To give everyone an idea of my application (mind that I'm a rising junior):
Kin major/bio minor
cgpa: 3.90
prereq gpa: 3.82
PRACTICE GRE scores: 152V 157Q
Experience: 60 hours outpatient, 10 hours inpatient (I have two years of undergrad left so I plan on getting a lot more in about 3 or 4 more settings)
Extracurricular: President of a sports club, Pre PT society, Health sciences fraternity, I should (hopefully) get an invite to PKB honors fraternity this semester, and I also qualify to get an invite from my school's honor society next semester. The latter two organizations should happen, but I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch.
I have two question that I want to ask you guys for opinions on:
1. I've been playing around with the idea of taking the GRE this summer, before the start of my junior year. I figure that under the condition my scores come back a little low, I will be able to retake it next summer and hopefully bump my numbers up. What are your opinions on this?
2. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to take chem 1, chem 2, physics 1 and physics two through community college (B, B, A, A, respectively). I know B's in community college aren't that great, but keep in mind I was 17 and still in high school. As of right now, my plan is to retake chem 1 and physics 1 at a university level, just to demonstrate to DPT schools that I can handle the rigor. and if I get an A in chem it will also bump up my prereq GPA to around a 3.9. Do you guys think that this is a wise thing to do, or am I being a little to cautious?
I appreciate any input anyone can give me. If this helps, my top schools are, in order:
US army baylor
U of southern Cali
But I also plan to apply to many more, just to be safe. Thank you guys in advance for the insight!
Update: Do I have to report all my GRE scores to my desired schools/ will they be able to see all my scores or just the ones I select?
Kin major/bio minor
cgpa: 3.90
prereq gpa: 3.82
PRACTICE GRE scores: 152V 157Q
Experience: 60 hours outpatient, 10 hours inpatient (I have two years of undergrad left so I plan on getting a lot more in about 3 or 4 more settings)
Extracurricular: President of a sports club, Pre PT society, Health sciences fraternity, I should (hopefully) get an invite to PKB honors fraternity this semester, and I also qualify to get an invite from my school's honor society next semester. The latter two organizations should happen, but I don't want to count my eggs before they hatch.
I have two question that I want to ask you guys for opinions on:
1. I've been playing around with the idea of taking the GRE this summer, before the start of my junior year. I figure that under the condition my scores come back a little low, I will be able to retake it next summer and hopefully bump my numbers up. What are your opinions on this?
2. When I was in high school, I had the opportunity to take chem 1, chem 2, physics 1 and physics two through community college (B, B, A, A, respectively). I know B's in community college aren't that great, but keep in mind I was 17 and still in high school. As of right now, my plan is to retake chem 1 and physics 1 at a university level, just to demonstrate to DPT schools that I can handle the rigor. and if I get an A in chem it will also bump up my prereq GPA to around a 3.9. Do you guys think that this is a wise thing to do, or am I being a little to cautious?
I appreciate any input anyone can give me. If this helps, my top schools are, in order:
US army baylor
U of southern Cali
But I also plan to apply to many more, just to be safe. Thank you guys in advance for the insight!
Update: Do I have to report all my GRE scores to my desired schools/ will they be able to see all my scores or just the ones I select?
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