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Jul 16, 2018
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I have no advice, just that it’s absolutely unreal (is it even legal??) that the school is monitoring what you’re doing OUTSIDE of school property and hours. I’m not an anti-vaxer or anything, but that’s beyond ridiculous to put a “permanent” report on your file because you…. Went to a party in your own free time.

If I were you, I would be fighting tooth and nail with the school regarding this BS “probation” in the first place. My school obviously told us to be safe and not go to large social functions, but they couldn’t technically stop any of us from doing so. I didn’t just because of my own free will, not because they were making me.
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Hey @Bigjt1420 I totally agree. When it went down it got ugly. Many admin & students were involved and even CDC officials stepped in. I was considering getting lawyers and fighting it but with the amount of money the school has to fight back, I decided it wasn’t worth it. In fact, the students put on probation didn’t even get a trial. The decision was made and weren’t allowed to fight it. One of the classmates was expelled from the school entirely as it was his event where covid broke out. They made an example out of him, and were essentially told, you’re lucky you didn’t get expelled like your classmate. Meanwhile, faculty members were still having retirement parties at nearby bars/resturant and my classmates and I are literally sitting elbow to elbow to each other in clinic.

Am still mad about it, but at this point, really nothing I can do but accept it since my case is now closed/complete.
That's beyond wild. What school do you go to, if you don't mind me asking? Honestly this all seems incredibly illegal and I bet the school could get in a ton of trouble if news go out that this happened (and what you're saying is accurate). I'm sorry about your situation.
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Holy… what a horrible situation. COVID broke a lot of peoples brains…
As far as the NHSC application, fortunately, you do not need a full blown letter. It is a form that needs to be filled out and is as simple as “is this student in good standing? Yes or no. If no, explain” (as you can see from your attachment). There is no room for them to attempt to explain a past “issue” unless it affects your current status. Even if they try and attach a letter to the form, YOU are the one who uploads it. I just wouldn’t attach the supplemental letter. There is no reason for it if they checked that you are good and I doubt the NHSC would even consider it if you uploaded it anyway.
Source: I am a former NHSC scholar
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