2024-2025 UT San Antonio (Long)

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Are we thinking if we haven't heard and are OOS = WL?

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Note on this: This is 2024's checklist, 2025's will release pretty soon. (although they should be pretty similar)
it is 2025 calendar put out by Long. July 19th 2025 is white coat ceremony as well.
might be a silly question but is welcome day mandatory
It says Highly Recommended on the calendar. You will get a chance to ask questions of financial aid staff, so for that reason alone you should go.
Also meet some classmates. Why wouldn't you go?
Does anyone know when Long releases financial aid packages?
Has anyone gotten any more info about the new student group chat yet? Or will that maybe happen at the welcome day?
If I sent a Letter of Intent back in early December but am now waitlisted could I hypothetically send another one and include updates I have? Or at this point is that overkill?
If I sent a Letter of Intent back in early December but am now waitlisted could I hypothetically send another one and include updates I have? Or at this point is that overkill?
They will read everything if they pull open your file to consider Waitlisted candidates to fill an opening.
Include any updates briefly and Why Long