2019-2020 University of South Carolina - Greenville

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My boyfriend and I just withdrew acceptances here so that's 2 spots opening up. I absolutely loved it here and had a hard time letting it go! I know it's only 2 spots, but there will be waitlist movement and I hope y'all hear good news soon!! :)
Praying one goes my way. congrats on your other acceptances!

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Does anyone know if there are two separate lists for IS / OOS or is that just rumor? // the odds of OOS getting in off of the waitlist? I feel like most people I see posting here are IS!
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Praying one goes my way. congrats on your other acceptances!
Praying one goes my way. congrats on your other acceptances!
Thank you! Praying you hear good news too!
Does anyone know if there are two separate lists for IS / OOS or is that just rumor? // the odds of OOS getting in off of the waitlist? I feel like most people I see posting here are IS!
I'm not sure, but my boyfriend and I were both out of state, so if there are separate lists, that's 2 spots. Good luck!
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Hey y’all! I just got accepted off the upper tier waitlist! Got the phone call this evening. I interviewed in Feb. I’m out of state, re-applicant.
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Does anyone know if there are two separate lists for IS / OOS or is that just rumor? // the odds of OOS getting in off of the waitlist? I feel like most people I see posting here are IS!
From what I remember on interview day, they don’t keep separate lists but if an OOS applicant withdraws, they will offer the spot to another OOS candidate. Same process with in-state if I remember correctly.
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Got accepted off of upper tier waitlist today too! Interviewed in December
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I am genuinely trying to understand if the chances are now slim since we passed the April 30th deadline. I can’t believe Columbia is already down to their middle tier and we’re not even half way down our upper tier. I mean I fell in love with Greenville so I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised
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Same. I feel like most of the movement will be around this time, with a spot opening here and there later into May and June. This is not my first cycle and I’ve been waitlisted every year (first time in upper tier). My stats are good except for a meh MCAT, and other than the MCAT I can’t really do much more to my app. Honestly exhausted at this point but all you can do is try to stay optimistic.
I hope we both get in man. Are you upper or middle tier this year? I am in the exact same position. My mcat is very average. But everything else is what got me into the waitlisted position
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I hope we both get in man. Are you upper or middle tier this year? I am in the exact same position. My mcat is very average. But everything else is what got me into the waitlisted position
I hope for the same... I am upper tier this year.
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No one heard anything today?
So sorry, all, for this notification with no news - BUT, do we count today as nothing, and then any thoughts on weekend acceptances? I feel like I’m definitely going a bit crazy with over-predicting, but May 1 was the light at the end of the tunnel and now I’m fishing for over optimistic guesstimates!
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So I sent an email to Lucy about expectations going forward based on her previous experience and she hasn’t responded yet. I’ll update the forum when she does.
I will say this.
1. I checked the forum last year and no one said anything from May 1st-26th which is clearly not a good sign.
2. The reason they’re down to the middle tier at Columbia is because a lot of people who got accepted there and at ( Charleston or Greenville) are choosing the latter. This is also not good news for us.
3. I expected today to be news since yesterday was the last day for people to get back their deposits but surprisingly not. However, maybe the deposit wasn’t really enough of a big factor to rush people in their decision.
4. the only good news I can think of is that Charleston’s forum says that they haven’t accepted anyone off the waitlist yet. Meaning that if someone is a waitlist there and an accepted here, then when they do begin to accept waitlisted applicants in Charleston then hopefully a few people from here will choose Charleston over Greenville.
5. Whatever happens happens. Clearly Greenville for me is my dream school. I fell in love with everything there. From their program to their faculty. It’s at this point where we just hope that in some way or another we get a spot. I’m just hoping that at least the top tier gets accepted, because I feel like everyone on that tier is too close, which makes the rejection even that much more hurtful. I’ll remain hopeful and optimistic tho. Also, I’ll definitely update you guys about the email or if I get off the waitlist (hopefully).
Any news?
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Just withdrew my acceptance. Very tough decision but I’m excited for whoever gets off the waitlist next.
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Just withdrew my acceptance. Very tough decision but I’m excited for whoever gets off the waitlist next.

Thank you for letting us know!! I hope you’re happy wherever you go. You mind if I ask where you decided on? Are you instate or out of state?
Thank you for letting us know!! I hope you’re happy wherever you go. You mind if I ask where you decided on? Are you instate or out of state?
Thank you so much :) I’m considered out of state for USC-Greenville and I decided on Wake Forest. I wish you all the best on this rollercoaster journey! I’m a nontraditional reapplicant who started pre-reqs in 2016. Rejection last cycle stung but reading these threads on SDN really helped me gear back up to try again. Whatever happens for any of y’all, I hope you feel solidarity from fellow applicants sharing their pain and triumph! You got this.
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Any out of state candidates hear from admission since critical miss withdrew their acceptance?
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Does anyone who lives in the Greenville area know what housing is like for the students? Good areas to live or complexes to look at? I’m totally lost
Does anyone who lives in the Greenville area know what housing is like for the students? Good areas to live or complexes to look at? I’m totally lost
I know some students who live at South Ridge bc it’s really close to the school (but it, and the ones near it, are close to downtown so it’s not your cheapest option)... and then you have places like Innovation, Avana, and Millennium that are within 15 minutes. I know people that live at all three and they’re nice places. Personally, I think there are tons of places to live... just set your budget and comb through your options. Hope this was semi-helpful!
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I know some students who live at South Ridge bc it’s really close to the school (but it, and the ones near it, are close to downtown so it’s not your cheapest option)... and then you have places like Innovation, Avana, and Millennium that are within 15 minutes. I know people that live at all three and they’re nice places. Personally, I think there are tons of places to live... just set your budget and comb through your options. Hope this was semi-helpful!
That was more than semi helpful, that was very helpful! Thank you
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Do you guys really think they really don’t have a single person who has decided on another school since the last time someone was informed or do you guys think they’re meeting as a group and then deciding to call multiple people at one time?

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MUSC has had some movement on their waiting list —hopefully that is good news for us waiting over here!
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I got the call from Lucy this morning ~9:30: accepted off the waitlist, upper tier, OOS! I sent an update letter in March and a letter of intent 1.5 weeks ago!
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Has anyone heard through the grapevine about people being accepted IS who may not be on here?
Now that tomorrow will be the first day of June. Has anyone heard anything yet from admissions or other friends about waitlist movement?
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OH MY GOD. CONGRATS. SO PROUD!!!! I feel as though we instate don’t have a chance with the waitlist. When did she call? Also was it a Greenville area code?
It was a Travelers Rest number, and about an hour ago! I had just filled out my feedback request like two days ago so that was a cool call to get!!
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Got the call today!! I am going to medical school!!! A dream come true.
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New peeps if you aren’t in the GroupMe message me and I’ll send you the link
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any one hear from usc greenville ? decision