Official 2015-2016 Help Me Rank Megathread

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Trying to figure out the top of my list. Ideal location is Kentucky, but the program really doesn't get much discussion on SDN and just curious how significantly it could affect my fellowship options to rank it above the others. Interested in cards. Thanks.

Cleveland Clinic

Shameless bump. Just wondering how much ranking Kentucky #1 for personal reasons will affect fellowship options.

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Keep changing these back and forth. University of Washington vs. Johns Hopkins. Interested in academic pulm/crit or ID. Want to end up on the West Coast eventually. Thanks!
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Keep changing these back and forth. University of Washington vs. Johns Hopkins. Interested in academic pulm/crit or ID. Want to end up on the West Coast eventually. Thanks!
Ugh... similar question -- so last minute: UWashington vs. Stanford for Pulm/Crit or Heme Onc? Stanford seems somewhat weak in pulm/crit matches. Is that true?

You should both flip a coin. Either way you'll be fine. And probably match #3.
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Ugh... similar question -- so last minute: UWashington vs. Stanford for Pulm/Crit or Heme Onc? Stanford seems somewhat weak in pulm/crit matches. Is that true?

For PCCM UW >>> Stanford. The former is a top 5 program while the latter is very much not (ended up at the very bottom of my fellowship rank list)

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Ugh... similar question -- so last minute: UWashington vs. Stanford for Pulm/Crit or Heme Onc? Stanford seems somewhat weak in pulm/crit matches. Is that true?

Two really great programs, so a nice problem to have. Stanford historically had not had as many people go into PCCM but that is mainly a reflection of how many end up doing Heme/Onc and Cardiology. Your fellowship options will be at least as good coming from Stanford, so I would go for whichever program you liked better on its merits and any location preferences you have. I know them both well so feel free to PM me if you have any last minute questions. Good luck!
Keep changing these back and forth. University of Washington vs. Johns Hopkins. Interested in academic pulm/crit or ID. Want to end up on the West Coast eventually. Thanks!
Same as above, though if you have a strong geographic preference for the west coast it's not a bad time to exercise it. If you don't care for right now, then just as I said above. Best of luck!
Quick, need help guys! UIowa vs. Cleveland Clinic. Location is not important to me (equally ok with Cleveland vs. Iowa City). Reputation of the program is most important to me.
Thank you,

Yea I think you're right about the gut feeling, though I think UPMC does have the edge for GIM and related specialties, plus ID is a super power house there. I love the resident-run rounds (though both UPMC and NYU have that (such a gem IMO), and also the "jr. hospitalist" at UPMC seems exciting. I'll likely end up having UPMC edge out NYU also cause I like the outdoors so much!

The fact you like outdoors so much should be the deciding factor.. Personally, cost of living and informality of the program matching my personality (I hate ties!) were deciding factors. However, NYU is an amazing program and you can go anywhere from there! The problem with NYU is the local competition with Sinai, Columbia and Cornell that are simply superb programs sort of overshadowing NYU's greatness.
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Last second... Michigan vs. UChicago vs. UNC for cards
Last second... Michigan vs. UChicago vs. UNC for cards

Would order it just like that but ultimately base my decision on location as you can't go wrong with any of those options.

Chicago would be a lot more fun than Ann Harbor...

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The fact you like outdoors so much should be the deciding factor.. Personally, cost of living and informality of the program matching my personality (I hate ties!) were deciding factors. However, NYU is an amazing program and you can go anywhere from there! The problem with NYU is the local competition with Sinai, Columbia and Cornell that are simply superb programs sort of overshadowing NYU's greatness.

Mr. Heisenberg has words of wisdom to share here about cost of living and fit being good deciding factors!

Also, people on these boards seem to talk a lot about the NYU reputation being overshadowed but honestly, I think that's more of a local thing. In my mind, NYU, Cornell, and Sinai are all sorta on the same level and at least on the west coast (west coasters feel free to chime in here) I feel that the NYU name carries a little bit more oomph. Probably because of the strength of its sports teams (sorry that was a joke). I say this with a grain of salt though, mainly because I don't wanna turn this thread into a giant argument about the strength of NYC programs lol.
I'm having trouble sorting these out: #2 UIC, #3 Drexel,#4 Cooper. Please help :)

Not interested in fellowship right now.
My ROL is fairly set except switching between UTSW and Vanderbilt for #3 and #4; I like both equally and don't have a location preference. Which program is generally seen as having the better reputation? Thanks!
My ROL is fairly set except switching between UTSW and Vanderbilt for #3 and #4; I like both equally and don't have a location preference. Which program is generally seen as having the better reputation? Thanks!
Neither. Both have stellar reps as far as future training/employment goes. I'd personally choose Vandy but not by that much.
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hey guys, last minute question, am i crazy ranking miami (jackson memorial) before tufts? thanks
Is ranking UTSW below Baylor insane? I want academic cards down the road.
Any last minute opinions on ordering these 3: Have the rest of the list settled
U of kentucky
Mayo Jacksonville
Carolinas med center

NYU: liked the people and obviously the city. would be harder financially but would be an interesting life experience. not sure how much i would get to enjoy it. worried about the nursing situation. got along with the residents and think i would fit in. not quite sure where it stands on program reputation although they seem to do well.

UAB: obviously powerhouse in the south. friendly residents, really liked the program director. birmingham is about twice as far so family would not visit much. spouse not the most excited about it, but compared to cost of living in nyc, may be better option for children etc. But we enjoy small cities as well. for fellowship, most seem to stay in the south but seems to be their preference. again not sure where it really stands on reputation.

any thoughts? looking for a strong program that will prepare me well for anything. i realize these are about as different you can get.
UCLA vs UNC v Michigan v BIDMC v Vandy v Yale for GI based on reputation

thanks @gutonc
Aren't you going for IM? Because the answer might be a bit different if you were applying for GI.

And I'm not a GI doc so you should take my advice with a grain of salt.
Aren't you going for IM? Because the answer might be a bit different if you were applying for GI.

And I'm not a GI doc so you should take my advice with a grain of salt.

No worries. Thought maybe you'd have heard some chatter from GI colleagues.

Maybe IM, maybe GI. Tough to make a call this early so just hedging my bets.
Last minute question:

University of Kentucky vs Louisville?
For future interest in cards

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any last second thoughts on ohio state vs iowa?
I need quick help. I thought I knew, but now I keep switching:

University of Wisconsin vs University of Minnesota
I need quick help. I thought I knew, but now I keep switching:

University of Wisconsin vs University of Minnesota
Flip a coin, when it is the air for that 1 or 2 seconds you will know where you really want to go.
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Thanks! My gut feeling is telling me Cleveland Clinic. Is it that bad? Everyone seems to always be bashing it on SDN.

If your gut is telling you CCF, then go there. The fact it's overrated, doesn't mean it's a bad program. Fact of the matter is that CCF is an excellent program, but not a top 20.
If your gut is telling you CCF, then go there. The fact it's overrated, doesn't mean it's a bad program. Fact of the matter is that CCF is an excellent program, but not a top 20.
And need last-minute help...Dartmouth vs. Cleveland Clinic??
If your gut is telling you CCF, then go there. The fact it's overrated, doesn't mean it's a bad program. Fact of the matter is that CCF is an excellent program, but not a top 20.

It's not even the best program in the state! Top 100 would even be a stretch.

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interviewed at both; felt they were similar in opportunities, iowa probably has better reputation, but it's splitting hairs.

IMO, columbus > iowa city and buckeyes > hawkeyes.

honestly, can't go wrong with either. on my rank list, i put iowa over ohio based on a coinflip and would be happy at either program.
ucsf vs duke ... anyone
lols there are so many differences b/w these programs

Duke= Rural-ish

UCSF= VERY expensive
Duke= fairly affordable

both have extremely strong street cred.

and one is likely a lot closer to your family...
ROL certified 8:57 PM EST:diebanana:
Congrats on being done everyone :claps:
Please come back and post where you matched come March 18 so we can pay it forward :soexcited:
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8:59:05, certified - page didn't load - confirmation email 9:01. lucky as f*

That's your own damn fault if you didn't make it through, no offense. Nobody should be certifying their rank list literally that late at the last second.
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