2023-2024 Einstein

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Do they only release decisions weekly? Or do they email multiple times a week?
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Congrats everyone who recently got accepted! I'm a current student. Please feel free to DM me with any questions at all : )
So do we think they might be releasing more this Wednesday?
I hope we hear back sometime soon in May but historically they’ve released a second round of decisions June 1st so we may have to sit tight for a bit longer
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Any word about future waitlist movement or if the class discord/groupme/etc. is completely full?
Any word about future waitlist movement or if the class discord/groupme/etc. is completely full?
I received a "still interested?" email a week ago and got in off the HPWL yesterday morning so I'd imagine it's still moving
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Would it be weird for me to email the admissions office about any future movement or to reiterate any interest with some updates?

I have a publication coming out in the next few weeks but I was wondering if I should mention it before it’s on biorxiv. Would love to hear your guy’s thoughts
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Would it be weird for me to email the admissions office about any future movement or to reiterate any interest with some updates?

I have a publication coming out in the next few weeks but I was wondering if I should mention it before it’s on biorxiv. Would love to hear your guy’s thoughts
if there is a DOI generated and it's in preprint, I think it is more valid than a pub that's been submitted only.
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if you don't mind answering, when did you interview and when were you notified of your HPWL status?
Interviewed Jan 9th and HPWL Feb 22
Sent a letter of interest/update both after my interview and again after being waitlisted.
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Has anyone called admissions to ask about waitlist movement? Or do we think it’s over
I guess there won’t be any more movement at this point. Did anyone hear back last week or this week?
Did anyone hear back recently?
Hey I think it’s over coz I got a second still interested email a couple of weeks ago but never heard back from them. IMO the class is full and any movement now is dependent on withdrawals which are a big if at this stage.
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What even is their criteria for the post bacc program? vibes? What a mess of an institution
ASMNY is a diversity program. I take that to mean that they accept otherwise-attractive URM candidates with strong ECs whose MCAT and/or GPA are less-than-stellar. As with other postbacs, the purpose is to demonstrate academic readiness. This seems to track with the folks who were offered the linkage this year.
Admissions said that they're full and don't expect anything to happen at this point for those who are still waiting to hear back :(