NC State Admits

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Flying Eagle

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Has anyone heard from NC State yet?

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Yup, got an acceptance call yesterday! I'm so excited - it's such a relief!
I got a phone call too! I'm an out-of-stater and this is the first school I've heard back from. I am so pumped! Not 100% decided on NCSU yet, but I'm 98% sure I'll be moving to Raleigh this summer! :)
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Hmmmm, so I suppose not hearing from them by this week is a bad sign.:(
I'm trying to decide between Colorado State and North Carolina State. I'm an out-of-stater for both.

I feel like I know a lot about CSU from my visits and talking to vet school students and relatively little about NCSU. I went for a tour over winter break, but they gave me the wrong date and I didn't end up with a tour. So, I haven't talked to anyone except an admissions person...

What have you learned about NCSU that makes it special?
- Does it have a GPA system or the ranking system?
- What are the professors like?
- I'm interested in small animal emergency medicine - does anyone know about their emergency medicine?
- How competitive are NCSU's students for internships and residencies?

Please tell me anything and everything you can about NCSU (or even CSU)! I know I have until April 15th to make the decision, but I want to figure it out well before then! Thanks!
I work at a small animal clinic in Raleigh and we refer lots of people over to the vet school for their after hours emergency services....So I'm pretty sure you'd get a large caseload for emergency medicine. Also, I know we got a letter in the mail recently that they also now offer small animal triage services, but thankfully we haven't needed to refer anyone over there for that! We do refer lots over there for cardiology, oncology, dermatology, neurology, surgery, etc though.

Raleigh is a pretty large metro area, so there are plenty of small animals--and plenty of people willing to spend the money to send their animals to specialists and take their animals for emergency care.

They're also in the process of building a new small animal hospital, so that's pretty exciting. Not sure when it will be up and running.

Maybe ask the admissions contact if you can get the email address of a student at NCSU--they might be able to better answer your questions.
Thanks for the info! I'm glad to hear they get a pretty good emergency caseload.
Hey Lablover,

First of all, congrats on your acceptances. THey are both great schools and hard to get in OOS.
I am a first year student at NCSU. I considered CSU pretty seriously last year (I was IS at NCSU, OOS at CSU). I'm not terribly knowledgeable about emergency/critical care, but I can tell you some general things. I had really built CSU up in my head and was a little unimpressed when I visited, and I have continued to be impressed by the quality of NC State. Feel free to PM me with more specific questions, but here are some points to consider. ANd yes, I'm biased. I made the decision, and I'm very happy with it.

large class size (140+)--don't get as much professor OR specimen time in labs
hospital is >1 mile away from first and second year building--less exposure to clinicians and patients
very expensive--can't get in state tuition

small class size (80) (small anatomy groups--lots of cadaver time)
great emergency load
good cost of living
can get in state tuition pretty easily after 1 year
active SVECCS club (student chapter of veterinary emergency and critical care society) with wetlabs and other activities
option to do volunteer shifts in the ICU and intermediate wards on a regular basis
BRAND NEW hospital opening in early 2010 (or late 2009?) that will have state of the art everything.
there is an emergency service, so we now see emergencies all the time-don't have to be referrals.
active small animal treatment crew (can do treatment shifts in the hospital)
lots of clinician professors---and a lot of integrating cases into teaching
Has any IS people heard anything yet? I haven't heard anything but was wondering if anyone else had?
For OOSers that haven't heard yet, does anyone know if there is a chance that we are waitlisted and not totally out of the running?

Judging by SDN it doesn't seem like anyone OOS has heard anything beyond an acceptance phone call or those super early rejections due to missing pre-reqs. Has anyone heard anything else?
I applied OOS. Didn't get a phone call but haven't received a rejection letter either. Maybe we'll hear soon?
I still haven't gotten a letter, even though I got a phone call. From what they told me when I visited over Winter Break, the letters should have been mailed by the end of last week. Aka they should be here any day...
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Hey everyone waiting to hear from NCSU!! I just called the admissions office to find out about my application. They said that OOS letters have been sent out and were sent out early this week! Keep your fingers crossed!!!:xf::xf: :luck:
Sorry to post again but
A. I have been waitlisted (e-mail) 1/28
B. If you're desperate to find out your status just e-mail [email protected]

Hey Spidermonkey,

Was the email you got letting you know about being waitlisted a response to an email you sent them or was it just sent out randomly by them? Sorry to be a pain, but I'm so paranoid and really hoping that I still have a chance of at least being on their waitlist (but too scared to email them myself)! :scared:
I actually called them to ask if I could get a status update on my application. Their reply was to send it in e-mail form. So to answer your question, my "waitlist email" was a reply to one that I had sent. Hope that helps and I hope you get your decision letter soon!!!!! Goodluck :D
What is going on with NC letters?? I thought they were sent out Monday, but now it's Friday and they still aren't here. Anyone have any idea?
What is going on with NC letters?? I thought they were sent out Monday, but now it's Friday and they still aren't here. Anyone have any idea?

I think there is a good chance yours will come tomorrow because mine came today. When I called they said "early this week" the letters were sent which could mean Monday/Tuesday. Hope that helps!!
Ack, I'm going to be out of town all weekend, and I was planning on leaving tomorrow morning. I think this is going to be a very big test of willpower to make myself leave before the mail gets here!

ETA: Turns out it went to my permanent address. Now I just have to decide if I want my parents to open it or send it.
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Anyone know if they have started the IS yet?
I just received the letter on thursday. I'm waitlisted too :(
I just received the letter on thursday. I'm waitlisted too :(

Aw don't frowny face mjrabbitvet!!! There are 28 waitlisted people right? And we are supposedly unranked (however I do not understand how that works...maybe I will email them about that). Keep in mind that of the 18-20 out of state students they admit, not all of them had NCSU has a first choice. There is still hope that we could get in!! :luck:
Aw don't frowny face mjrabbitvet!!! There are 28 waitlisted people right? And we are supposedly unranked (however I do not understand how that works...maybe I will email them about that). Keep in mind that of the 18-20 out of state students they admit, not all of them had NCSU has a first choice. There is still hope that we could get in!! :luck:

I was told, by a vet student who was waitlisted (and got in! woo!) last year, that you get in depending on your interest. For example, small animal interest acceptee declines, next small animal waitlister gets in. You have to be ranked, unless they just plan on picking the waitlisted out of a hat. Good luck to you all. I know it's agonizing

Fellow ISers, as far as I know none of us have heard anything yet as they were only supposed to start looking at our apps in Jan.
Just found out I got waitlisted too... that at the very least makes us first losers? ...Right? *le sigh* Still, it's nice to still have a little hope. :D
I was rejected, so congrats to everyone that was waitlisted!!! (and be thankful!) :)
*hugs* EqSci! I didn't mean it like that, really. ;) I'm just determined not to get my own hopes up too high (yeah, it's really a bit late for that, but damage control!), all things considering.
Oh I know! I'm not offended.

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you that you get off the waitlist!!! (if I can't be there I hope someone else deserving can!)
Thanks! I hope at least some of us here at SDN get in. Guess we'll probably find out after April 15th.
Or the day that classes start, like some people!! IMO that's a pretty awful... having to plan your life as if you aren't going to vet school but knowing there's a minute chance that you could be accepted all the way up until August/September. ...Not that I wouldn't be overjoyed to at least be on a waitlist! But hopefully it doesn't come to that for you or anyone here.
Hey guys just wanted to let everyone know that NCSU has started to send out rejection letters to IS applicants. My friend got one the other day via email. So be on the look out:xf:
3dogsand2cats, thanks so much for the heads up! So tired of waiting, and so afraid of not getting in!
sumstorm--my sentiments exactly! :xf:
I guess we atleast know we haven't been kicked out yet LOL. FYI the person who got kicked out his last name started with a B. I don't know if that really matters or not.
Has anyone else used the [email protected] email address to obtain an application status? If so, are you in-state and what letter does your last name start with?

Also, does anyone know if NCSU calls all accepted applicants?

I am driving myself crazing. Randomly, this year there is a 28% of getting a seat because there are 217 in state applicants for 62 seats.

BTW--I am new to this forum and it has given me sanity.


Sorry to post again but
A. I have been waitlisted (e-mail) 1/28
B. If you're desperate to find out your status just e-mail [email protected]
I can't relax I wish I knew already.... I really really want to get in. I guess I will find out if I got in to MSU or NCSU around the same time.
Would anyone who got accepted OOS to NCSU mind posting their stats? I'm very interested in applying to NCSU, but I saw that they don't have a whole lot of seats for OOS, and was just wondering where I stand in comparison. Thanks!
You have all applied to the CVM at NC State for the upcoming school year. I am the Scholarship and Financial Aid contact for current and future students in the College of Veterinary Medicine. I'd like to give you some advance information regarding scholarships and financial aid at NCSU and the CVM.

Scared the HELL outta me! My heart stopped, and then I had a major mental "OH".
You have all applied to the CVM at NC State for the upcoming school year. I am the Scholarship and Financial Aid contact for current and future students in the College of Veterinary Medicine. I'd like to give you some advance information regarding scholarships and financial aid at NCSU and the CVM.

Scared the HELL outta me! My heart stopped, and then I had a major mental "OH".
I know!!! I was like, an EMAIL!!!!! Oh... nevermind....

Looks like we don't have to include parental info on the FAFSA though. That is a relief!!
Would anyone who got accepted OOS to NCSU mind posting their stats? I'm very interested in applying to NCSU, but I saw that they don't have a whole lot of seats for OOS, and was just wondering where I stand in comparison. Thanks!

I'm reluctant to post this because I don't really want you to feel like this is a formula for getting in to NCSU. However, I've been in your shoes for the past 4 years and I would have liked to see something like this too.

I really didn't think I was going to get in since they emphasized that they wanted at least 100 hours in 3 different areas (such as Research, Large, Small, Exotic, etc). I did, however, put a lot of time and effort into my application... those 5 short essays were a lot of work! In the end, I was pleasantly surprised to be accepted!

Here are the highlights of my application:

Biology Major, Management Minor at Purdue University GPA: 4.0
GRE score V: 600, Q: 770, W: 4.5

Small animal volunteer work: 500 hours
Zoo volunteer work: 80 hours
Shadowed swine vet: 25 hours
Horseback riding lessons: 85 hours
Worked: small animal emergency clinic w/vet tech responsibilities: 1500 hrs

Other stuff:
Tutor in a biology resource center: 190 hours
TA in a sophomore Bio lab: 60 hours
Mentor for Women in Science program
Phi Beta Kappa member
Studied abroad in Italy for 6 weeks over the summer

2 vets from the emergency clinic
1 professor whom I had taken 2 classes from and knew well
*I think that this was one of my strengths. These people knew me very well and thought highly of me.

Overall, I'd say quality is more important than quantity. And do what interests you! I really didn't want to do undergraduate research, so I didn't! I hope this helps!
hmmm...I would love to say that makes me more confident...but it doesn't. I am jealous of your 4.0. I sometimes really regret working FT through college.
Is anyone else going crazy? I could not sleep last night. This is torture. I have an interview at Purdue next week and I really wish I knew if I were going to be accepted to NCSU before my interview. I hope everyone else is holding it together. I am really hoping we will know something around March 13th.

I hope we are all accepted to our school of choice.

Has any othere IS applicants received rejection emails since the last round?
sed2bncsudvm: Yes I am also going crazy!!!!! I haven't heard of anyone else getting rejected lately. I wish we would know something soon, like by the first day in March. However I guess with NC state we just need to remember that NO news is good news :)
I'm not losing sleep over it, but I feel myself trying to figure other things out (do I need to enroll in the local university this summer? do I need to see if I can up my GRE score?) and spending way too much time on here.
I'm not losing sleep over it, but I feel myself trying to figure other things out (do I need to enroll in the local university this summer? do I need to see if I can up my GRE score?) and spending way too much time on here.

I was told, by a vet student who was waitlisted (and got in! woo!) last year, that you get in depending on your interest. For example, small animal interest acceptee declines, next small animal waitlister gets in. You have to be ranked, unless they just plan on picking the waitlisted out of a hat. Good luck to you all. I know it's agonizing

Fellow ISers, as far as I know none of us have heard anything yet as they were only supposed to start looking at our apps in Jan.

Well this stinks for me. I am interested in public health/pathology and not many other people are.
I kind of just wish they would reject me already, so I don't have that I might be accepted in the back of my mind when I have to decide where I want to go.
Well this stinks for me. I am interested in public health/pathology and not many other people are.
I kind of just wish they would reject me already, so I don't have that I might be accepted in the back of my mind when I have to decide where I want to go.

I think your interest in public health/pathology only works in your favor. HAVE HOPE!

-the eternal optimist
Well this stinks for me. I am interested in public health/pathology and not many other people are.
I kind of just wish they would reject me already, so I don't have that I might be accepted in the back of my mind when I have to decide where I want to go.

i think it works in your favor too! public health maybe not so much, but definitely pathology!