NC State Admits

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Congrats Carolinaowl!!!! Now I have to wait.... no one can check my mail at home until 4..... We are about as far from Raleigh as Charlotte.... AHHH!!!

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what does your last name begin with? do you think they are doing this alphabetically?
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I just got my acceptance letter to NCSU. I can harly type I am so happy. I live in Apex, and my last name starts with D.

I just got my acceptance letter too!!!!! Live in Durham, last name starts w/ an F. AAAHHH!
I....I just got in. I don't have any words...

I live near Charlotte. Last name starts with S.
Ugh! I live in Raleigh, but our mail doesn't usually come until around 4! 2 more long hours...and I should be studying for biochem!
This thread is exciting and I haven't even applied. :)

Though I'm curious- what was the acceptance letter/envelope like? Big, small, thick, thin?
Congratulations everyone!! My permanent address is about as far from Raleigh as Charlotte, but no one can get to the mail for another hour!! This is killing me. I shall have to be satisfied with being excited for everyone else and trying to distract myself!!
PythonChick, you and me both! I've still got a ways to go until our mail arrives! Maybe I'll go drive around the neighborhood to see if I can catch our mailwoman? haha :rolleyes:
PythonChick, you and me both! I've still got a ways to go until our mail arrives! Maybe I'll go drive around the neighborhood to see if I can catch our mailwoman? haha :rolleyes:
I feel your pain!!!

What gets me is that I am certain the mail has run, but I am two and half hours from home and my parents are at my brother's soccer game out of town.

Come on dad, drive faster!!!
I got IN!!!!!!!! OMG I AM so happy.... :DYEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats to all of you who got the letter and for those of you waiting to check your mailbox my fingers will be crossed for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!:luck:
FYI last name starts with an S and the letter was sent to Edenton (little town near Elizabeth City)
I got in! omfg!

I guess they just mailed them all out? Last name starts with 'J' and I live in Raleigh. Good luck to everyone else!
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Nothing in my mail. I am not feeling very optimistic. At least I have another option, but it is a lot more expensive.

Sorry to be such a downer--congrats to everyone!
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Good luck Ben and Me! I'm rooting for you!

(Not sure why I'm on threads for schools I didn't even apply to :laugh:)
ok - so I got an acceptance letter in the mail- but it was addressed to someone else! what in the world??? did they get my address mixed up with someone else- and maybe someone else got mine!?!? what a cruel joke it would be if I actually was supposed to a get a rejection letter. so confused, and now I have to wait until Monday to find out what's going on! :mad:

OMG what the H*LL Optimistic 13 I am sure it was just a typo. I mean they mailed it to your house. I think you got in.....
ok - so I got an acceptance letter in the mail- but it was addressed to someone else! what in the world??? did they get my address mixed up with someone else- and maybe someone else got mine!?!? what a cruel joke it would be if I actually was supposed to a get a rejection letter. so confused, and now I have to wait until Monday to find out what's going on! :mad:

Oh man, that sucks royally. Surely it's not that difficult to make sure ~80 letters are addressed/named properly.

Try calling around... I mean, it is the weekend, but if you can get a hold of anybody (a mislabeled acceptance is kind of a big deal!,) they might be able to get some sort of information...
Congratulations to everyone who got their letters today.

There was nothing in my mailbox, but my mother SWEARS it takes two days for mail to get from Raleigh to the house (A two hour and forty five minute to three hour drive from Raleigh). I am still hopeful for Monday.

Don't give up Ben and Me! The mail can only make it so far in a day!
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(Not sure why I'm on threads for schools I didn't even apply to :laugh:)

Curiosity killed the....? Oh wait, maybe not the best thing to say.:p Anyway, I'm just as guilty--doing the same thing all the time lately. Just trying to offer my support where I can. :love:
Don't give up Ben and Me! The mail can only make it so far in a day!

LOL, good point...except I only live ~2 miles from the vet school, haha. I did end up tracking down the mail woman before she got to my house (the suspense was killing me!) and I gave her my phone number...she said she would call Monday am if she came across it when she was picking up the mail for our neighborhood. So, even if I didn't get a letter, at least my faith in the USPS was restored.... :p

And Optimistic, that royally blows. Here's hoping you've both been accepted!
I did end up tracking down the mail woman before she got to my house (the suspense was killing me!) and I gave her my phone number...she said she would call Monday am if she came across it when she was picking up the mail for our neighborhood.

That is pretty much the most amazing thing I have ever heard...I totally wanted to do that when I was waiting! :laugh: Here's to mail people stalking and good news! :luck:
Congrats to everyone else! I didn't get anything in the mail today in Apex. So, I guess that means bad news for my second time. :( Maybe I got waitlisted....

Was the letter in a big or small envelope?
Is it being delivered via normal mail? In that case, wouldn't you potentially get the letters tomorrow? (Unless I'm going crazy... I'm pretty sure mail is delivered on Saturdays.)
Is it being delivered via normal mail? In that case, wouldn't you potentially get the letters tomorrow? (Unless I'm going crazy... I'm pretty sure mail is delivered on Saturdays.)

Today is Saturday though, so we have to wait until Monday. I wouldn't mind waiting one more day, but two more is killer!
Woaaaaahhhh. Spring break is seriously catching up to me. I was dead-set thinking it was Friday, and was very confused and questioning whether my belief that mail was delivered on Saturday was incorrect. True genius here. :)
I'm in!!!!!!!!!!

My acceptance came in the mail today, last name starts with a K, in Charlotte.

I can't believe it! I was convinced I didn't get in....not in the state at the moment (visiting family) and my friends who were house sitting hadn't checked the mail. I had to beg them to check, and then to open the package!

I am shaking I am so excited (and terrified!)
Yaaaaay sumstorm! CONGRATS! Did the snow melt? Can you still get a snow angel in?

Yaaaaay sumstorm! CONGRATS! Did the snow melt? Can you still get a snow angel in?


LOL! It was 78 degrees snow is gone! I don't know what to think...I know it's what I wanted, but I had so convinced myself it wasn't happening that now I am all confused and crazy!
WOO HOOOOO SumStorm!!!!!!!

:D :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :D

I have been DYING to know all day...I even checked to see if you had logged in earlier. I am SO SO happy for you, it is well deserved!!! I hope you are celebrating! :D

Thank you! I spent all day with my loving husband planning garden beds. I was absolutly certain I wasn't going to get in. We were discussing options and I had a melt down at some point today. He is struggling with some long term depression that isn't helped by the economy (he works for a bank) so it was a long day and I was exhausted, got on here, saw the acceptances, called my friends...who blew me off at first, had to beg them to open the package.....and now I just can't believe it. Excited, terrified, overwhelmed! I won't sleep a wink!
Yeah sumstorm!! YOU are going to be a VET! Congrats, savor the moment (you deserve it), since starting this fall we'll all be studying our butts off!! So happy for you! :)
Congrats Sumstorm! Do you think they were all mailed out? I really thought I would have an acceptance this time around. :( Maybe Mon. or Tues.

Can anyone tell me if it was a big envelope or not? Feeling really depressed. :(
Congratulations Sumstorm! I'm really happy for you.

I'm in!!!!!!!!!!

My acceptance came in the mail today, last name starts with a K, in Charlotte.

I can't believe it! I was convinced I didn't get in....not in the state at the moment (visiting family) and my friends who were house sitting hadn't checked the mail. I had to beg them to check, and then to open the package!

I am shaking I am so excited (and terrified!)
I, too, have been checking in here all day to see if you got good news, sumstorm. I'm so happy for you!! Congrats!!:thumbup::thumbup: :clap:

Congrats to everyone else who got good news, today, too! :)
I'm glad you got in sumstorm, if only because I could tell how very worried you were about how you were gonna try to improve your app and was concerned for your sanity! :D
I got my acceptance letter Saturday the 7th and it was postmarked Friday the 6th. It came in a big white manila envelope and my last name starts with J. There doesn't seem to an alphabetical order to it. Good luck everyone!

Join the facebook group NCSU CVM Class of 2013

We can start getting to know each other!
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Congrats to everyone that has been accepted!:) I am from the Charlotte area, but no news yet:( Hopefully by Monday the rest of us will have some news! I have never been so impatient in my life!!
I'm a total facebook addict, feel free to add me. Last name's Jay. (Am I overly paranoid about releasing my first name, even if it's only a nickname, on a random forum?)

Congrats sumstorm. Happy you needn't freak out anymore ^_^ And everyone else too! I'm just not as familiar with your trials, lol
Congrats Sumstorm!!! I was rooting for you!!! :highfive:
You totally deserve it!
Do they send letters to permanent addresses or current addresses? I live in Raleigh, but my permanent address is in Wilmington and I haven't gotten a letter yet....freaking out a little bit...
Congrats Sumstorm (and everyone else!) I've been checking this forum for two days wondering if all you NC state people got in!
Letters are sent to your permanent address. From what I have heard, everyone should hear something one way or the other by the end of this coming week!
I have been waiting, and waiting, and *waiting* for this thread to take off - CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!! Can't wait to meet all of you!
Congrats, sumstorm! You definitely deserve it :)
WOW I can't believe we all will be sitting at NC state in the fall. I can't wait to meet all of you!!! I do have a dumb question..... So there was alot of talk about the welcome weekend coming up. I don't remember hearing anything about that in the letter. (I haven't seen my actually acceptance letter it was sent to my dads so I can only TRY to remember what he told me) I guess my question is did the letter state anything about the welcome weekend or not?!?!?
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So as soon as I sent this post I saw I had a message. Marine Vet told me they would be sending out an email with a schedule...