2022-2023 East Carolina (Brody)

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Please feel free to tag a pre-medical moderator once the secondary prompt has been posted.

Good luck to everyone applying!

Interview feedback:

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I am a current M3 at Brody and happy to answer questions (either here or through DM) if anyone has them
I am a current M3 at Brody and happy to answer questions (either here or through DM) if anyone has them
Thank you for being willing to provide some insight! Since Brody is very primary care focused, am I asking for a rejection if I mention that I might want to specialize? My journey to pursuing medicine has a strong genetics and developmental disabilities theme, and I have an interest in clinical genetics as a result. I'm finding it difficult to address the part of the secondary essay that asks about future aspirations without giving myself away.
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Thank you for being willing to provide some insight! Since Brody is very primary care focused, am I asking for a rejection if I mention that I might want to specialize? My journey to pursuing medicine has a strong genetics and developmental disabilities theme, and I have an interest in clinical genetics as a result. I'm finding it difficult to address the part of the secondary essay that asks about future aspirations without giving myself away.
I'm not on the admissions committee so please don't take anything I say as gospel, but I would be deeply, deeply surprised if Brody rejected you on the basis of specialty interest. I have plenty of classmates who have always been interested in non-primary-care specialties, and admin takes pains to emphasize that they don't discourage anyone from specialization and sub-specialization. more important, to them, from what I can tell, is that you care about serving the underserved and trying to change things for the better to some extent. again, please take with a grain of salt because I have no decision-making power, but from my experiences and those of my classmates, my personal opinion is that a focus on developmental disabilities, and a passion for a particular specialty as a result, would be a strength to your application, not a hindrance.

but even if that weren't the case, and you (or anyone else who might read this), for example, had always wanted to do ortho or ophtho or derm etc, I would still encourage you to be upfront about your interests in your application. Brody has a reputation for primary care, sure, but ECU Health (formerly Vidant) has a lot of specialists and subspecialists, because it's the largest hospital in this part of the state. rural and underserved communities need specialists too, perhaps more than other places where they're saturated with them. and even with that, certainly not all of my classmates plan to practice in rural/underserved areas. you don't have to have a life ambition of being the sole family doctor in a tiny town to fit in here, and far better to be yourself than to try to make yourself fit that mold out of a perception that that's all that Brody wants.
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looks like Secondary came in
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Hi, can someone who received the secondary already post the prompts?
Hi, can someone who received the secondary already post the prompts?
1. Why have you chosen to apply to the Brody School of Medicine and how do you think your education at the Brody School of Medicine will prepare you to become a future physician? (250-300 words).

2. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on everyday life. From your perspective, reflect upon what you have learned or experienced during this time and how will this impact you going forward. (250-300 words). Items to consider incorporating in your response may include but are not limited to: • Academic: Did Covid-19 interrupt your studies? Were you able to interact with your professors and classmates? Did your school require students to move to pass/fail grading systems? Did your MCAT exam get cancelled or delayed? • Clinical Experiences and Community Service Activities: Did you hold a job? Were you able to gain clinical experiences, either in employment or volunteerism? Did you pursue volunteer opportunities in response to community needs during the pandemic? • Personal: How did the pandemic affect you or those close to you? Did you face any personal challenges because of Covid-19? Has Covid-19 changed or challenged your perception of pursuing a career in medicine?

3. East Carolina University’s motto is Servire- “To Serve.” Tell us about your most meaningful community service project or experience. (250-300 words)
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Why does it say essay should be limited to 300-500 words but then within the questions it says 250-300 words?
1. Why have you chosen to apply to the Brody School of Medicine and how do you think your education at the Brody School of Medicine will prepare you to become a future physician? (250-300 words).

2. The Covid-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on everyday life. From your perspective, reflect upon what you have learned or experienced during this time and how will this impact you going forward. (250-300 words). Items to consider incorporating in your response may include but are not limited to: • Academic: Did Covid-19 interrupt your studies? Were you able to interact with your professors and classmates? Did your school require students to move to pass/fail grading systems? Did your MCAT exam get cancelled or delayed? • Clinical Experiences and Community Service Activities: Did you hold a job? Were you able to gain clinical experiences, either in employment or volunteerism? Did you pursue volunteer opportunities in response to community needs during the pandemic? • Personal: How did the pandemic affect you or those close to you? Did you face any personal challenges because of Covid-19? Has Covid-19 changed or challenged your perception of pursuing a career in medicine?

3. East Carolina University’s motto is Servire- “To Serve.” Tell us about your most meaningful community service project or experience. (250-300 words)
Thanks so much! Good luck!!
Gotta say that Brody is rocking it by being on top of things: Admissions Update

As of July 5, 2022 we have:

  • Received 369 verified AMCAS applications.
  • The application deadline is November 1, 2022.
  • Supplemental applications will not be sent to all applicants this cycle. Invitations to complete the next steps will be sent after an initial application review.
  • We are aware of a typo on the supplemental application. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. The essay word limit has decreased to 250-300 words to accommodate one additional question for the 2022-2023 Cycle.
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Why does it say essay should be limited to 300-500 words but then within the questions it says 250-300 words?
Perhaps you have prompted them: Admissions Update
  • We are aware of a typo on the supplemental application. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. The essay word limit has decreased to 250-300 words to accommodate one additional question for the 2022-2023 Cycle.
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Did anyone else not receive a confirmation email after submitting the secondary? Just want to make sure I haven't missed anything and that my application is in fact submitted and complete.
Perhaps you have prompted them: Admissions Update
  • We are aware of a typo on the supplemental application. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. The essay word limit has decreased to 250-300 words to accommodate one additional question for the 2022-2023 Cycle.
Did anyone else not receive a confirmation email after submitting the secondary? Just want to make sure I haven't missed anything and that my application is in fact submitted and complete.
Update: Submitted on 7/11 just got a confirmation email today on 7/13.
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For the "Competencies" section, what if we have activities in our list that don't fall into the 3 categories (extracurriculars - Club Sports)? Will they still look at those?

From 369 in July 5th
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As of August 9, 2022 we have:

  • Received 727 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Invited 18 applicants to interview beginning August 23, 2022.
  • The application deadline is November 1, 2022.
  • Supplemental applications will not be sent to all applicants this cycle. Invitations to complete the next steps will be sent after an initial application review.
  • We are aware of a typo on the supplemental application. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. The essay word limit has decreased to 250-300 words to accommodate one additional question for the 2022-2023 Cycle.
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As of August 9, 2022 we have:

  • Received 727 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Invited 18 applicants to interview beginning August 23, 2022.
  • The application deadline is November 1, 2022.
  • Supplemental applications will not be sent to all applicants this cycle. Invitations to complete the next steps will be sent after an initial application review.
  • We are aware of a typo on the supplemental application. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. The essay word limit has decreased to 250-300 words to accommodate one additional question for the 2022-2023 Cycle.
wow - they are on top of things
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As of August 31, 2022 we have:

  • Received 939 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Completed 18 virtual interviews.
  • First offers of admission begin nationwide on October 15, 2022 for regular decision. The Brody School of Medicine does not offer Early Decision.
  • The application deadline is November 1, 2022.
  • Supplemental applications will not be sent to all applicants this cycle. Invitations to complete the next steps will be sent after an initial application review.
  • We are aware of a typo on the supplemental application. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. The essay word limit has decreased to 250-300 words to accommodate one additional question for the 2022-2023 Cycle.
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Hi, I submitted my primary AMCAS app last week. Should I have received a confirmation email from ECU that they received it?
Hi, I submitted my primary AMCAS app last week. Should I have received a confirmation email from ECU that they received it?
If they extend secondary, then that's your answer.
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SOS!!! I interview tomorrow morning. Any last-minute words of advice from those who have already interviewed or current Brody students?
SOS!!! I interview tomorrow morning. Any last-minute words of advice from those who have already interviewed or current Brody students?
Cheering for you!!! Let us know how it went!
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do you all know how often IIs are sent out? submitted 7/29
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Where'd you get that info? I think we've only seen a small wave on Tuesday 8/9 and Wednesday 9/8 here so far, but I'm not following Reddit!
Yeah same, maybe people aren't using SDN as compared to prior years, but in prior year forums you would see more than 2 invites at a time. They have only completed 18 interviews and with this round, I'm assuming they sent another 20 or so. So let's just stay hopeful.
Where'd you get that info? I think we've only seen a small wave on Tuesday 8/9 and Wednesday 9/8 here so far, but I'm not following Reddit!
Just an assumption. I got mine on a Wednesday and based on previous responses here and the "prior threads" Tuesdays and Wednesdays seem the most common days to send invites. I'm sure they send them on other days.
It's a very low key stress interview. Just relax and enjoy it as best you can. I know that doesn't answer specific tips but really it's very relaxed and everyone is very kind.
current M3 here - apologies for not seeing the original question when it was posted (had a busy week) but for future folks with the same question I agree with this assessment. of the interview days I had, I think Brody had some of the chillest vibes, which played no small part in my eventual decision to come here. I'm sure you did great
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II 09/11 complete 07/10
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II complete 07/11
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yes. i know they apparently aren't sending secondary apps automatically this year, but this just seems like a long time to not have heard anything from them yet

Check your spam if you haven’t already it might be in there.
anyone still not receive a secondary yet? i submitted my primary mid-August and still nothing :/
I haven't either. Submitted Aug 24. I'm in-state too. Lmk if you receive one!
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I know this has the same date as the previous update (8/31) but the completed interviews went from 18 to 31.

Still a long way to go - don't lose hope or get too anxious.

As of August 31, 2022 we have:

  • Received 973 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Completed 31 virtual interviews.
  • First offers of admission begin nationwide on October 15, 2022 for regular decision. The Brody School of Medicine does not offer Early Decision.
  • The application deadline is November 1, 2022.
  • Supplemental applications will not be sent to all applicants this cycle. Invitations to complete the next steps will be sent after an initial application review.
  • We are aware of a typo on the supplemental application. Unfortunately, this cannot be changed. The essay word limit has decreased to 250-300 words to accommodate one additional question for the 2022-2023 Cycle.
anyone still not receive a secondary yet? i submitted my primary mid-August and still nothing :/
Have you been verified? I submitted my primary in July and got my MCAT score back in mid-August and immediately applied to them after that. I got the secondary the next day.