PNWU vs. COMP NW (and LECOM-Erie)

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Apr 20, 2012
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I'm from upstate/western NY but I currently live in Seattle with my boyfriend of 3 years. I'm trying to decide between PNWU, LECOM-E (PBL), and Western U-COMP NW.

PNWU is new and expensive but seems like it's working hard to make a name for itself and help the current students get good rotations and residency matches. 2.5 hours from Seattle

LECOM Erie has a great rep, incredible tuition, pretty bad weather but my family is about 3.5 hours away.

Western-U NW seems like the best of both worlds but I haven't even interviewed there yet (scheduled, being hopeful). Since I haven't been there before, does anyone have input on the pros/cons of the two NW schools?

Also I have to have my check in by Friday for LECOM and I just cannot decide. The cost differential is pretty dramatic, but I'm not sure I have the most current numbers.


LECOM, PNWU, Western in order


Room, board Books and Living

Est. total COL (per year)

Average 2011 graduates debt

Thanks for any input you have!! If it helps I want to do primary care, probably with older people, I'm adaptable to where I live etc. :)

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I am from Washington and I interviewed at both. Personally, I liked Yakima more as a town, but that isn't saying much.

I liked both schools but I think the way Western's curriculum is delivered is a lot more humane. I like our small group systems vs PNWU's self-study style, but that's personal preference.

Don't stress about making a decision until you interview here (COMP-NW). It's hard to know how you feel about both until you get a chance to see them. Good luck.
There'll be time enough for counting, when the dealing's done
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Are the cost of living totals including tuition? If not, I don't see how you're getting the average indebtedness of about 200K without tuition.
the average debt number is a a published number, not calculated, and is effected by people who don't take the full loans available due to scholarships, savings, etc.

It would be really hard for me to not take the LECOM offer if I were in your position, simply because of the tuition difference. you're talking about a difference of SIXTY TO EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS over the course of your four years. that could be $1000 a month on your student loan payment post-med school. Even though the difference in loan debt is only ~$40K I'd look at your total liability in making this decision. Assuming that the schools are comparable of course.
One thing that put COMP-NW in my top 5 schools was the anatomy lab.

At Erie, there are prosected cadavers, and I can't remember if the PBL people get a crack at them or not. I had an interview scheduled at Erie, but canceled it when I got my first acceptance (Nova)

At COMP, each cadaver is MRI and CT scanned prior to dissection. That means when you are learning radiography, you are learning it from YOUR cadaver and can see how the images match the structures. Also, they use ultrasound machines in the anatomy lab (not on the cadavers, but on each other). This allows you to see it in the cadaver, MRI, CT, and ultrasound all at the same time. You get to see how the different methods of imaging relate to each other. I asked at other schools where I interviewed (4 others), and NONE of them did this.

The down side is that Lebanon is not a great hot-spot of city life. It is close to Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene (4 of the top 10 largest cities in Oregon), but you still need to TRAVEL to get to those cities.

I am kinda biased, I was born and raised in Oregon. If I don't get an acceptance at OHSU, then I will probably go to COMP over Nova. It is a tough decision to make.

I was really impressed by the anatomy lab at COMP-NW as well, but as it was the only one I had been in I assumed it was pretty much standard. Had no idea that there would be so much variation in that department.
reminds me of a decision i had to make last year lol.

i chose price tag.

PBL does not get to do anatomy lab and im not sure if were technically prosection or dissection but i did quite a bit of dissection in my 12 weeks of anatomy lab.
One thing that put COMP-NW in my top 5 schools was the anatomy lab.

At Erie, there are prosected cadavers, and I can't remember if the PBL people get a crack at them or not. I had an interview scheduled at Erie, but canceled it when I got my first acceptance (Nova)

At COMP, each cadaver is MRI and CT scanned prior to dissection. That means when you are learning radiography, you are learning it from YOUR cadaver and can see how the images match the structures. Also, they use ultrasound machines in the anatomy lab (not on the cadavers, but on each other). This allows you to see it in the cadaver, MRI, CT, and ultrasound all at the same time. You get to see how the different methods of imaging relate to each other. I asked at other schools where I interviewed (4 others), and NONE of them did this.

The down side is that Lebanon is not a great hot-spot of city life. It is close to Portland, Salem, Corvallis and Eugene (4 of the top 10 largest cities in Oregon), but you still need to TRAVEL to get to those cities.

I am kinda biased, I was born and raised in Oregon. If I don't get an acceptance at OHSU, then I will probably go to COMP over Nova. It is a tough decision to make.


Erie is dissections, not prosections. A few students come in over the summer to remove fat and skin to make everything easier, but the MS-1's do the dissections. (PBL doesn't)
Is this true? I run into very mixed reviews on LECOM.

Pre-med students dislike
Program Directors like

Take your pick.

In all seriousness, a large majority of the "dislike" is about the rules, regulations, and winter (spring/summer/fall are very nice here, you have to check out Presque Isle if visiting for an interview). Very few people (if anyone) dislike LECOM because they felt like they didn't get a strong education.
I interviewed at PNWU and Comp NW. Both are good schools but I prefer PNWU for a couple reasons.
First they have nice simulation robots to practice different procedures and emergency scenarios on. For me this will be very beneficial to be able to practice these scenarios before seeing them in clinicals, Comp NW doesn't offer the robots.
Secondly I like the layout of PNWU. It is a little larger building so everything didn't feel quite as cramped, also the clinical practice area was nicer in my opinion. It resembles a small doctors office where Comp NW was just a hallway with a few rooms.
The location of PNWU is also more favorable for me but that is something that really depends on the individual.
I hope this helps!
Pre-med students dislike
Program Directors like

Take your pick.

In all seriousness, a large majority of the "dislike" is about the rules, regulations, and winter (spring/summer/fall are very nice here, you have to check out Presque Isle if visiting for an interview). Very few people (if anyone) dislike LECOM because they felt like they didn't get a strong education.

This is very true. Medical students bitch because they have nothing better to do. LECOM students all match into the top programs in the nation.
Thanks everyone! And yes the cost of living was including tuition on a yearly basis. This decision is tough!!
The worst part (I am grateful to have a choice at all) is that friends in finance keep saying it will just "work out" because I'll be a doctor or whatever. But I've never been in debt before and I am leaning towards primary care, so I feel that they are misinformed. I can't count on getting a scholarship or a grant of some kind.

I liked both PNWU and LECOM-E but I can't tell where I'll be happier (relatively speaking). I guess I'm just putting my question out there to see how you are navigating or navigated this question. Thanks again.
The worst part (I am grateful to have a choice at all) is that friends in finance keep saying it will just "work out" because I'll be a doctor or whatever. But I've never been in debt before and I am leaning towards primary care, so I feel that they are misinformed. I can't count on getting a scholarship or a grant of some kind.

You are misinformed, not your friends. Primary care still makes six figures. As a doctor you will always have a job.
Thanks everyone. Hopefully someone else will benefit from this thread too. I'm leaning towards PNWU right now for a few different reasons. Mostly location, campus feel, faculty and students I met. Also friends and family helped me talk it out. Thank you.
I've been accepted into PNWU as well and interviewing at western but I'm strongly considering PNWU. The thing that makes me nervous about western is the video lectures. I don't think that will be very helpful to me and I prefer in person lectures. I'm not sure how many are taught using this anymore though?
I've been accepted into PNWU as well and interviewing at western but I'm strongly considering PNWU. The thing that makes me nervous about western is the video lectures. I don't think that will be very helpful to me and I prefer in person lectures. I'm not sure how many are taught using this anymore though?

>80% of the time for us (DO2015). I assume it's similar for DO2016.
I've been accepted into PNWU as well and interviewing at western but I'm strongly considering PNWU. The thing that makes me nervous about western is the video lectures. I don't think that will be very helpful to me and I prefer in person lectures. I'm not sure how many are taught using this anymore though?

2nd year is nearly entirely on your own at PNWU fyi.