New Jersey Schools

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anyone get a call yet?

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I GOT THE CALL!!! :D I'm freaking out and shaking as I type this!!!
NJMS- they call from a 212 area code fyi. Good Luck everyone, I hope we can all share this excitement!!!!:luck:
Congrats! When was your interview?
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9/20....only 9 days to go and we get to my date :laugh:

congrats to everyone who heard today! :D
Hmm, I wonder when I should give up hope of hearing today. I think I'll cling to it for a little longer.
Keep hope alive! I'm praying for y'all!!
I was a 9/25 interview and no word yet from NJMS. Let's hope we all find out soon.
Does anyone know how applicant receiving rejection/waitlist decisions are notified?
And if no news today does that mean we have to wait for the committee to meet again? aaaaah! :scared:

I just my call. It's 9:16 EST. Good LUck Guys!

Still waiting for the PHD decision but MD is all systems go. YAY!

I just my call. It's 9:16 EST. Good LUck Guys!

Still waiting for the PHD decision but MD is all systems go. YAY!

That's awesome! Congratulations!

Hmm, maybe it's not so impossible that my phone will ring tonight! :D :) :scared:
I got a phone call at 6:20 today!! I interviewed on 9/11 and I am soooooooooooo thrilled!! Congrats to everyone else who heard and good luck to the rest of you! :D :D :D :D :D
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Dear kind folks at NJMS,

If by some chance you're reading this, please, bear in mind, that when you get to Zimmie256's name in the pile, feel free to call any time of the day or night! Don't worry about waking me... I won't be sleeping anyway... :scared: :scared:

Kindest regards,
OMG Dr. Heinrich called me and I MISSED THE FREAKING CALL!!! I was out at a bar (haha, not celebrating or anything) and I didn't even hear my phone ring. He said to call him back tomorrow, so I'll be sure to do that. I'm assuming I'm accepted though, since I'm pretty sure he doesn't call with rejections.

I am officially flipping out right now!!! And congratulations to everyone else!!!

Edit: BTW, I got the call around 9:30 tonight, and I interviewed on 9/26, if anyone is interested.
I interviewed 9/29 and he called at about 9.45. I'm still stunned. they told us to wait 4-6 weeks after oct 15th before expecting to hear anything. congrats to everyone who heard tonite! i will keep my fingers crossed for everyone else! :luck:
as expected, my phone didnt ring :(

im going to tell myself that only september interviewees were called, so whens the date for octoberers? :)
Aww, I'm sure you guys will get good news soon! I'm still shocked that I heard so quickly. And I am completely high on life (and somewhat tipsy - it makes a great combination!).

Good luck to everyone still waiting!!! :luck: :luck: :luck:
I can't believe it... aaaaaaaah.. i got my call at 3 today.
got the call at 9.15am. Now i'm just feeling spoiled :eek:
got the call at 9.15am. Now i'm just feeling spoiled :eek:

9:18 RWJ =) Which do you like better, Crazy? I just had my NJMS interview and they said to wait 8 weeks, but I'm beginning to not care.
got the call at 9.15am. Now i'm just feeling spoiled :eek:

9:18 RWJ =) Which do you like better, Crazy? I just had my NJMS interview and they said to wait 8 weeks, but I'm beginning to not care.
Woah, congrats guys!

I just called Dr. Heinrich back and got the official word that I'm accepted! Eeek!
Got a call from the dean at RWJMS!! Woohoo

8.41am Monday

Interview October 3
I'm not sure how many calls were made yesterday/today, but I interviewed on 9/25. If I didn't receive a call yet, do you think that's an indication that I'm crap out of luck?

Like someone mentioned earlier, is a painful blessing - it gets you worried sometimes...

Does Dean Heinrich always call on weekends, or any day of the week anytime?
I'm not sure how many calls were made yesterday/today, but I interviewed on 9/25. If I didn't receive a call yet, do you think that's an indication that I'm crap out of luck?

Like someone mentioned earlier, is a painful blessing - it gets you worried sometimes...

Does Dean Heinrich always call on weekends, or any day of the week anytime?

I interviewd on the 9/23 so if that were the case I am ever more crap out of luck

I would not worry - if you read the forums from years past you will see that people are called on the 15th 16th 17th .....

I guess the deans cannot make all the calls at one time - from what I understand it can be anytime anywhere
I'm not sure how many calls were made yesterday/today, but I interviewed on 9/25. If I didn't receive a call yet, do you think that's an indication that I'm crap out of luck?

Like someone mentioned earlier, is a painful blessing - it gets you worried sometimes...

Does Dean Heinrich always call on weekends, or any day of the week anytime?
I wouldn't worry too much. I interviewed slightly later than that, but Dr. Heinrich told me that my interviewer was really enthusiastic and he got his recommendation submitted really quickly, so I think a lot of it depends on how speedy your interviewer is.
I'm not sure how many calls were made yesterday/today, but I interviewed on 9/25. If I didn't receive a call yet, do you think that's an indication that I'm crap out of luck?

Like someone mentioned earlier, is a painful blessing - it gets you worried sometimes...

Does Dean Heinrich always call on weekends, or any day of the week anytime?

I interviewed on mid-septemeber as well.. earlier than you.. and no phone call. :(

I wonder if he calls based on the last name.. remember reading about that somewhere.. if it's true, then i am doomed.
BTW, does anybody know when and how waitlisted/rejected ppl will be notified? Just trying to get myself ready for any unforunate events...
Anyone know if NJMS minds if you call them to check on application status? Their website says they only let you know you're complete if invited for an interview, but with other problems re: my materials I'd like to double check. I'm also OOS, so not sure if that matters in terms of their receptiveness to being bugged.

Anyone know if NJMS minds if you call them to check on application status? Their website says they only let you know you're complete if invited for an interview, but with other problems re: my materials I'd like to double check. I'm also OOS, so not sure if that matters in terms of their receptiveness to being bugged.


If you had problems with materials being received other places, I'd probably call and check... (As long as it's been awhile since you submitted) Just be very polite (as I'm sure you would), but no sense putting yourself later in the cycle unnecessarily... However, it's true that they don't send any sort of complete notification, so it's entirely possible that your app is fine.
So I interviewed at RWJ 10/6. Is it likely I'll hear back this Thursday(or soon after) after their admissions committee meets? Assuming I'm in that is.....
*crosses fingers*
I second that.....hopefully phone calls will be made soon
I hope Dr. Heinrich is making phone calls like a madman. :[ I really want that call! But.. I interviewed Oct. 10th. So I guess I should be hoping the admissions committee is making decisions quickly.
For those accepted to RWJ, how long do we have to send in our deposit to reserve a place in the class? Also, is that when we have to pick a clinical campus? I believe it is, but it was a little bit unclear to me from the stuff they sent...

Anyway, how are you going to choose a campus??? I see pros and cons to both, and it's hard to weigh them having never seen the hospitals in either place or known students at either....
For those accepted to RWJ, how long do we have to send in our deposit to reserve a place in the class? Also, is that when we have to pick a clinical campus? I believe it is, but it was a little bit unclear to me from the stuff they sent...

Anyway, how are you going to choose a campus??? I see pros and cons to both, and it's hard to weigh them having never seen the hospitals in either place or known students at either....

doesnt rwj rotate at cooper?
doesnt rwj rotate at cooper?

All students do their first two years in New Brunswick. After that, 2/3 of the class stays in New Brunswick for clinical rotations (but can also include a few other sites including Neptune (the city, not the planet) and Princeton). The other 1/3 of the class goes to Camden and does all of their clinical rotations at Cooper. I believe that you have to choose which clinical campus you prefer at the time you accept an offer of admission from RWJ. However, it sounds like there can be a bit of flexibility with switching (but it's not a guarantee) so I want to make an informed decision up front.
All students do their first two years in New Brunswick. After that, 2/3 of the class stays in New Brunswick for clinical rotations (but can also include a few other sites including Neptune (the city, not the planet) and Princeton). The other 1/3 of the class goes to Camden and does all of their clinical rotations at Cooper. I believe that you have to choose which clinical campus you prefer at the time you accept an offer of admission from RWJ. However, it sounds like there can be a bit of flexibility with switching (but it's not a guarantee) so I want to make an informed decision up front.

Almost. First two years are on the Piscataway campus. Then you go to either NB or Camden, depending on what you pick now. You can switch later if there are open spaces, but that's no guarantee.
Almost. First two years are on the Piscataway campus. Then you go to either NB or Camden, depending on what you pick now. You can switch later if there are open spaces, but that's no guarantee.

Thanks for the clarification, Yoyo. Since the med school campus (where classes are) in Piscataway is just a few miles from the hospital in New Brunswick, I guess I had them stored together as NB in my mind.

But does anyone have any opinions on why they might choose one clinical campus (New Brunswick or Camden) over the other?
Thanks for the clarification, Yoyo. Since the med school campus (where classes are) in Piscataway is just a few miles from the hospital in New Brunswick, I guess I had them stored together as NB in my mind.

But does anyone have any opinions on why they might choose one clinical campus (New Brunswick or Camden) over the other?

cooper is aamazinggg

endorsed by kelly rippa too :love:
Almost. First two years are on the Piscataway campus. Then you go to either NB or Camden, depending on what you pick now. You can switch later if there are open spaces, but that's no guarantee.

i believe you also have the option of going to the other hospital for a particular rotation if u want to...

also - - i noticed not that many people have heard from rwj yet, im thinking theyre just slower with giving out the acceptances? they were slower with all of the other steps as well i feel like...
i believe you also have the option of going to the other hospital for a particular rotation if u want to...

also - - i noticed not that many people have heard from rwj yet, im thinking theyre just slower with giving out the acceptances? they were slower with all of the other steps as well i feel like...

someee people are still waiting for interview invites

i believe you also have the option of going to the other hospital for a particular rotation if u want to...

also - - i noticed not that many people have heard from rwj yet, im thinking theyre just slower with giving out the acceptances? they were slower with all of the other steps as well i feel like...

I'm hoping to hear back from them this thursday? my interview was 10/6
that may be lucky wishing though.
My application was complete 8/22 at RWJMS, I didn't hear anything yet. I'm in state with a 3.7. GPA and 35+ MCAT, and I'm on the verge of tearing my hair out. Not only that, four of my ECs took place at RWJMS. They don't owe me the time of the day, but this is really annoying.

My NJMS application was complete on the 13th. I heard they're quick...
did anyone else get a letter in the mail today? mine said something about being a very competitive application and my decision regarding admission or alternate status would be decided before feb. 2007. not sure if this is a good thing. more waiting.
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