2019-2020 University of South Carolina - Greenville

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The Real PG
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May 10, 2012
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Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview Feedback: University of South Carolina - Greenville

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Question 1c: If you are a re-applicant, what have you engaged in and/or accomplished to strengthen your candidacy? (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 2: If you are not accepted to medical school for the upcoming academic year, what are your plans?

Question 3: Are you currently, or have you ever been subject to disciplinary action at a college or professional school that did not result in academic probation or dismissal?

Question 3a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 3, please provide a brief description (If not applicable, please put N/A):

Question 4: Have you ever been placed on academic probation at or dismissed from a college or professional school?

Question 4a: If you answered ‘Yes’ to Question 4, please provide an explanation of the event and final outcome. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 5: Please briefly describe circumstances regarding any courses with a grade less than a B minus, or any course withdrawals. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 6: If you are currently participating in an academic program, please outline intended coursework for the academic year (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 7: If you do not expect to spend this academic year in school, please explain how you intend to use this time. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Activities, Service, Research

Question 1: Please describe any additional medically related volunteer activities or observation experiences not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 2: Please describe any additional community service or volunteer activities not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 3: Please describe any additional research or leadership experience not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 4: Have you participated in the UofSC School of Medicine-Greenville Medical Experience Academy (MedEx)?

Personal Information

Question 1: Please provide any information regarding personal hardships that you have overcome. You may wish to include any past achievements, experiences, challenges, family or personal circumstances, interests, etc. that you believe would bring added value and diversity to the learning community at UofSC School of Medicine Greenville?

Question 2: If you are not a South Carolina resident, what relationships, bonds, or other relevant interests or connections do you have to the state? (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 3: Is there any additional information you would like the Admissions Committee to consider that has not been previously addressed? (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Please address the following questions. Each essay should be 500 words or less (either type or copy and paste into the text box):
***Essay Question 1*** Lifestyle medicine is an integral component of the curriculum at UofSC School of Medicine Greenville. Lifestyle factors including nutritional practices, physical activities, recreation and strategies to manage stress are critical determinants of health. Please discuss what you believe to be effective measures by which physicians can address these issues in the care of their patients.

***Essay Question 2*** Consider a leader with whom you have a personal and/or professional relationship. Describe the qualities you admire in this person and the similarities and differences you see between yourself and the leader you identified. What leadership qualities do you have that make you a strong candidate for Medical School?
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OOS, ORM, LizzyM 67, verified 6/7.

Secondary received and I agree, it's long...
Question 1: Please describe any additional medically related volunteer activities or observation experiences not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 2: Please describe any additional community service or volunteer activities not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Question 3: Please describe any additional research or leadership experience not included in your AMCAS application. (If not applicable, please put N/A)

Is this limited to things we did not LIST in AMCAS, or is it allowing us to expand on specific details of volunteering/activities?

e.g. if i listed Shadowing a Family Med doctor on my AMCAS activities, would it be appropriate to talk more about that under question 1? or is this only for things we di dnot list
Is this limited to things we did not LIST in AMCAS, or is it allowing us to expand on specific details of volunteering/activities?

e.g. if i listed Shadowing a Family Med doctor on my AMCAS activities, would it be appropriate to talk more about that under question 1? or is this only for things we di dnot list

I wouldn't further discuss things already in AMCAS - it's there, they know!
Anyone know how they review applicants' primary app before sending secondaries(if its by MCAT/GPA and/or holistic prelim review)? On their website they said they only send secondaries to "selected" applicants. I'm from Georgia and received a secondary so I am wondering if I should be excited or not given their in-state preference.
For the essay, Please provide any information regarding personal hardships that you have overcome. You may wish to include any past achievements, experiences, challenges, family or personal circumstances, interests, etc. that you believe would bring added value and diversity to the learning community at UofSC School of Medicine Greenville?

Do we approach it as an adversity essay or diversity? I'm kind of confused on this one.
For the essay, Please provide any information regarding personal hardships that you have overcome. You may wish to include any past achievements, experiences, challenges, family or personal circumstances, interests, etc. that you believe would bring added value and diversity to the learning community at UofSC School of Medicine Greenville?

Do we approach it as an adversity essay or diversity? I'm kind of confused on this one.

How much preference do they give to OOS people? I have 0 ties to the state but still received a secondary so I was wondering if its even worth submitting..
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Did anyone get a complete email or anything after submitting? I submitted two days ago and the portal just says my application is finished and that they'll email with any status updates.
Did anyone get a complete email or anything after submitting? I submitted two days ago and the portal just says my application is finished and that they'll email with any status updates.

I just got a complete email and I submitted my application over a week ago.
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Do they expect us to reach the character limit for those essays? I have about 1000 characters for the “plans if you don’t get into medical school” question. Should I add more?
I think it's more of a guideline than a requirement! If you can keep it concise, do. I think mine was only 400 characters tbh
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Does anybody know when interview invites start getting sent out here?
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This secondary is so brutal lol
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bruh 44 secondaries and 22 II's..... you must have dropped a year's tuition on this cycle. if you have any II's you dont want I'd be happy to take them off your hands :) if only that was possible
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bruh 44 secondaries and 22 II's..... you must have dropped a year's tuition on this cycle. if you have any II's you dont want I'd be happy to take them off your hands :) if only that was possible
Like my sig says, very underconfident.
Anyone get an email or something saying your secondary was received?
Anyone having trouble logging back into or finding the applicant portal? Ever since I submitted the secondary I believe I accidentally deleted the email with the applicant portal login. Any info will be greatly appreciated lol
Have any other people heard back about an interview?? I feel like they have been silent since the first wave of II
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Submitted my secondary August 20 and I haven't heard anything.
Is anyone else out there a non-traditional applicant to this program/ an EMT or paramedic? I applied because they seemed super EMS friendly and supportive, but my MCAT is a 501 so I feel like I'm doomed.
Submitted my secondary August 20 and I haven't heard anything.
Is anyone else out there a non-traditional applicant to this program/ an EMT or paramedic? I applied because they seemed super EMS friendly and supportive, but my MCAT is a 501 so I feel like I'm doomed.

I am. Got a 501 last year; retook in May and got a 509. I also have not heard anything, don’t lose hope!
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I haven’t heard of any II (here or among IS friends at multiple IS schools) besides the one OOS person that posted weeks ago
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I haven’t heard of any II (here or among IS friends at multiple IS schools) besides the one OOS person that posted weeks ago
Same! I go to an instate school here and none of my friends have received an II. Hopefully they will start to send more out soon!
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Im wondering what is taking them so long to send interviews again? Has anyone called them?
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Submitted my secondary August 20 and I haven't heard anything.
Is anyone else out there a non-traditional applicant to this program/ an EMT or paramedic? I applied because they seemed super EMS friendly and supportive, but my MCAT is a 501 so I feel like I'm doomed.
Current M1 here was also a non traditional applicant. Our current class has quite a few non traditional students with at least 5 off the top of my head who were working EMT/ paramedic. If the rest of your app is good, I would not worry too much about the mcat score. You have something extra to offer.
Good luck
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Current M1 here was also a non traditional applicant. Our current class has quite a few non traditional students with at least 5 off the top of my head who were working EMT/ paramedic. If the rest of your app is good, I would not worry too much about the mcat score. You have something extra to offer.
Good luck
Thank you so much for the support. Its good to know that USC has such a supportive community. Thanks so much for reaching out. I'll just be patient:arghh:
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