Fair enough
The fact that UofC likes to refer to itself as the Harvard of the midwest does speak to some degree of arrogance, and their financial troubles w/ the loss of several prominent figures over the past couple of yrs warrants closer scrutiny...but it still remains the most
selective of the programs listed. I knew a number of classmates that obtained interviews at Mayo but not at UofC. Does selectivity = better training, not necessarily. And coming from the midwest, I'm also probably biased towards the Chicago programs as you mentioned. On the other hand, I did not go to UofC nor am I affiliated in anyway.
Mayo is certainly well recognized nationally and carries it's own "wow factor" for the parents. My med school, as small as it was, liked to boast that it had a special relationship w/ Mayo as several of my classmates matched there. I even ranked them highly when I went through this process yrs ago. But Mayo does suffer from a fellow/attending driven reputation (of course this is entirely based on rumors as I have no 1st hand knowledge of Mayo's inner workings either). And lets face it...unless you work for IBM, enjoy wearing suits daily, or
are dying to take care of a Saudi prince at some point in your life, nobody moves to Rochester, MN on purpose
Hence, UofC (in my humble opinion) > (maybe just not >>) than Mayo.