2024-2025 UT Tyler

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Looks like Dr. Cox is officially taking over. Given her experience at Dell it looks like the school is in good hands, but I still have to wonder how such a drastic shakeup so early in the school's life will affect the inaugural classes.

I don't think there will be any negative impact on the SOM. Brig was a good dean, but I've also worked in person with Dr. Cox and found her to be very knowledgeable in medical education, from LCME to ACGME. She also seems to have a genuine interest in the wellness of students/residents, which is paramount in medical education, where burnout is a very real issue.

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Hi guys! I have a question for previous interviewees!

My family is coming to the Meet and Greet. Did y'all bring your fam, and how was the experience for them? The email describes that interviewees "will have time to mingle with representatives from the School of Medicine and other interview candidates," and I don't want my dad all by his lonesome and feeling awkward (IDK emoji inserted).
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Hi guys! I have a question for previous interviewees!

My family is coming to the Meet and Greet. Did y'all bring your fam, and how was the experience for them? The email describes that interviewees "will have time to mingle with representatives from the School of Medicine and other interview candidates," and although my concern is minor, I don't want my dad all by his lonesome and feeling awkward (IDK emoji inserted).
At mine, literally almost everyone brought their parents and they all mingled a ton, wasn’t awkward at all!
Texas schools are done by end Jan., right? So not interviewing by then means it ain't happening.. IS and OOS?
Texas schools are done by end Jan., right? So not interviewing by then means it ain't happening.. IS and OOS?
Here’s our running list of when schools have been sending out interview invitations: Interview invitations 2024 Texas
There may be a few more sent out in January but all the TMDSAS ones have to be done by Jan 31.
TCU and UIWSOM are not part of the TMDSAS app system so they can interview into the spring months
Forgot to update, but post-interview, we were told that the second and final batch of prematches would happen after the last interviews, but before Match Day, on January 21/22.
I thought their official pre-match date would be around January 29 according to their website?
I thought their official pre-match date would be around January 29 according to their website?
The dates for prematches have been subject to change so whatever they’re saying at interview days is most accurate for the time being. I won’t set my hopes on a single day unless they say it 100%
Question for any IS interviewers this week - it is supposed to snow on Thursday and we all know how TX does not prepare well for ice/snow. I was planning on driving down Thursday for the meet and greet and drive back Friday obviously after interview, terrified to drive though due to the weather. What is yalls plan?
Question for any IS interviewers this week - it is supposed to snow on Thursday and we all know how TX does not prepare well for ice/snow. I was planning on driving down Thursday for the meet and greet and drive back Friday obviously after interview, terrified to drive though due to the weather. What is yalls plan?
First thing contact the school to see if they are postponing the interview day due to weather
Interview Day Jan 10 -
I have heard from 2 applicants that their interview day has been moved from Jan 10 to Jan 16 - snow/ice and weather hindering travel
Check your emails to see if you have received a notice about it