RANT HERE thread

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I used to do a lot of cat sitting (yeah I sat on cats :smuggrin:) and it was even worse that I would go into these houses and find the cat's litter boxes in such states I do not even know how they used them they were so damn filthy. UGH! Now I don't know if the people just left them like that since they knew I was coming or just did not bother to scoop them every day or multiple times a day with multiple cats. For me, even when I had one cat I would scoop for sure after every #2 and then at least once a day otherwise. But I remember one house I went to there had to be like a weeks worth of **** and pee between 2 litter boxes for the 2 cats living there. It took me a few bags to scoop them out and fully clean them and then I replenished the litter. :wtf:
My theory as of late is that a majority of cat owners do not use/clean litter boxes properly. It's a miracle IMO that such a high number of cats in these unfortunate situations actually still use their litter boxes.I've encountered many a cat owners who don't know that it's abnormal for the litter box to smell so much that you don't want to go and scoop it until you absolutely have to (as in, the entire box has turned into 1 solid poop/pee/clay bar)...

It drives me crazy when people only put in like half an inch of litter and complain when they have a hard time scooping... and use that as an excuse not to. First they blame their "cheap litter" and then they blame the cat for not covering it right or something. Dude if you weren't so freaking stingy and gave that cat a good 3-4 inches of litter in a spacious box, you'd have beautiful little balls that come right out with no residual stink of urine! :mad: It's actually kind of fun to scoop litter when you set up the box right. It's like treasure hunting.

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It's actually kind of fun to scoop litter when you set up the box right. It's like treasure hunting.

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This is a hugely petty rant but it's really bumming me out so:
My boyfriend's friend is visiting from Arizona. He is here for a total of 4 weeks. The guys have spent pretty much every available moment together since he arrived. I am usually invited (which I appreciate) but it usually feels like I'm the third wheel on a man-date.... This is fine about 90% of the time because they obviously are having a great time and don't see each other too often. But lately I wish we could just spend maybe one night a week together doing something WITHOUT the friend. In the last week and a half, we've done 1 thing (lunch) with just the two of us. :(
We were supposed to hang out later, but he just texted me to change the plans.

And yes, it has occurred to me that the friend is as enthused about my constant presence as I am about his- so I've stopped joining them the last few times. I'm trying to be a good friend to him
Aww thank you guys. I've only been fostering for 2 weeks, but I've been marketing him pretty heavily and getting no interest at all. Hopefully someone will come along soon!
Awwww. Wish I lived closer/roommate would allow me to have a dog. He's adorable!
Argg!!! Starting to get the same symptoms as this time last year. Super super fatigued, dizzy, slightly nauseated, headache. I was sick all damn summer and the Dr. had no clue what it was. Maybe I'm allergic to the wildlife clinic...
Do you work outside? Could be heat?

Also, maybe take an Iron supplement. It helped me a lot with my fatigue and headaches!
Do you work outside? Could be heat?

Also, maybe take an Iron supplement. It helped me a lot with my fatigue and headaches!

I'm mostly inside at work where it's air conditioned. And I have weirdly high iron for a girl. I just really hope I'm just sick and it's not the same thing as last year...
I'm mostly inside at work where it's air conditioned. And I have weirdly high iron for a girl. I just really hope I'm just sick and it's not the same thing as last year...

A friend of mine feels sick when there is an air conditioner on. She gets headaches etc. Maybe it's the air? :confused:

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Wow. Just wow. The only excuse for that would be if they had some sort of traumatic brain injury while supposedly caring for your pets.

I'm in the city now, and have experience dealing with an IBD kitty who is a literal sh*tmonster, in case you ever need a weekend sitter.

Even a traumatic brain injury isn't an excuse...

If the pet sitter didn't want to do it anymore, he should have found someone else. A vet student in a large city shouldn't have any trouble finding a substitute sitter! I would 1000x rather have the person call the night before and cancel than do this terrible of a job.

These stories are horrifying. I want to go away for a weekend this summer and am already getting worried about who is going to care for my critters... Bunny may have a great sitter if she's home, but puppy is SOL and headed to a kennel :(. Neither of them are complicated, but they both appreciate food, water, and bathroom breaks!
Even a traumatic brain injury isn't an excuse...

If the pet sitter didn't want to do it anymore, he should have found someone else. A vet student in a large city shouldn't have any trouble finding a substitute sitter! I would 1000x rather have the person call the night before and cancel than do this terrible of a job.

These stories are horrifying. I want to go away for a weekend this summer and am already getting worried about who is going to care for my critters... Bunny may have a great sitter if she's home, but puppy is SOL and headed to a kennel :(. Neither of them are complicated, but they both appreciate food, water, and bathroom breaks!

There is a dog walker/sitter that works a lot in your building - her name is Stacey - if you ask anyone with a dog they should know how to contact her. Also, the lady with the rescue golden mix (Laura) or the guy with the yellow pit bull (Angelo) are super nice and has been in the building a while and may know someone. Barring that, if you put up a sign in the elevator I bet someone would be willing to do it within the building. You can always double check with me... I can tell you who is a wacko and who is nice :)

Oh also for the bunnies, Carol does boarding or I could do it if I don't have a bunny foster at the time.

PSA: I don't stalk SnowyRox, I just used to live in her apartment building!
Aww thank you guys. I've only been fostering for 2 weeks, but I've been marketing him pretty heavily and getting no interest at all. Hopefully someone will come along soon!

I can't believe no one is interested in him. I was telling a tech I work with about him cause I think she'd like him and she wouldn't even let me show her a picture cause she'd want him and she really can't take on any more animals. She already has a Shar pei and like 4 or 5 Persians, so it might not have worked out since you don't know how he is with cats. But she really wants a giant Pit/pit mix of some sort. Especially one with a big head. Haha.
I can't believe no one is interested in him. I was telling a tech I work with about him cause I think she'd like him and she wouldn't even let me show her a picture cause she'd want him and she really can't take on any more animals. She already has a Shar pei and like 4 or 5 Persians, so it might not have worked out since you don't know how he is with cats. But she really wants a giant Pit/pit mix of some sort. Especially one with a big head. Haha.

His giant head is truly magnificent. But I think 6 Persians might be a little much for him :)
We had an adoption event and I can officially say he is kid friendly though!
Trematode, I'm so sorry about your little dude!! He was super cute and super lucky... Major bummer :(
Finally had the talk with my parents about when to put our dog down. Now that we decided on a date it's too real. I've been crying a lot since then but I've also been spoiling him like crazy. I hate that in two weeks my dog isn't going to be around anymore.
Finally had the talk with my parents about when to put our dog down. Now that we decided on a date it's too real. I've been crying a lot since then but I've also been spoiling him like crazy. I hate that in two weeks my dog isn't going to be around anymore.

I'm sorry.:( I recently went through the same thing. It is very hard, but I found a lot of solace in knowing that she will no longer be in pain. My doggy ate McDonald's cheeseburgers in her last week and Hershey's chocolate, Reese's cups, and Ben and Jerry's on her last day. Definitely a spoiled pup:).
Grumpy rant: Life (right now, it consists of work + packing + squeezing in time with my parents, my in-laws, and random friends I won't see for a while) is stealing me away from SDN! :mad: :laugh: The house is still up for sale, I'm still working full-time (but I took tomorrow off...tis the 3 year wedding anniversary :love: ), and the sleep study I was ranting about before I disappeared for a while actually turned up some extremely interesting and unexpected results that mean lifetime medication for moi.

I miss you guys. :(
Soooooo, at the zoo today a 16 year old got a tour. She told me wanted to be a veterinarian. I told her that's great! Keep your grades up as best you can and start getting experiences early! :D:thumbup:

.... then she says "Yeah, vets make a TON of money. I saw it on the internet"


I told her that that isn't always true so make sure it's what she really wants to do with her live and left it at that........
One of my patients came in today (and I got a phone call about it since it is my day off) and euthanized. It doesn't usually affect me like this, but I really wanted her to do well.

RIP Goldie. I'm sorry we couldn't help you enough.
I screwed up big time at work today...I'm pretty sure the doctor knows that I screwed up, but the vet tech they might be both trying to protect my emotional condition by not persecuting me...idk. Can I PM another emergency pre-vetter here? I need some advice...
I screwed up big time at work today...I'm pretty sure the doctor knows that I screwed up, but the vet tech they might be both trying to protect my emotional condition by not persecuting me...idk. Can I PM another emergency pre-vetter here? I need some advice...

Not a good person to PM, but this thread might help you out a bit. (Also, twelvetigers linked to another two similar ones partway down it).
A client whose dog we saw yesterday for black stools, bleeding gums and bruising came back in this morning as a DOA. It was quite obvious the poor dog had bled out. I wish we had been able to help this dog earlier. His poor owner was so upset. It doesn't usually get to me but seeing an older gentleman sobbing over his pet.. :cry:
Thanks Trilt, you're always so helpful! I dont know if you remember, but you also gave me advice on my "how to be better e-vet assistant" thread...I already skimmed the "Mistake at work" thread..but I feel really guilty about what happened today...and especially since I'm always constantly questioning whether I'm confident enough, good enough, smart/sharp enough to last in this job, and especially because my co-workers are so patient and gave me so many chances, I feel like **** that I let them down.
Kittyterran, feel free to PM me. I'm happy to help out if I can, or just give some support.
Tough day for a bunch of you ... sorry to hear it.

One of my patients came in today (and I got a phone call about it since it is my day off) and euthanized. It doesn't usually affect me like this, but I really wanted her to do well.

RIP Goldie. I'm sorry we couldn't help you enough.

I screwed up big time at work today...I'm pretty sure the doctor knows that I screwed up, but the vet tech they might be both trying to protect my emotional condition by not persecuting me...idk. Can I PM another emergency pre-vetter here? I need some advice...
I know it is covered in those threads, but every one of us will screw up at some point and probably result in a death. We are human and it is inevitable. No sense persecuting anyone. It is good to try to learn from our mistakes in a compassionate way. That is all.

You are going to feel crappy, but don't ever forget you are not alone.

A client whose dog we saw yesterday for black stools, bleeding gums and bruising came back in this morning as a DOA. It was quite obvious the poor dog had bled out. I wish we had been able to help this dog earlier. His poor owner was so upset. It doesn't usually get to me but seeing an older gentleman sobbing over his pet.. :cry:
Sorry. :(
one of my facebook friends just posted:
"Oh, so you're a darwinist? Oh, ok, you do know that means you're a racist right. Google it. I still love ya."

:mad: I don't tell people who I disagree with that they are racist, I would like the same respect. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you can crap all over a belief system, be it scientific or religious or any other type. Is that really so hard?
one of my facebook friends just posted:
"Oh, so you're a darwinist? Oh, ok, you do know that means you're a racist right. Google it. I still love ya."

:mad: I don't tell people who I disagree with that they are racist, I would like the same respect. Just because you don't agree with something doesn't mean you can crap all over a belief system, be it scientific or religious or any other type. Is that really so hard?
Assume that is from the extension of darwinism to "social darwinism". Social darwinism is pretty fecked up in my mind. And it is not science. But really, can you expect people to make the distinction?
Assume that is from the extension of darwinism to "social darwinism". Social darwinism is pretty fecked up in my mind. And it is not science. But really, can you expect people to make the distinction?

Well, from context I can tell you it really isn't social Darwinism.
Go to take a shower and I find a rather decent sized spider in the shower. I drowned it and rinsed it down the drain but I have had spider crawl back up the drain after doing that...:scared:

I am not a spider fan.
Housing never stops sucking, EVER.

So at the end of last semester, housing was terrible. My friend group of 8 split into two 3-person houses, leaving me and one of my other friends. The on-campus apartments are for 3 and 4 people, and there are a lot fewer 3-person houses than 4-person ones. Then we decided to live with another friend, but she's a year below us, meaning we would have to draw for housing after all the all-senior groups, meaning we knew we wouldn't get a 3-person house, meaning we desperately needed to find a 4th person. Finally, the day before the deadline, we found a fourth person, and things were awesome.

Then I get a facebook message from our third housemate (the junior friend, not the 4th person we found). Her parents aren't letting her come back next year. So not ONLY do I have to miss a really good friend, but we ALSO are going to end up living with some random person who will probably not be very compatible. I'm saying this with probability: my friend and I are nerds who don't want to live with drunk partiers, which I feel like most people at our school are likely to be. Probability.

Pretty convinced next year isn't going to be any good atm. :cry::mad::cry:
Urgh. Been there, done that with the random roommate thing. Four of us got stuck with a huge, mean, drunk woman who lacked consideration and respect. I will keep my fingers crossed that you don't get stuck with someone like that.
Housing never stops sucking, EVER.

So at the end of last semester, housing was terrible. My friend group of 8 split into two 3-person houses, leaving me and one of my other friends. The on-campus apartments are for 3 and 4 people, and there are a lot fewer 3-person houses than 4-person ones. Then we decided to live with another friend, but she's a year below us, meaning we would have to draw for housing after all the all-senior groups, meaning we knew we wouldn't get a 3-person house, meaning we desperately needed to find a 4th person. Finally, the day before the deadline, we found a fourth person, and things were awesome.

Then I get a facebook message from our third housemate (the junior friend, not the 4th person we found). Her parents aren't letting her come back next year. So not ONLY do I have to miss a really good friend, but we ALSO are going to end up living with some random person who will probably not be very compatible. I'm saying this with probability: my friend and I are nerds who don't want to live with drunk partiers, which I feel like most people at our school are likely to be. Probability.

Pretty convinced next year isn't going to be any good atm. :cry::mad::cry:

This is why I moved off-campus for junior/senior year. Hated dealing with madness like this.

Actual advice, though, is seriously, reach out to everyone you know looking for someone who needs housing. I know it seems late for someone to be looking, but crazy things happen, especially since now you can easily pull in a junior without getting impacted, since you already have the house. Let ResLife know that you're looking and they may help you out some and be willing to work with you. If you do end up with some "drunk partier," just establish that you all are not hosting groups larger than X people (and a good set of house rules is worth having no matter how well you know everyone) and they will likely not be spending much time there on the weekends anyway.

And don't let this ruin your senior year for you!! It can still be awesome, even if there's some rando living in your house--who may turn out to be awesome--you just don't know yet!
Thanks for the advice and support. It's just so frustrating because we DID the last minute who needs a house search for our fourth. It was supposed to be done after that! And I'm really sad my friend won't be there. :(
Minor rant here:
Dr. B "accidentally" broke my locked drawers lock again. Being that this has been an issue before, I didn't expect her to take the high road. She had a tech email me about it instead of telling me directly.
Minor rant here:
Dr. B "accidentally" broke my locked drawers lock again. Being that this has been an issue before, I didn't expect her to take the high road. She had a tech email me about it instead of telling me directly.

I just truly have no words. Shouldn't she get in some serious trouble for this? I know we've all had this discussion before, but seriously?!!?!?:annoyed:
Minor rant here:
Dr. B "accidentally" broke my locked drawers lock again. Being that this has been an issue before, I didn't expect her to take the high road. She had a tech email me about it instead of telling me directly.

Next time Dr.B mismanaged a case (sounds like you have ample opportunity), nudge the client into filing a board complaint and a malpractice suit. Heh heh heh
I just realized I forgot my best friend's birthday 4 days ago :uhno:
I am so overwhelmed right now that my mind is just not working. I'm a terrible friend :(
Minor rant here:
Dr. B "accidentally" broke my locked drawers lock again. Being that this has been an issue before, I didn't expect her to take the high road. She had a tech email me about it instead of telling me directly.

I wouldn't call that minor... I would be livid, especially if this has happened before!
Minor rant here:
Dr. B "accidentally" broke my locked drawers lock again. Being that this has been an issue before, I didn't expect her to take the high road. She had a tech email me about it instead of telling me directly.

So wait - what on earth is she doing to break the lock, anyway? Does she want in the drawer (how would it happen otherwise?) and then what does she want? Your controlled drugs? Why? I'm trying to think of a good reason to break open a lock instead of asking to borrow something.
Dyachei, this is getting absolutely ridiculous!!

With your husband's increased income, are you able to reconsider the job that you were offered before (if it's still on the table)?

My rant/rave: Just realized that after I get back from my cruise, it will be July :eek::eek::eek: Holy shiz. That is all.
My dog just bit my arm three times... my mastiff. He somehow managed to get himself all twisted on his runner and was so wrapped up, I thought for sure his leg was broken. He had it in between each toe, wrapped around his leg, and a part of our deck, and the harder he pulled, the tigheter it got. He literally hog tied both his back legs tight as hell. When I tried to cut it off, it was obviously exrtremely painful just to touch his leg and everytime I touched it, he yelped and bit my arm out of fear and pain I'm assuming. Poor guy :( but I'm still NOT happy that he thought it was ok to bite me.

And no, I did not throw my dog out on a runner and leave him there. He is a crazy pup and wrapped himself up in about 12 seconds with me standing right there. We live in front of a busy road and I put them both on a runner so they can run around a little bit with me and not worry about them getting hit.

So now my arm feels awesome, I have a sore pup, and need to figure out how to curb this behavior in the future! I am NOT having him bite people :mad: