Is there a point in paying for a top medical school if I want to go into pediatrics?

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7+ Year Member
Dec 4, 2014
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I've seen many times on this site that Pediatrics is one of the least competitive residencies. This surprised me because as of now it's my top choice. Not surprisingly, highly ranked, typically private schools are very expensive... which equates to a lot in loans! My state school is much more affordable. However, it doesn't hold as much esteem as the top tier schools. If I wanted to go into Peds, would it disadvantage me to go to a lower tier medical school? I'm thinking no because it's one of the least competitive residencies... but I really have no idea and that's why I'm here.

Oh, and another thing. I'm highly considering pursuing a fellowship after residency. As a pediatric specialist, my salary would be higher than it would be if I were a general pediatrician. I think it's important to mention this because while paying a significant amount in loans as a general pediatrician would be difficult, it would be easier as a specialist. That being said, I'd be willing to attend the more expensive school if it's TRULY worth it in the end.

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As a pediatric specialist, my salary would be higher than it would be if I were a general pediatrician.

Unfortunately, this isn't true for all pediatric specialties...
I've seen many times on this site that Pediatrics is one of the least competitive residencies. This surprised me because as of now it's my top choice. Not surprisingly, highly ranked, typically private schools are very expensive... which equates to a lot in loans! My state school is much more affordable. However, it doesn't hold as much esteem as the top tier schools. If I wanted to go into Peds, would it disadvantage me to go to a lower tier medical school? I'm thinking no because it's one of the least competitive residencies... but I really have no idea and that's why I'm here.

Oh, and another thing. I'm highly considering pursuing a fellowship after residency. As a pediatric specialist, my salary would be higher than it would be if I were a general pediatrician. I think it's important to mention this because while paying a significant amount in loans as a general pediatrician would be difficult, it would be easier as a specialist. That being said, I'd be willing to attend the more expensive school if it's TRULY worth it in the end.
It depends on where you want to go... if going to the best residency is important (CHOP for example), then the more expensive school might help. Peds isn't hard to get into somewhere. However, at the top ie good residencies /fellowships, it can get competitive. However, this is a decision that only you can make.