2018-2019 Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine (Middletown Campus)

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So I did a dumb probably. I had a moment of panic and applied to this school. They just now invited me to complete a secondary. Is there any reason to do it? It’s likely far too late to submit it now right?

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I just rescinded my acceptance offer. Hope it goes to one of you lovely souls. I did not even know I was accepted until I found the email today in my junk folder (with today being the deadline to pay my deposit).
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Just notified that I have been waitlisted. Interviewed 2/25.
This happened at Touro University Nevada, but since they are sister schools, I think it's important to share here. If you are considering these schools, I think this is important to read:
Kelsey Adair- Triathlete: If You See Something, Say Something
Thanks for sharing this story! Although, I emphasized with her story and understand what it must be for her to have to go through all that, but I feel the story is very one-sided. If I were her, knowing that I have a medical condition that could potentially be affected by OMM; I would disclose it to the faculty members in the OMM department prior to being in the OMM class. Secondly, if I feel unsafe by the school, I would ask for a transfer to another school or request them to do so if I am in good standing academically. Most schools allow students to transfer. Lastly, I find it odd that Dr Lockhart never apologize to her, really? I can’t imagine someone who does that and never said a thing? Not that I don’t believe her, I just find it odd.
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This happened at Touro University Nevada, but since they are sister schools, I think it's important to share here. If you are considering these schools, I think this is important to read:
Kelsey Adair- Triathlete: If You See Something, Say Something

Thanks for sharing this story! Although, I emphasized with her story and understand what it must be for her to have to go through all that, but I feel the story is very one-sided. If I were her, knowing that I have a medical condition that could potentially be affected by OMM; I would disclose it to the faculty members in the OMM department prior to being in the OMM class. Secondly, if I feel unsafe by the school, I would ask for a transfer to another school or request them to do so if I am in good standing academically. Most schools allow students to transfer. Lastly, I find it odd that Dr Lockhart never apologize to her, really? I can’t imagine someone who does that and never said a thing? Not that I don’t believe her, I just find it odd.

I completely agree with you @Takeshiwarrior this seems really odd and she should have definitely disclosed any medical history that would have been affected by OMM.

Secondly, I consider Middletown and Harlem to be sister schools. Nevada and Middletown are more like second or third cousins.
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I completely agree with you @Takeshiwarrior this seems really odd and she should have definitely disclosed any medical history that would have been affected by OMM.

Secondly, I consider Middletown and Harlem to be sister schools. Nevada and Middletown are more like second or third cousins.

Perfectly valid questions. Attached is Dr. Lockhart's side of the story.

And for clarification, the school had a rule that student's were not required to disclose medical history and professors were not allowed to ask. There was also a rule that professors were forbidden from treating students.

Also, I hope this is helpful general advice to anyone who is applying to schools (not just about the blog post, but overall advice)- choose wisely because transferring medical schools is very close to impossible. Don't go to a school that you aren't sure you will be happy at thinking that you can transfer in a year or two. It's not like undergrad. First, you have to find a school that even accepts transfers (it is not true that most schools allow transfers- most don't). If a school does accept transfers, there has to be an open seat (i.e., someone dropped or failed out of your same year at that school). You then have to prove that your curriculum is equivalent, and you have to prove that you have extenuating circumstances. From there, you complete the transfer application process for a possibility of transferring.


  • 2017-11-15 Lockhart Depo Tran (FULL).pdf
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Perfectly valid questions. Attached is Dr. Lockhart's side of the story.

And for clarification, the school had a rule that student's were not required to disclose medical history and professors were not allowed to ask. There was also a rule that professors were forbidden from treating students.

Also, I hope this is helpful general advice to anyone who is applying to schools (not just about the blog post, but overall advice)- choose wisely because transferring medical schools is very close to impossible. Don't go to a school that you aren't sure you will be happy at thinking that you can transfer in a year or two. It's not like undergrad. First, you have to find a school that even accepts transfers (it is not true that most schools allow transfers- most don't). If a school does accept transfers, there has to be an open seat (i.e., someone dropped or failed out of your same year at that school). You then have to prove that your curriculum is equivalent, and you have to prove that you have extenuating circumstances. From there, you complete the transfer application process for a possibility of transferring.
Thanks for the clarification. Also, sorry if I confused people about the med school transfer idea. It is not easy, but I’ve seen it done before. A couple of my friends have done it, both from MD and DO schools. But that’s not the point of this dicussion.

After briefing through the article, I can tell this guy, Dr. Lockhart is not very up to date with the “medical doctor” terminology. He said DOs are not considered medical doctors, and only MDs are. That’s funny bc from all the sources I checked says otherwise. This guy must be thinking thenild generation DOs practicing OMM are not medical doctors bc that’s all they do.

I’ll read through the rest tonight, and will update on what I think.
I am now feeling more emphatic towards Adair after reading through the rest to the trial conversations btw Lockhart and the attorney. I don’t know what to take of this, specifically OMM after hearing what this guy said in this trial. I hope our OMM professors are decent enough to take their time to follow up on their stustns after a mishap or injury of some sort while practicing OMM.
Has anyone else who interviewed on 2/25 heard back?
3/11 interviewers, any idea when we hear back?? wait is killing me
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I have an exam tomorrow and the wifi in the dorms is not working or extremely slow at best. Emailed management and nothing is being done. Useless!

Beware of living in the dorms...
I have an exam tomorrow and the wifi in the dorms is not working or extremely slow at best. Emailed management and nothing is being done. Useless!

Beware of living in the dorms...

Honest question: Although I totally agree that they should have good wifi in the dorms, wouldn't it be easy to just go down stairs to the college and study using the school's wifi?
does anyone know when we will be receiving financial aid information?
Honest question: Although I totally agree that they should have good wifi in the dorms, wouldn't it be easy to just go down stairs to the college and study using the school's wifi?

There isn't even enough space downstairs because EVERYONE is doing the same. Also, people who do not like to leave their rooms (aka me) shouldn’t have to study at the library, I paid to be in the dorms to study and live privately

It is beyond frustrating to not have wifi and not be able to study in our room
There isn't even enough space downstairs because EVERYONE is doing the same. Also, people who do not like to leave their rooms (aka me) shouldn’t have to study at the library, I paid to be in the dorms to study and live privately

It is beyond frustrating to not have wifi and not be able to study in our room
My word of advice to you is to take this issue to the SGA and let them work with Horton Complex to fix this issue. It is not really productive going on here throwing a fist since all we can hear is your complaints about the dorms, which I get it; it sucks.

In the meantime, I would suggest getting a dedicated mobile hotspot device which can cost a little bit more, but it is much faster and less stress in times of exams. Hope this helps.
Just got accepted off the waitlist!!! I am soo excited to be attending and meeting you all in the Fall !! :)
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Silent rejection at this point, if no news of an interview?
Anyone know why only 87% of the inaugural class ended up graduating? Class started at 135, but ended with 118.
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Just got accepted off the waitlist!!! I am soo excited to be attending and meeting you all in the Fall !! :)

Congrats!! Do you mind if I ask when you interviewed and what your stats are?
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My word of advice to you is to take this issue to the SGA and let them work with Horton Complex to fix this issue. It is not really productive going on here throwing a fist since all we can hear is your complaints about the dorms, which I get it; it sucks.

In the meantime, I would suggest getting a dedicated mobile hotspot device which can cost a little bit more, but it is much faster and less stress in times of exams. Hope this helps.

SGA isn't effective. I have sent emails to RA and Horton.
It is beyond frustrating not having what we need to be successful. This is not acceptable, especially if Touro is concerned about our "wellbeing".
SGA isn't effective. I have sent emails to RA and Horton.
It is beyond frustrating not having what we need to be successful. This is not acceptable, especially if Touro is concerned about our "wellbeing".

just wondering, what are your thoughts on the dorms at Touro Middletown? would love to hear your opinion about that
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Hi all, I am a huge art history buff and wanted to know if going to school at Touro you can get free admission to the Met? Has anyone tried going to the met and got in for free with their Touro ID?
Just got in off the waitlist!!!! Congrats to everyone else in the Class of 2023!!
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Hi all, I am a huge art history buff and wanted to know if going to school at Touro you can get free admission to the Met? Has anyone tried going to the met and got in for free with their Touro ID?

It’s suggested donation, so yes.
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Lol...I can’t wait for Dr Scot to be paying $$$$$ for the pleasure of Horton’s amenities.
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Also just got off the waitlist :) It pays to be persistent!
Congrats! If you don't mind, what are your stats? And did you only email consistently? Trying to figure out if there's anything more I can do to get off the waitlist! Thanks.
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For people who have sent update emails / letters of interests / letters of intent: how long did it take for someone to respond to your email? I sent a letter of intent 1 week ago and haven’t received a response.
just wondering, what are your thoughts on the dorms at Touro Middletown? would love to hear your opinion about that

Why don't you worry about the Touro match list?

I mean this in no way to be disrespectful, but throughout my life I've found that if you want something fixed, you have to hit the problem head on. Emails get lost, forgotten, or ignored. Phone calls are a good start, but I find that going to people in person is the best way to handle a problem because you are physically in front of them and cannot simply be ignored.

If that ended up not working for me, I would be frustrated, but as future physicians I feel like there will be problems that occur where our first, second, and even third solution doesn't work for. Libraries are close to campus too. If there is a solution to a problem that you aren't willing to try, then I'd say the blame can't solely be placed on Touro or whomever else is controlling the situation because you simply weren't willing to put full effort into fixing the problem.

You think my fellow classmates haven't voiced our concerns in person and sent emails?
Talking about match list - does anybody know what the list is like this year? Any idea when this list will be posted on their website?
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Compared to other schools, is there significant less study/free time with a flipped classroom?
Why don't you worry about the Touro match list?

I do worry about it, and since you’re a current student, you should probably worry about it too. 8% of last year’s matches at Touro-Middletown ended up in TRIs, which concerns me. TRIs are generally designed for DO grads who aren’t competitive enough to match (or even SOAP/scramble) into a specialty. Right now, in preparation for the merger, TRIs are either being closed down or being turned into ACGME transitional programs. ACGME transitional programs are more competitive than AOA TRIs; when they were DO-exclusive, TRI spots were barely ever half-filled—but as ACGME programs, they can now be used as intern years for MDs, especially IMGs.

And this isn’t even mentioning the fact that 13% of the inaugural class didn’t end up in the match (likely due to attrition and/or graduation delays), and that several people didn’t match at all.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on the WiFi in the dorms?
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Compared to other schools, is there significant less study/free time with a flipped classroom?

Yeah, I have a similar concern. The hours-long graded clicker sessions every week seem like they’d take time away from independent studying/board prep. It’s obviously better than schools where lecture attendance is mandatory, but still has me a bit worried.
Yeah, I have a similar concern. The hours-long graded clicker sessions every week seem like they’d take time away from independent studying/board prep. It’s obviously better than schools where lecture attendance is mandatory, but still has me a bit worried.
I don’t think studying for boards is a problem. We should have plenty of time since we have classes from M-Th, no classes Fr-Sun based of what others have said for first year. Clicker sessions are way better than having to be in lectures.

FYI—the guy hates the WiFi in the dorms as he has been complaining about it repeatedly. So, I’m not sure why still asking his opinion about it?
I don’t think studying for boards is a problem. We should have plenty of time since we have classes from M-Th, no classes Fr-Sun based of what others have said for first year. Clicker sessions are way better than having to be in lectures.

There’s no doubt that it’s better than mandatory lectures. But for me, 10(?) hours of clickers every week could be better spent self-studying... That could just be my learning style, though. Some people like clickers because they hold them accountable.
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I don’t think studying for boards is a problem. We should have plenty of time since we have classes from M-Th, no classes Fr-Sun based of what others have said for first year. Clicker sessions are way better than having to be in lectures.

FYI—the guy hates the WiFi in the dorms as he has been complaining about it repeatedly. So, I’m not sure why still asking his opinion about it?

They are asking DODO sarcastically about the WIFI.
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So does that mean classes are technically 8am-5pm tuesday-thursday? And then four hours of video lectures those nights as well?
The post mentioned the schedule was 8am-5pm Tuesday -Thursday. That's without the videos. Even though the videos aren't a set time that's still an extra 10 hours of lecture to know what's going on in clickers.
The post mentioned the schedule was 8am-5pm Tuesday -Thursday. That's without the videos. Even though the videos aren't a set time that's still an extra 10 hours of lecture to know what's going on in clickers.

Right. I guess people watch the lectures and study during the three-day weekend in preparation for Monday exams and clickers.