2023-2024 Belmont (Frist)

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I don't even have an acceptance yet either and I want to write an LOR for ClashRoyaleKing LOL.
So much positivity and camaraderie from you throughout this cycle. Seems like you are the type of student everyone would love to have as a classmate. We just need to get accepted first!
You guys are too kind 🙂

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How do you guys best suggest we prepare for the interview? 🙂
How do you guys best suggest we prepare for the interview? 🙂
I would recommend knowing your application very well and researching why Nashville/surrounding areas! In addition, try to think about general aspects of medicine, such as what it means to be in a clinic, treating a diverse group of people etc. most of this can tie in with anecdotes you may have from your own experience! I think this may help, then again I’m not too sure as I was waitlisted, but good luck to you!!
Just to add my 2 cents to the discussion of WL movement: while above discussion is probably correct that there won't be big "movement" per se, as in they will probably accept a small number of people off the WL, proportionality must be considered. Belmont's class being 1/2-1/3 the size of most other schools' is an important factor. I remember reading on their Admissions page that they plan to interview "about 200" and their class size is 50. If they accept 70+ to fill their class once all is said and done, you're looking at a 35%+ yield rate from ii to acceptance. VERY high comparative chances of getting in if you've gotten an interview, even if you're WL. Keep your head up 😊
Just to add my 2 cents to the discussion of WL movement: while above discussion is probably correct that there won't be big "movement" per se, as in they will probably accept a small number of people off the WL, proportionality must be considered. Belmont's class being 1/2-1/3 the size of most other schools' is an important factor. I remember reading on their Admissions page that they plan to interview "about 200" and their class size is 50. If they accept 70+ to fill their class once all is said and done, you're looking at a 35%+ yield rate from ii to acceptance. VERY high comparative chances of getting in if you've gotten an interview, even if you're WL. Keep your head up 😊
this is very reassuring -- thank you!
Just to add my 2 cents to the discussion of WL movement: while above discussion is probably correct that there won't be big "movement" per se, as in they will probably accept a small number of people off the WL, proportionality must be considered. Belmont's class being 1/2-1/3 the size of most other schools' is an important factor. I remember reading on their Admissions page that they plan to interview "about 200" and their class size is 50. If they accept 70+ to fill their class once all is said and done, you're looking at a 35%+ yield rate from ii to acceptance. VERY high comparative chances of getting in if you've gotten an interview, even if you're WL. Keep your head up 😊
Now if only I get an II ! 🙂
I’m hoping you get one soon!!
Thanks, friend!
Will Ferrell Thank You GIF by filmeditor
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How did you express interest? Did you send letter?
There’s also an upcoming virtual info session this month, might be a helpful way to open lines of communication… I attended the November and January sessions.
I sent an update letter over a month ago (before getting the under review email) and now it's been 3 weeks since my under review email. should I send a letter of interest or would it be better for me to just hang tight for now?
I sent an update letter over a month ago (before getting the under review email) and now it's been 3 weeks since my under review email. should I send a letter of interest or would it be better for me to just hang tight for now?
My opinion is to just wait. You don’t want to come across the wrong way.
Review their timeline here: (deadline for secondary essays if you haven't done them is March 15th)

Important Dates​

  • January 2024: Virtual interviews begin
  • February 2024: First interview decisions sent out
  • February 29, 2024: Deadline for submitting an AMCAS application
  • March 15, 2024: Supplemental Application submission deadline
  • Late April 2024: Second Look Day and Grand Opening
  • July 29, 2024: First day of medical school for the Inaugural Class
whats the interview like? For the structured is it mmi? And was it chill?