drawing for one of four $25 Visa Gift Cards

    We are two medical students conducting a research study and invite you to participate in a study about sleep and lower back pain. We also invite you to enter a drawing for a chance of one of four $25 visa gift cards. This study will take less than 5 minutes and all responses are collected...
  15. IrmaPince

    How Can Artificial Intelligence Help Doctors And Hospitals

    Hello everyone! Here's a confession: I am not a med student. My apologies if this violates the rules but please hear me out first. I am a Computer Science student and am currently doing my internship in collaboration with a hospital since I am very interested in life sciences and healthcare...
  16. T

    Other OT-Related Information Research Survey: OT/OTA Student Learning in Medication Self-Management

    Hello all, I'd really appreciate if you could fill out this quick 5 minute survey!! Please share with other OT/OTA students as well :) Dear OT/OTA students, Did you know more than 50% of people do not take medications as prescribed? This has compromised the optimal health outcome. Be a part...
  17. emlady09

    Survey of mental health among health professionals.

    Edited to state the survey is still open! I invite you to participate in this survey; an academic research study conducted by Erica M. Asencio under the supervision of Dr. Robert LaChausse through the College of Health Science at California Baptist University. The study is driven by the...
  18. emlady09

    Survey of mental health among health professionals.

    I invite you to participate in this survey; an academic research study conducted by Erica M. Asencio under the supervision of Dr. Robert LaChausse through the College of Health Science at California Baptist University. The study is driven by the statistics that a disproportionately higher...
  19. Zeakfury

    Anesthesiology Residency/Fellowship Survey

    In an effort to help my SO decide where they should apply to for anesthesiology residency, I am creating a master list of data on the different residencies from Doximity, Freida, & AAMC. I would like to add resident/fellows ratings to this data. However, I could not seem to find a good source...
  20. PB&Jam

    Survey on Medical Education Experiences

    Hi SDN! I am a current medical student who's interested in medical education, and the aspects of a medical school curriculum that either contribute to or detract from the experience of studying to become a physician. To that end, I have created a survey aimed at exploring the connections between...
  21. Thelostlilac

    Med Students/Residents: chance to earn gift card!

    Med students/Residents: I am doing a study looking at how much medical students and residents know about autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Everyone who participates has a chance to win one of three $25 gift cards! Here's the link if you're interested in participating...
  22. Kevin.Mero

    Attn: California Pharmacists and Technicians working in Independent and Chain Pharmacy

    We've been asked to help distribute the following survey, hope you find it of interest! There is no restriction on distributing this survey and of course the more participants the survey receives the better the survey. Please forward on if you wish. Thanks much!! Attn: California Pharmacists...
  23. L

    Where to Promote a Survey

    I am currently doing my bachelor's thesis on infant asymmetry in physiotherapy with a survey. I have been trying to post it to different facebook groups and I don't really understand how Twitter works. Currently I have 1 valid response and 5 responses in total. I think one of the major issues is...
  24. OrbitalOverload

    Ortho Program Interview Data

  25. E

    Restorations Survey for General Dentists Hello, would you like to participate in an anonymous survey? The survey is open to practicing general dentists located in the United States of America. This study is under the acknowledgment of the WVU IRB and participation is completely...
  26. K

    Survey: What were your biggest problems with finding undergraduate research?

    I'd like to know how the process of finding undergraduate research was/is for you. Please fill out this short 2-minute survey: 1. What was/is the hardest part about declaring a research interest? I have too many interests I don't have any interests I can't figure out what my interests are No...
  27. D

    2017-2018 interview invites survey - part 2

    This may be helpful to current/future applicants. Please take the time to fill out regardless of the number of interview invites that you have. If I get sufficient number of responses, I will keep making these every few weeks. Thanks!
  28. D

    2017-2018 interview invites survey - part 1

    This may be helpful to current/future applicants. Please take the time to fill out regardless of the number of interview invites that you have. If I get sufficient number of responses, I will keep making these every few weeks. Thanks!
  29. R

    Grad School project - need dentists help please!

    Hello, I am a graduate student working on a research project that deals with the use of topical anesthetics in dentistry. I need practicing dentists (can be a general dentist or have specialization) to assist me complete the project by answering a few questions for me. I am not selling any...
  30. Char_Beyy

    Survey for Extended Project

    I would really appreciate it if anyone could do my online survey for my extended project as it is part of my college course. It is in regards to fibromyalgia which has a considerable link to women's health. Fibromyalgia Questionnaire Survey
  31. F

    Attitudes of Clinicians towards Antibiotic Prescription Practices

    Hello!! I am Johanne, a graduate student in the public health program at Monroe College. I am currently conducting a study as part of my final thesis. This study aims to assess whether clinicians’ knowledge and awareness of antimicrobial resistance are associated with their attitudes towards...
  32. J

    Quick research survey for doctoral/masters students in psychology and practicing psychotherapists

    Hi All, I'm a 4th year doctoral student in clinical psychology and need participants for my research project. The study takes less than 10 minutes to complete and involves answering several demographic questions and filling out a brief multiple choice self-report measure in the form of a...
  33. AstroQuest

    If you could please take 1 minute to answer this quick survey for my research paper

    Here's the link to the google forms, should be a quick easy survey :) I appreciate you taking time out of your day to help me with my research! [removed]
  34. Y

    Pls take this USMLE Step-1 exam opinion poll for a research study

    Hi fellow medstudents, I am a third year medical student from AUC. Having recently beaten the beast myself, I am doing a research study/survey among medical students who have taken the Step-1 exam. This study has been accepted for poster presentation at the AMSA Convention in Washington DC...
  35. eponyne321

    Seeking Psychology Doctorate Students for Survey on Cultural Competence

    Dear Colleagues, My name is Sarah Hatcher and I am a third year Counseling Psychology Doctoral Candidate at the University of Memphis. I am seeking participants for my dissertation, which is under the supervision of Dr. Elin Ovrebo. The purpose of the study is to explore factors related to...
  36. P

    Advertisement Looking to conduct a 20 minute interview with dentists

    All, My team and I are looking to better understand trends in dental services in the Texas market, and are hoping to gather insights from dentists in this region through 20-minute phone interviews. Please note that we are not pitching or selling anything – we are merely looking to discuss...
  37. D

    Medical students in UK: health communication

    We are looking for current medical students in UK to participate in a short (< 10 min), confidential survey on health communication. When you take the survey, you can opt-in for a prize drawing where 1 in 50 will win a £20 gift card!! Click here to take the brief survey...
  38. SombraUX

    Research to improve the applicant's process for additional medical training

    Hello all! I joined this forum to see if I could get some potential research data from you all. I am looking for screeners whom my team and I can interview to see how we can improve the experiences for post medical grad students as they are applying for fellowships, residencies and ETC. The...
  39. J

    Seeking Graduate Level Mental Health Students for Case Conceptualization

    Hello members of SDN, My name is Jose Martinez and I am currently working on my doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Nova Southeastern University in sunny South Florida. We are seeking individuals of at least 18 years of age to participate in our online study, "Case Conceptualization Among...
  40. Kittenz

    Technology vs Dental Schools: Interested in getting involved?

    Hey everyone! I'm working on a project and thought it'd be suitable for SDN involvement. I'm looking to see if enough students might be interested in volunteering to be a "reporter" at their dental school. Reporters would be sharing a survey link with students at their school. The survey I'm...