2024-2025 Georgetown

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Are there any other veterans here that received an II? Wondering if anyone emailed the retired navy captain thats listed on the portal as a contact.
Its very subjective b/c i submitted in September and got the interview. If you havent heard back and they had big R waves I think that is a good sign, they are still deciding what to do. If I were you I would send the update, its been about 3 months.
when I send an update should it be school specific, like talking about how these activities would prepare me for georgetown in specific, or is it fine for it to be just a basic update?
when I send an update should it be school specific, like talking about how these activities would prepare me for georgetown in specific, or is it fine for it to be just a basic update?
Updates should be relatively brief. Just describe the activity, how long you've been doing it and for how many hours. If you say anything reflective about it, just keep it short and sweet, nothing special
+1 OOS pre-II R. got an email and complete 9/04
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OOS II yesterday, submitted 9/22. The earliest interview date available was mid January... anyone know if I can get an earlier one if I keep checking?
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Does anyone know if Georgetown has started sending out decisions for October interviews? Thanks! I know they said 12-14 weeks from interview to decision, but from looking at the posts here it seems closer to 8-ish weeks.
they WL a lot of ppl it’s not a bad thing! how did you feel your interview went?

Probably my worst interview; answers weren’t as polished as in later interviews. Could’ve done more research into health policy since I included it in my “Why Georgetown?” answer. I didn’t do any general interview prep, so that didn’t help.

They mention on the portal that most people accepted off the WL submit a letter of interest (or intent? I can’t remember.)
Interviewed end of october and submitted a thank-you letter afterward - haven't heard anything back but was wondering if it would help to send a LOI. Don't really have any updates. What do y'all think?
Interviewed end of october and submitted a thank-you letter afterward - haven't heard anything back but was wondering if it would help to send a LOI. Don't really have any updates. What do y'all think?
end of october is still early people from aug/sept haven’t heard
OOS WL just now, interviewed late Sept. Loved my interview here and wanted this so badly 🙁
Sorry to hear that ☹️. Ik Georgetown loves letters of intent so if this is your top choice, send in that letter ASAP to give yourself the best chance to get in off the wl. What day did you interview?
Sorry to hear that . Ik Georgetown loves letters of intent so if this is your top choice, send in that letter ASAP to give yourself the best chance to get in off the wl. What day did you interview?

It was last week of Sept I think

Yeah I’m definitely going to start working on a letter of interest at least. Any idea if it’s better to send this now or later closer to when they start pulling people off the WL?
I already sent an update letter before my post-interview decision (waitlist!), is it okay if my letter of interest doesn't include any updates?
It was last week of Sept I think

Yeah I’m definitely going to start working on a letter of interest at least. Any idea if it’s better to send this now or later closer to when they start pulling people off the WL?
I think earlier is better for Georgetown based on some earlier conversations in the thread but I can’t ever be sure what the admissions committee wants
Anyone still waiting to hear back post-II from 1st week of September? 0.o I am not sure when my day of reckoning will come . . .
From previous releases it seems like more decisions come today…
if people who interviewed in late september are hearing back, doesn't that seem like they're running ahead of the 12-14 week schedule?
if people who interviewed in late september are hearing back, doesn't that seem like they're running ahead of the 12-14 week schedule?
They are. I interviewed late September and heard back about my WL yesterday. 12-14 weeks seems like an over-estimate.
i have an interview with georgetown coming up and this is my top choice, how should i time the LOI and update letter?