2023-2024 Belmont (Frist)

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Asked this exact question to each person I interacted with: Dean Shelton at the info session, and both my interviewers. Best I can tell is that core clerkship will be exclusively done in HCA hospitals, but preceptorships in years 1/2 are actually rarely HCA and rotations in year 4 would depend heavily on what you are pursuing.

As for the behavior of HCA, I got answers (from Belmont faculty of course, so take it with a grain of salt) that I should think of HCA as more of a franchise situation... Some are well managed and good places to work, some are not. I've seen this view echoed on r/residency as well in my limited research.

2 things to keep in mind about HCA: 1. it's a very large for profit company (#65ish on fortune 500). And 2. It has recieved a lot of heat for over saturating the market with residents, therefore driving resident wages and working conditions down. They have been seen as doing this to help their own profit margin (why pay an attending when you can pay a resident to do much of the work in your hospital?) Some people think companies like HCA are the villains who are contributing further to the broken US Healthcare system.

For what its worth, I asked my interviewers about this and they gave me very transparent answers that made me feel that I could succeed here even with all this negativity swirling around HCA. Ultimately it's up to you to decide if you'd be willing to potentially work at a place with this reputation (at least for a year or 2). Also remember that whole FCOM, while heavily integrated with HCA, is an independent institution. You won't be going to HCA medical school. If you see something you don't like, you don't have to emulate it in your career. Hopefully this has shed some light on the issue as it has also been my #1 concern at this school. Feel free to DM if anyone wants to discuss it further.
this is actually really good info thanks for asking and letting us know

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Hi guys! For those who were accepted/waitlisted, do you mind letting me know the turn around time was from interview to decision? Thank you 🙏
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Hi guys! For those who were accepted/waitlisted, do you mind letting me know the turn around time was from interview to decision? Thank you 🙏
Little under 3 weeks, like 2.5ish weeks
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Thanks you friends I appreciate the care and support. We just don’t know what they are looking for. Best of luck to all of you!
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Thanks you friends I appreciate the care and support. We just don’t know what they are looking for. Best of luck to all of you!
"What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open” (Revelation 3:7b NIV). Therefore, be sure and fully convinced that the closed doors in your life are His doing.

I'm genuinely praying for you!
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Brutal. Pre-II R’s and a fresh batch of WL. Belmont missed the memo where they need to give acceptances (I hope this backfires on me).
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WL interviewed 3/1. Did anyone from 3/1 get accepted or rejected? Looks like everyone caught a waitlist.
Still under review since 01/25. Will be committing to my local school. You guys have been very generous, Thanks for being so welcoming. Hope you guys all hear good news soon. Trust in the Lord with all your heart :)
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Does anyone know if Belmont plans on following traffic rules and send out the 50 As by Friday? Or they going at their own pace since they started so late in the cycle?
Does anyone know if Belmont plans on following traffic rules and send out the 50 As by Friday? Or they going at their own pace since they started so late in the cycle?

Wait what are these “traffic rules”
Wait what are these “traffic rules”
Traffic rules is a series of recommendations set out by the AAMC. In this case the traffic rule is that by March 15th of the current application cycle schools should have an equal number of acceptances to how many students will be in the class. In this case, 50.
Does anyone know if Belmont plans on following traffic rules and send out the 50 As by Friday? Or they going at their own pace since they started so late in the cycle?
I have checked AAMC MSAR and it says "FCoM follows all AAMC recommendations and traffic rules".
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Someone from the Group Me chat emailed and asked about the traffic rules. FCOM was granted an extension of the traffic rule recommending they fill their class by tomorrow.

More realistically, the class will probably be filled around the date of the grand opening/second look days.
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Is it worth sending a pre-II update letter, if they accept one? Complete 2/20
Is it worth sending a pre-II update letter, if they accept one? Complete 2/20
Yeah, I would typically say if it’s something you would devote an Amcas app activity to, include it — if not, don’t send it as an update
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I'm bored outta my mind. Anyone got ideas on weekend activities? I need to get that dawg in me activated. Feelin burnt out for no reason tho
Go outside and enjoy the sunshine! Or hang out with friends. Do something to get away from the grind for a little bit.
Go outside and enjoy the sunshine! Or hang out with friends. Do something to get away from the grind for a little bit.
You right man. Time to enjoy life. I have random app cycle anxiety haha

God is too good tho, I keep forgetting my favorite verse

Isaiah 43:18-19 NKJV “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.
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