Philadelphia COM - Philadelphia (PCOM) Discussion Thread 2015 - 2016

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Secondary submitted. I have been pre-writing for the past two months so I have a lot of material at hand.

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how are the people submitting today able to react so fast to a completely new (and complex) essay question that was just sent out today

I'm still recovering from work lol


Same essay from last year so people may have prewritten the essay.
Same essay from last year so people may have prewritten the essay.
so it is. i had list of secondaries from last year and for some reason thought PCOM had a vastly different question than this lol. My b
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My aacomas was verified on Monday--how long did it take you guys once verified to receive your secondaries??
My aacomas was verified on Monday--how long did it take you guys once verified to receive your secondaries??

I was verified on 6/30 and just received my first secondary today - it was from CCOM

PCOM-PA is one of the most applied to schools in the DO world. Last year they had over 8000 applicants for 270 spots. It takes a while, relax.
PCOM-PA is one of the most applied to schools in the DO world. Last year they had over 8000 applicants for 270 spots. It takes a while, relax.
They had over 9500 applications and are expecting over 10,000 this year. With all the programs that means over 15,000 applications they work on. DO is not the only program that they run
For people who have submitted secondaries, did it automatically update on your "status" pages? I submitted it last night and my status page said that they received everything (including my payment) except for my secondary
Mine only has my MCAT scores as 'received'
They had over 9500 applications and are expecting over 10,000 this year. With all the programs that means over 15,000 applications they work on. DO is not the only program that they run
anyone feelin lucky? lol whyd i even bother
anyone feelin lucky? lol whyd i even bother

I don't remember the exact number but at the PCOM open house this yearm they mentioned that they received 9500 primaries but only 6k-ish people submitted secondaries/ had complete applications. You're right though, still a crapshoot!
Many have mentioned that this is there top pick. Care to explain why? I'm applying to both schools. Which school is better?
Many have mentioned that this is there top pick. Care to explain why? I'm applying to both schools. Which school is better?
"better DO school" is an argument with no correct answer. I guess if someone is from south and would like to stay south, Ga campus is better. I personally think Pa campus opens more doors to students, considering the reputation in the region (among residency directors).
Good luck all. Pace yourselves... It's a long cycle.
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How can anyone think that just sending something is going to be in your application right away. Last year we were told at least 15 days to get materials in to our applications and later in the year it took a lot longer because of how many they get. Be patient and let them do their thing. My friend worked in the office last year and he said they are the hardest working people he ever saw with all the stuff they get. Hoping this year is easier for them, they are hoping for no paper and our fees are going in electronic. My friend helped with the mail, a ton of it ever day.
I completed both the secondary and the payment but on the application summary it shows them as blank. Maybe I have to wait a few for it to be updated?

Edit: I see this is a common issue
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what are my chances here with a 3.6cgpa/3.5sgpa and 27 balanced mcat?
For this part of the prompt: " Include an example of an event in which your actions directly influenced the life of another person and relate this to your goal of becoming a DO. "

My event is something that is not healthcare related this ok or do you think they're looking for something related to medicine or health etc?
doesn't have to^. As long as it relates to the osteopathic philosophy. This essay literally asked you to answer 4 questions in 250 words x(
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doesn't have to^. As long as it relates to the osteopathic philosophy. This essay literally asked you to answer 4 questions in 250 words x(

I know! This word limit is killing me...Haha
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I spent 3x more time trimming down my essay than I did actually writing it, but secondary submitted!

No if only that non-science letter writer would get my recommendation in...
Hey all, I got my June MCAT percentiles back and it is looking like I got a 124Biology/Biochem, 126P/C, 127 Psych/Soc, and 129-132 CARS. Which, assuming I got a 129 on CARS, is a 506. This translates roughly to a 29 on the old MCAT, with the biology section being equivalent to a 7. Would this score hurt my chances with PCOM? For reference, I have a 3.73 sci GPA/3.72 overall. Thanks in advance!
Hmm mine still shows blank for "Supplemental Application".
I hope I dont wait 2 weeks to find out that they never received it and have to re-submit =/
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I was saying that mine did change. I actually just looked at my "check status page" and I submitted the 7th and it was updated on the 9th.
I submitted mine the 8th and it has yet to be updated? Should I just wait the 15 days and then call them?
They did receive my payment, however.
For everyone having issues about their secondary app not showing up as received, the directions say to give them 15 business days from the time of receipt of the application fee. I submitted on 7/7, but they didn't mark my application fee as received until the 10th. So, really, it's been like 2 business days since I've submitted even if it's been 7 real days :rolleyes:
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Did anyone talk about speeding tickets regarding the following question?

* Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (excluding parking violations)?

Did anyone talk about speeding tickets regarding the following question?

* Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (excluding parking violations)?


I did only because in my state all moving traffic violations are considered misdemeanors. On other secondaries that ask to list charges and the phrasing says something along the lines of "excluding speeding tickets" or does not say to list misdemeanors specifically then I don't.

When I inquired about it the police dept told me it would indeed show as a misdemeanor if someone pulled a background check on me. A lot of the school's that I've spoken with stated that the ticket isn't a big deal (one even joked with me about it), but to list it anyway and explain. I did not call PCOM, so take this info with a grain of salt. I do not know their specific policy on it.
Did anyone talk about speeding tickets regarding the following question?

* Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (excluding parking violations)?

depends on your state law, I know in California, speeding or running red light are infractions, serious moving violation such as speeding (over 100mph or 25% pass speed limit) and DUI are misdemeanor. For those schools ask you to list traffic ticket, it's very likely b/c in their states minor traffic offenses are considered as misdemeanor. But if you are from a state that does count, then you should be fine.
I know for PA a speeding ticket is NOT a misdemeanor.

A summary offense is any minor crime, initially heard and decided by a district justice. Many violations of the Motor Vehicle Code, such as speeding, illegal parking and going through a red light, are summary offenses. However, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not a summary offense, it is a misdemeanor, which is a more serious crime

They'll show up on your background check, but are not classified as misdemeanors.

EDIT; PCOM asks specifically for misdemeanors and felonies- if you got a traffic violation in PA< you did not get charged w/ a misdemeanor haha.
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For the felony/misdemeanor question: I got a summary citation for underage drinking, so should I say YES and explain it? they're not felonies or misdemeanors but they're obviously not traffic tickets either. The way they phrase this question is confusing...
For the felony/misdemeanor question: I got a summary citation for underage drinking, so should I say YES and explain it? they're not felonies or misdemeanors but they're obviously not traffic tickets either. The way they phrase this question is confusing...

It's a summary citation, which is what- a violation? You don't have to disclose. Honestly, stop overthinking it. It you were found guilty of a misdemeanor/felony, then disclose. If not, answer no and move on. No one is giving you bonus points for disclosing parking tickets, speeding tickets, citations, violations, municipal fines, HOA fines, etc.
It's a summary citation, which is what- a violation? You don't have to disclose. Honestly, stop overthinking it. It you were found guilty of a misdemeanor/felony, then disclose. If not, answer no and move on. No one is giving you bonus points for disclosing parking tickets, speeding tickets, citations, violations, municipal fines, HOA fines, etc.

Ok ok thankya. Yeah a summary citation is on the same level as a speeding ticket. I just didn't want to say no and then have issues down the road.
I think I already asked here but I don't think I got an answer -- after your AACOMAS was verified, how long did it take before you received an invitation to fill out the secondary? I was verified on 7/6 and have not received a secondary yet.
I think I already asked here but I don't think I got an answer -- after your AACOMAS was verified, how long did it take before you received an invitation to fill out the secondary? I was verified on 7/6 and have not received a secondary yet.
u should not worry since they dont screen.
I still dont have verification that they received my secondary... 5 days until its been 15..
I still don't have the verification either but I submitted only 6 business days ago.
Hey guys, I am just wondering if there are current students familiar with the D.O/PhD (the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology department). Thanks !
Anybody know whether it is acceptable to sub a DO LOR for one of the 3 faculty LORs for a nontraditional student, or is that totes out of the question? I called admissions and asked but I think they were confused by my question because the rep just kept telling me to put my letters of rec on AACOMAS...
I'm also curious about the LOR substitution for nontrads ... also, does anyone know about the rotation sites at PCOM? Do most students have to move all over for rotations or are most or all rotations still doable without moving?
Would it be a bad idea to reuse a patient interaction I discussed in my personal statement as the example they want? I didn't relate it to osteopathic medicine in my ps so it wouldn't be exactly the same
Would it be a bad idea to reuse a patient interaction I discussed in my personal statement as the example they want? I didn't relate it to osteopathic medicine in my ps so it wouldn't be exactly the same
I hope not, because on almost all of my secondaries I took chunks from my primary app or personal statement -- LOL. I can't imagine they'd have a problem with that, knowing how much we have to write and how little time we have to do it with all of our secondaries etc. At least that's what I told myself!
I hope not, because on almost all of my secondaries I took chunks from my primary app or personal statement -- LOL. I can't imagine they'd have a problem with that, knowing how much we have to write and how little time we have to do it with all of our secondaries etc. At least that's what I told myself!

I reused it haha thanks for the input!
Anyone know what i should do if the 15 day window comes and my secondary app still hasnt been marked as received?
I'm also curious about the LOR substitution for nontrads ... also, does anyone know about the rotation sites at PCOM? Do most students have to move all over for rotations or are most or all rotations still doable without moving?
No substitutions allowed last year. You can email them but will probably get the same response.
nvm delete
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