2021-2022 South Carolina, Columbia

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2021-2022 South Carolina, Columbia Secondary Essay Prompts:
No character limit for any question.

1. What are your medical practice goals?

2. Describe your employment status since you completed your bachelor's degree (part-time, full-time, and dates) (only if you have graduated)

3. In what region of the country do you want to practice medicine? Why?

4. What areas of medicine are you interested in at this time, or what areas do you plan to pursue?

5. Do you have any accomplishments or experiences that make you a unique applicant?

6. Explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational, research, volunteering or employment plans.

7. We desire to train students and physicians to work with the diverse patients of our state and nation. Please share at least one experience that has impacted your appreciation for diversity and your ability to relate to those who are unlike you. Do share what you learned from the experience as well.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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Members don't see this ad :)
Just received secondary OOS (FL)

Wish there was a selection saying my grandparents live in Carolina.
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You'll get one for sure
Quick question I really wish they gave us a character count I’m answering this what region question and I have 400 characters.Not sure how long we need to make this . I hate just writing without strict guidelines
Quick question I really wish they gave us a character count I’m answering this what region question and I have 400 characters.Not sure how long we need to make this . I hate just writing without strict guidelines.
Yea i know its super annoying. Gonna try and stay around 2-3000 characters for each response
Are the secondaries the same as last year ? If not can someone please post? Thanks 🇺🇸
Are the secondaries the same as last year ? If not can someone please post? Thanks 🇺🇸
No character limit for any question.

What are your medical practice goals?

Describe your employment status since you completed your bachelor's degree (part-time, full-time, and dates) (only if you have graduated)

In what region of the country do you want to practice medicine? Why?

What areas of medicine are you interested in at this time, or what areas do you plan to pursue?

Do you have any accomplishments or experiences that make you a unique applicant?

Explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational, research, volunteering or employment plans.

We desire to train students and physicians to work with the diverse patients of our state and nation. Please share at least one experience that has impacted your appreciation for diversity and your ability to relate to those who are unlike you. Do share what you learned from the experience as well.
No character limit for any question.

What are your medical practice goals?

Describe your employment status since you completed your bachelor's degree (part-time, full-time, and dates) (only if you have graduated)

In what region of the country do you want to practice medicine? Why?

What areas of medicine are you interested in at this time, or what areas do you plan to pursue?

Do you have any accomplishments or experiences that make you a unique applicant?

Explain any impact that COVID-19 may have had on your educational, research, volunteering or employment plans.

We desire to train students and physicians to work with the diverse patients of our state and nation. Please share at least one experience that has impacted your appreciation for diversity and your ability to relate to those who are unlike you. Do share what you learned from the experience as well.
Just got a rejection . RIP. Time for my 5 minute cry
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Yea i know its super annoying. Gonna try and stay around 2-3000 characters for each response
I have no idea how I am supposed to make the employment or region answers stretch to 2000 characters. I guess I can ramble about growing up here, but do they really want to read that?
Are we required to fill out all of our standardized test scores in the secondary application? I've taken the SAT, ACT, and GRE; however, I only want to submit my ACT score. I can't tell if all applicants are prompted to fill out these three standardized tests or if they somehow know these are the three exact tests I've taken and thus it'll look bad if I leave two of them blank.
Are we required to fill out all of our standardized test scores in the secondary application? I've taken the SAT, ACT, and GRE; however, I only want to submit my ACT score. I can't tell if all applicants are prompted to fill out these three standardized tests or if they somehow know these are the three exact tests I've taken and thus it'll look bad if I leave two of them blank.
It's optional- I didn't fill out any because I couldn't remember my scores or sign in to any old accounts to access. I wouldn't worry about it!
For those who have gotten rejected already, did you get the chance to fill out the secondary first? If note, how are we supposed to elaborate on our close ties if they send out R's before receiving the secondaries??
Rejected. Close ties was grandparents. Rejected soon after
Congrats on those who got II's! Would any of you mind sharing your stats?
Is anyone else confused what they mean by "What are your medical practice goals"? It seems kind of redundant since they already asked what kind of doctor you want to be and where you want to practice medicine. Do they mean if you want to have a private practice opposed to work in a hospital for example, or am I missing something?
Last year it looks like they were sending out II to people within 24 to 48 hours after submitting a secondary. Submitted my secondary almost a week ago, are they following the same trend as last year or are they taking longer to review applications? Should I assume that if I didn't received a II yet than a R is coming soon?
Last year it looks like they were sending out II to people within 24 to 48 hours after submitting a secondary. Submitted my secondary almost a week ago, are they following the same trend as last year or are they taking longer to review applications? Should I assume that if I didn't received a II yet than a R is coming soon?
I've seen it take longer that 24-48 hours with some of my friends to get an II this cycle. It took me over a week to get mine, but I submitted before they even offered II.
Just for curiosity, how early where you able to schedule the interview? I received an II like 6 weeks ago and the earliest I could schedule was the last week of October which I thought was odd.
I scheduled mine a week and a half ago and the earliest dates available were in December, which I thought was odd as well
Does anyone know any current students here? What do they think about it? How are the facilities and professors? What do they hate about it?
I received a II and am over the moon, but would like to collect more information.
R this morning post secondary. IS. Submitted secondary 9/7
Is anyone else confused what they mean by "What are your medical practice goals"? It seems kind of redundant since they already asked what kind of doctor you want to be and where you want to practice medicine. Do they mean if you want to have a private practice opposed to work in a hospital for example, or am I missing something?
Maybe talk more about what your goals are within medicine, who you want to be treating and what kind of patient environment you want to create
Does anyone know any current students here? What do they think about it? How are the facilities and professors? What do they hate about it?
I received a II and am over the moon, but would like to collect more information.
Current student here- if you go back to last year's board there were a few responses from current students that might answer some of your questions! I love the school, great community, no real gunners, collaborative spirit, very helpful faculty who really want to see you succeed. Facilities are probably a 7/10, the school is old but it gets the job done, parking is easy, laid back campus. They are planning to build a new school but that won't be done until most of us are long gone. Professors are great, very personable, easy to approach, genuinely helpful. One thing that I don't like as much is not necessarily the school's fault but just that my class is the first to go through the new systems based 2nd year and while it is definitely better, there are always a few kinks that need to be worked out and by the time any prospective students got here that wouldn't be an issue. I wish that they were more accessible for students wanting to do mainly remote/asynchronous, our first year had live-streaming lectures as an option with mandatory sessions when needed and while they are still doing that for us they are also having a lot more mandatory in-person sessions now, which I know was the norm at most places before COVID, but I really liked being able to stay at my apartment and really craft my own schedule. Feel free to post more questions if anyone has any and I will try to check back every now and then as our schedule permits!

*edit on parking; with construction going on at the VA campus parking changes pretty frequently
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Current student here- if you go back to last year's board there were a few responses from current students that might answer some of your questions! I love the school, great community, no real gunners, collaborative spirit, very helpful faculty who really want to see you succeed. Facilities are probably a 7/10, the school is old but it gets the job done, parking is easy, laid back campus. They are planning to build a new school but that won't be done until most of us are long gone. Professors are great, very personable, easy to approach, genuinely helpful. One thing that I don't like as much is not necessarily the school's fault but just that my class is the first to go through the new systems based 2nd year and while it is definitely better, there are always a few kinks that need to be worked out and by the time any prospective students got here that wouldn't be an issue. I wish that they were more accessible for students wanting to do mainly remote/asynchronous, our first year had live-streaming lectures as an option with mandatory sessions when needed and while they are still doing that for us they are also having a lot more mandatory in-person sessions now, which I know was the norm at most places before COVID, but I really liked being able to stay at my apartment and really craft my own schedule. Feel free to post more questions if anyone has any and I will try to check back every now and then as our schedule permits!
Thanks for all your help! How would you rate the opportunities to get involved with research? Are there less opportunities with it being an older school or do most who want to participate in research get that opportunity?
Hello! I received an II today, but I noticed there are no openings until January?? Is anyone else having this problem?