Philadelphia COM - Philadelphia (PCOM) Discussion Thread 2015 - 2016

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I submit my secondary application and payment a week ago and the day after my status for both payment and letters was updated, so those are complete. But it has been a week and my supplemental app and MCAT scores are still not market as received. For most other apps, the supplemental was marked as complete as soon as I submit it. Is this normal?

My supplemental app still isn't marked as received and I submitted it on 7/18. I'd give it another week or so.

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did you get an email confirming your submission of the supplementary app?

I have been checking my e mail and I don't see one. Can anyone else comment on whether they got an e mail confirmation of their secondary submission?

My app fee was marked received on 7/17 and it says allow two weeks from then for all material to be added. so if it passes the two week mark I'm going to e mail or call them
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There is no complete email. I've had my secondary marked complete since 7/8-7/11 and I received neither a complete nor receipt of payment email

And you didn't get an e mail confirming your secondary submission?
So last year, no complete email. When you submit your secondary you get this pop up that thanks you and that is it. Last ear they also asked for 15 business days to process everything, not sure if it is shorter or longer this year. I know that you can pay your application money online this year which is much better than last year which will start your process quicker. You all have to be very very patient in this process time. PCOM got over 9500 applications later year (mentioned at an open house) and will probably get more this year.
Submitted my secondary around july 7/8. but my LOR's weren't received by AACOMAS until july 21. It still doesn't say my letters were receieved when i checked my application status for PCOM. Are 9 days enough time to start worrying or should i wait to call them
Everything says 15 days processing. I'd give it the full time.
Submitted my secondary around july 7/8. but my LOR's weren't received by AACOMAS until july 21. It still doesn't say my letters were receieved when i checked my application status for PCOM. Are 9 days enough time to start worrying or should i wait to call them
If they already have your application in the system you are going to have to tell them to go back in and get the letters. This was talked about in previous posts, they will not automatically go in and get a second, third fourth application if you add something unless they know to do it.
If they already have your application in the system you are going to have to tell them to go back in and get the letters. This was talked about in previous posts, they will not automatically go in and get a second, third fourth application if you add something unless they know to do it.

Let me know! I won't have my letters till my post-bac school gets off th....I mean gets around to my letter. :) (makes me nervous b/c I'm supposed to have them for my interview Mon with LECOM)
Just received an email saying they received my secondary application!
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For those of you with multiple MCAT scores, does anyone else have the issue where, when looking at the secondary application checklist, the notes section states a test date which was not your most recent? Just wondering because I want to make sure that they are looking at my most recent score. It's the same with my Georgia app.
I had three when I applied last year and was told their system only shows one but as long as we sent the scores to AACOMAS they would get them all. With the issues this year with AACOMAS hope it is not a problem for you
I received a confirmation email last night, even though everything has been marked as "complete" for a week or two.
Quick question...... Since both campus have the same prompt for the secondary... I could just use the same answer right ?

Does anyone know if PCOM offers fee waivers for the secondaries ? I do have a fee waiver from AACOMAS....
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Quick question...... Since both campus have the same prompt for the secondary... I could just use the same answer right ?

Does anyone know if PCOM offers fee waivers for the secondaries ? I do have a fee waiver from AACOMAS....
I would use the same answer. And yes they offer a fee waiver. I emailed them a copy of it and they applied it within a week or so.
Does the status page show all of the letters received? I sent 5 but there are only 3 marked received, even though I sent them all at the same time via Interfolio. Sent them around 7/17
Really hoping to get an interview here! I'm from the Philly area, love the city. I went to an open house last year and loved the campus/students who gave us the tour. The DO who wrote my LOR is a PCOM grad, so I'm hoping that plays in my favor! He loved his time there, and he is AWESOME.

Anyone have any idea when II's start going out? I know I need to be patient ;) it's just so tough! #1 DO school for sure, maybe #1 choice overall. I'm sure you guys can sympathize w/ being anxious to hear!
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Really hoping to get an interview here! I'm from the Philly area, love the city. I went to an open house last year and loved the campus/students who gave us the tour. The DO who wrote my LOR is a PCOM grad, so I'm hoping that plays in my favor! He loved his time there, and he is AWESOME.

Anyone have any idea when II's start going out? I know I need to be patient ;) it's just so tough! #1 DO school for sure, maybe #1 choice overall. I'm sure you guys can sympathize w/ being anxious to hear!
Try checking last years thread for when II went out last year. Hopefully soon!!! I wanna go to an Eagles game when I go to my interview!
Try checking last years thread for when II went out last year. Hopefully soon!!! I wanna go to an Eagles game when I go to my interview!
Good call. Earliest II I found was 9/5. Which seems like an eternity away haha but it's good to have an idea, so now I can TRY not to check my e-mail 5 times a day for the next month ;)

Are you from the area or a displaced Eagles fan? I live nearby but I've never been to an Eagles game! I'm dying to go. I'm actually heading to the Linc for training camp tomorrow!
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Good call. Earliest II I found was 9/5. Which seems like an eternity away haha but it's good to have an idea, so now I can TRY not to check my e-mail 5 times a day for the next month ;)

Are you from the area or a displaced Eagles fan? I live nearby but I've never been to an Eagles game! I'm dying to go. I'm actually heading to the Linc for training camp tomorrow!
Displaced. You are going to training camp you are so lucky! I bet tickets are a small fortune to a home game. But you only live once and the nearest nfl team to me is 10+ hours away. But it is my goal to see my eagles on the interview trail! Fly Eagles Fly!
I've been pretty MIA on SDN lately, but i'm a second year at PCOM. If you guys have any questions, i'll do my best to answer them via PM. Good luck.
When did they start revealing interview decisions? Do you remember?
Displaced. You are going to training camp you are so lucky! I bet tickets are a small fortune to a home game. But you only live once and the nearest nfl team to me is 10+ hours away. But it is my goal to see my eagles on the interview trail! Fly Eagles Fly!

Just gunna chime in as a general football fan (and crying/depressed niner fan), but it should be interesting to see how your boys do this year after the fire sale that happened and the complete make over if the O. I hope chip knows what he's doing lol if things go as planned thst offense will be fun to watch!
Just gunna chime in as a general football fan (and crying/depressed niner fan), but it should be interesting to see how your boys do this year after the fire sale that happened and the complete make over if the O. I hope chip knows what he's doing lol if things go as planned thst offense will be fun to watch!
I'm generally an optimist when it comes to my sports teams. But this year I am pretty concerned. Not only have we lost a lot of pieces but the rest of the division has improved a lot in the last year. I just can't wait for kickoff. 40 days left. And speaking of teams that lost a lot of pieces, who knows what the niners are going to do this year. They should be two interesting teams to watch
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When did they start revealing interview decisions? Do you remember?

I think the earliest interview started in about September last year. My interview was in December and decision came back 3 weeks later. So its a fairly large timespan.
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Just gunna chime in as a general football fan (and crying/depressed niner fan), but it should be interesting to see how your boys do this year after the fire sale that happened and the complete make over if the O. I hope chip knows what he's doing lol if things go as planned thst offense will be fun to watch!

I'm generally an optimist when it comes to my sports teams. But this year I am pretty concerned. Not only have we lost a lot of pieces but the rest of the division has improved a lot in the last year. I just can't wait for kickoff. 40 days left. And speaking of teams that lost a lot of pieces, who knows what the niners are going to do this year. They should be two interesting teams to watch

I could definitely go to school with you two haha! It would be nice to have some friends to talk sports with to get away from the stress of studying for a bit.
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I think the earliest interview started in about September last year. My interview was in December and decision came back 3 weeks later. So its a fairly large timespan.
when did you submit your secondary to this school? Did you get in??
Displaced. You are going to training camp you are so lucky! I bet tickets are a small fortune to a home game. But you only live once and the nearest nfl team to me is 10+ hours away. But it is my goal to see my eagles on the interview trail! Fly Eagles Fly!

That's the main reason I'm applying here tbh... E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!!!!!!!
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When did they start revealing interview decisions? Do you remember?

I got an email for an interview in September for my interview in October. Got my acceptance letter about 2 weeks after that.
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Going to submit this secondary today. Hmm, interesting essay..
First year here! Orientation this Monday! Will not be on SDN a lot now but when I do check in, if you have any questions, I would be glad to help if I can. There are a few second years also on this thread. I found PCOM students to be the best and helpful to me when I asked questions. Good luck to all of you in this coming year application pool!
anyone know how much emphasis is placed on MCAT? I have a 27 (sGPA 3.8) and was recently put on hold for interview by AZCOM. I'm worried this might happen to me at every other top program :(
anyone know how much emphasis is placed on MCAT? I have a 27 (sGPA 3.8) and was recently put on hold for interview by AZCOM. I'm worried this might happen to me at every other top program :(
It will not! apply broadly!
anyone know how much emphasis is placed on MCAT? I have a 27 (sGPA 3.8) and was recently put on hold for interview by AZCOM. I'm worried this might happen to me at every other top program :(
your scores are fine in comparison to the average matric stats of PCOMs last year class.
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I can't remember when I submitted. It was very early. The second that I could, I sent my primary. As soon as I got my secondary, I had a turnover of 48 hours. I got in and I'm attending. PCOM and LECOM were the first primaries I did. Wanted to stay instate. Got into LECOM in September. PECOM, first week of April.
I can't remember when I submitted. It was very early. The second that I could, I sent my primary. As soon as I got my secondary, I had a turnover of 48 hours. I got in and I'm attending. PCOM and LECOM were the first primaries I did. Wanted to stay instate. Got into LECOM in September. PECOM, first week of April.
@Camaxtli : are you IS? did you have good stats/EC's?
@silvermecca : When was your interview? Im not that familiar with interviews but if you submitted essentially the first day, my intuition would tell me you had an early-ish interview (sept/oct/nov time). Why did you find out so late?? How were your stats?
The school does not have my LORs, even though they are tied to my central application. Am I going to have to send in with interfolio, or will they eventually get all my LORs tied to ACCOMAS?
The school does not have my LORs, even though they are tied to my central application. Am I going to have to send in with interfolio, or will they eventually get all my LORs tied to ACCOMAS?
is there no date by the 'first' column (to the left of status and note)? Mine was dated within a few days of submitting by I subbed like the 1st day I got the secondary which was early july if I recall.
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There is no date by the first column regarding application fee. In fact, the only date present is for my MCAT score lol

Let me note, that I just submitted my secondary application 5 minutes ago. I just paid for the secondary app 4 minutes ago.. I wanted my essay to be a masterpiece.

BTW folks, I use to live in Kennett Square, PA (now I live in North Carolina), so I know a little bit about PA. Per chance you pass Kennett Square, the mushroom capital, you will know because it smells outright terrible. It's a very nice area once you get use to the smell..
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There is no date by the first column regarding application fee. In fact, the only date present is for my MCAT score lol

Let me note, that I just submitted my secondary application 5 minutes ago. I just paid for the secondary app 4 minutes ago.. I wanted my essay to be a masterpiece.

BTW folks, I use to live in Kennett Square, PA (now I live in North Carolina), so I know a little bit about PA. Per chance you pass Kennett Square, the mushroom capital, you will know because it smells outright terrible. It's a very nice area once you get use to the smell..
I take it you are applying to CUSOM as well? Whats your 1st choice?
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I take it you are applying to CUSOM as well? Whats your 1st choice?

Can't apply to CUSOM. I'm a health services management B.S graduate with Gen Chem I and II, Org I and II, Physics I and II, and Biology I and II. However, CUSOM requires a level 3000 science requirement if I recall correctly and I don't have any advanced science credits. I could always call and ask if they'd accept one of my Health Services Management credits, but I'm already applying to 17 D.O schools and 1 M.D school. CUSOM would be low on my list anyways. Its accreditation status + unfavorable location (I want to move) make it not ideal for my interests. Plus, with my stats I should be able to select from one of my top choices.

I will add that I'm an EMT and I have seen CUSOM's students at some of the hospitals I frequent.. and it does seem they have quality rotation sites. I know a lot about the area if anybody is interested. CUSOM will be a great school, I'd apply if I could.

Oh, and first choice is PCOM Pa/Ga or Brody SOM (M.D, for tuition only would it be my first choice) :) .. Then probably NSU or LECOM-B
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