RANT HERE thread

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Seeing the successful applicant stats thread sort of helped me keep some hope that I may get into vet school after all. Even though I hate revealing my GPA, I resolved to post on that thread once I am though the cycle so maybe I can give that confidence boost to someone who feels like I did a couple years ago.

I think posts on the successful applicant thread are more than welcomed as long as you give a nice thorough profile. The more profiles the better, cause seriously, SDN is like the only place you'll find all that self-reported info from individuals. It is super helpful regardless of whether you are a regular contributor or not.

I think what gets on people's nerves are the people who just list on the acceptance/interview threads just to add that they've gotten accepted/an interview. That doesn't help anyone really... We all know ~100 people will get into every vet school and maybe like ~300 people for interviews, so hearing that RaNdOMJoHN99 got accepted to whatever school doesn't really mean much to anyone. Those threads are generally used to keep track of people who our little community is rooting for. We all get sad and indignant when someone we know gets rejected, and stoked when they get good news. When a good chunk of our regular members have just gotten rejected or aren't getting any good news, sometimes it's a salt in the wound to have 20 smug strangers post how happy they are that they've gotten accepted. There's an information aspect and a community aspect to these forums, and I think it just gets annoying when someone who never thought it worthwhile to contribute anything to the forums all of the sudden is gungho about posting seemingly for a pat in the back.

I guess sometimes it helps to keep track of whether invites are still coming and stuff, but then the school specific threads might be more appropriate to disseminate that information. I mean, it's a free country, post in whatever thread you feel like so long as it doesn't break SDN's ToS... but don't expect a warm loving response depending on how/when/where you do it.

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I think posts on the successful applicant thread are more than welcomed as long as you give a nice thorough profile. The more profiles the better, cause seriously, SDN is like the only place you'll find all that self-reported info from individuals. It is super helpful regardless of whether you are a regular contributor or not.

I think what gets on people's nerves are the people who just list on the acceptance/interview threads just to add that they've gotten accepted/an interview. That doesn't help anyone really... We all know ~100 people will get into every vet school and maybe like ~300 people for interviews, so hearing that RaNdOMJoHN99 got accepted to whatever school doesn't really mean much to anyone. Those threads are generally used to keep track of people who our little community is rooting for. We all get sad and indignant when someone we know gets rejected, and stoked when they get good news. When a good chunk of our regular members have just gotten rejected or aren't getting any good news, sometimes it's a salt in the wound to have 20 smug strangers post how happy they are that they've gotten accepted. There's an information aspect and a community aspect to these forums, and I think it just gets annoying when someone who never thought it worthwhile to contribute anything to the forums all of the sudden is gungho about posting seemingly for a pat in the back.

I guess sometimes it helps to keep track of whether invites are still coming and stuff, but then the school specific threads might be more appropriate to disseminate that information. I mean, it's a free country, post in whatever thread you feel like so long as it doesn't break SDN's ToS... but don't expect a warm loving response depending on how/when/where you do it.

Well said.
Yeah... now that I think of it I can see why most people wouldn't give a damn about the exact date that every acceptance/interview/rejection wave was sent out.

My bad.
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Yeah... now that I think of it I can see why most people wouldn't give a damn about the exact date that every acceptance/interview/rejection wave was sent out.

My bad.

lol, no worries at all. I think it's a slight annoyance if anything (and it only amounts to anything because so many people do it). I didn't mean to admonish you or anything. Just wanted to explain where some of these comments were coming from.

Congrats to getting into vet school btw, and thanks for posting on the successful applicant's thread!
Thanks for the friendship advice. I am still mad as heck. I will get over it.

Now, here is a doozy on the rat forum I am on:

So, i watched a video series on youtube of a women who had bought a pinky feeding mouse, and hand-raised the little guy into a beautiful healthy mouse. I watched it and knew i had to do it. Now, a mouse doesn't really work for me, but I'm thinking a rat may work. Am i absolutely crazy for thinking about doing this? I've already started the research on it, and i really feel like i would be able to do it. I saw a topic on here about people buying full grown feeder rats and keeping them as healthy companions, but what do you guys think about me hand-raising one? I think our bond would be so great ^^ My little rescue . Now, I'm most definately not going to just jump into, Itll probably be about a month or two from now until i do this, but what do you guys think?

*headdesk* X infinity

The Tweens get all butt hurt when you point out how wrong that is.
Thanks for the friendship advice. I am still mad as heck. I will get over it.

Now, here is a doozy on the rat forum I am on:

So, i watched a video series on youtube of a women who had bought a pinky feeding mouse, and hand-raised the little guy into a beautiful healthy mouse. I watched it and knew i had to do it. Now, a mouse doesn't really work for me, but I'm thinking a rat may work. Am i absolutely crazy for thinking about doing this? I've already started the research on it, and i really feel like i would be able to do it. I saw a topic on here about people buying full grown feeder rats and keeping them as healthy companions, but what do you guys think about me hand-raising one? I think our bond would be so great ^^ My little rescue . Now, I'm most definately not going to just jump into, Itll probably be about a month or two from now until i do this, but what do you guys think?

*headdesk* X infinity

The Tweens get all butt hurt when you point out how wrong that is.

I've done this before and it worked out great. Granted, I did this with a pinky, not a rat, so it may be different. My mousie and i bonded really well and he was really cuddly and calm and just perfect pretty much.

Ryley was a great little mousey, but one day he got it into he smart little head to sqeeeeeeeeze out between the (really tight) bars on his cage and try to make it in the wilderness of my dad's house. We never have smelled any rotting-flesh smells so we're assuming he's made himself a nice life in the walls of the house somewhere eating fallen bird food crumbs and drinking water that condenses on the windows...
The first thing I thought when I read it was that she wants to buy a pinky rat... yet, she is against live feeding. So why is she giving money to a business that she does not agree with it?
Plus, wouldn't death-by-snake be more humane than a mistake made by hand-raising her rat? I had read a thread where a man was hand-raising an abandoned wild rat and thought the rat had inhaled milk. It was not doing well for a while there.
Also, the whole "Wouldn't it be cute and exciting?" tone does not really fly with me.
The first thing I thought when I read it was that she wants to buy a pinky rat... yet, she is against live feeding. So why is she giving money to a business that she does not agree with it?
Plus, wouldn't death-by-snake be more humane than a mistake made by hand-raising her rat? I had read a thread where a man was hand-raising an abandoned wild rat and thought the rat had inhaled milk. It was not doing well for a while there.
Also, the whole "Wouldn't it be cute and exciting?" tone does not really fly with me.

Did she say she was against live-feeding? In that case it does seem rather stupid to go buy a pinky to raise...

Ryley actually came to me because he had an eye infection and could not be sold for feeding, so when he was brought to our clinic I ended up taking him home to raise him. So I suppose our situations aren't really that similar and yeah, the whole fascination with WANTING to hand raise an animal rather than leaving it with it's mother to be raised naturally does bother me.
The other day I saw some clear non-odorous fluid leaking from my cat's behind and I've noticed she's been licking herself a lot in this area (more than often). My bf thinks I'm bonkers and over-worrying (which I guess I am usually guilty of but really, can we help it?!). Going to watch her some more when I get home and possibly take her for a vet visit. She has a very furry behind so I can't just take a quick look as she's cleaning.. might have to just grab her but she can be a fractious kitty... Sigh.
Stupid medication that I was given for vertigo is causing horrible side effects...

This explains the battle in my head right now:


:cry: :cry:

I just want it to go away... :(
DVMD, if you are at that point, go to the ER NOW. I don't care what your excuse is. GO.
DVMD, if you are at that point, go to the ER NOW. I don't care what your excuse is. GO.

I third this. If we knew where you were right now your would have a SDN mob coming to take you to the hospital. No excuse is good enough to toy with life, so get going and let us know how you are.
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I'm sorry to hear this. I will say at my undergrad everyone was pretty understanding of emergencies involving pets, just like those involving family. If you feel like you can handle the make up, email your professors to let them know what is going on and go back home to be with your dog. Sending you lots of good thoughts in the meantime.

thanks for your thoughts, orcagirl. I'm sure my boss and professors will understand. his gi problems are doing better, but they did some xrays and noticed that his heart is enlarged and has fluid in the pericardium. doc thinks it's either a blood clot or a tumor causing the bleeding. we can see a cardiologist and get an ultrasound to hopefully get a more firm diagnosis, which I think we'll do.but at this point it may not even be operable and if it is it'll be thousands of dollars. I'm so worried that we are going to have to put him down and I'm not ready for him to go yet :(
Anyone here in the UK that can check on DVMD? Really worried about her. BKT? Packen? Devyn?
Anyone here in the UK that can check on DVMD? Really worried about her. BKT? Packen? Devyn?

All I can say is that I've been talking with her on and off. Right now, we're talking again and she's supposedly in bed.
I think posts on the successful applicant thread are more than welcomed as long as you give a nice thorough profile. The more profiles the better, cause seriously, SDN is like the only place you'll find all that self-reported info from individuals. It is super helpful regardless of whether you are a regular contributor or not.

I think what gets on people's nerves are the people who just list on the acceptance/interview threads just to add that they've gotten accepted/an interview. That doesn't help anyone really... We all know ~100 people will get into every vet school and maybe like ~300 people for interviews, so hearing that RaNdOMJoHN99 got accepted to whatever school doesn't really mean much to anyone. Those threads are generally used to keep track of people who our little community is rooting for. We all get sad and indignant when someone we know gets rejected, and stoked when they get good news. When a good chunk of our regular members have just gotten rejected or aren't getting any good news, sometimes it's a salt in the wound to have 20 smug strangers post how happy they are that they've gotten accepted. There's an information aspect and a community aspect to these forums, and I think it just gets annoying when someone who never thought it worthwhile to contribute anything to the forums all of the sudden is gungho about posting seemingly for a pat in the back.

I guess sometimes it helps to keep track of whether invites are still coming and stuff, but then the school specific threads might be more appropriate to disseminate that information. I mean, it's a free country, post in whatever thread you feel like so long as it doesn't break SDN's ToS... but don't expect a warm loving response depending on how/when/where you do it.

I meant to post this a couple days ago but I forgot. You Ohio State students should feel damn lucky. We are losing one of our best clinicians (and one of my faves) to you guys in Feb. I'm so sad I won't get to work with her in Food Animal next year.
I meant to post this a couple days ago but I forgot. You Ohio State students should feel damn lucky. We are losing one of our best clinicians (and one of my faves) to you guys in Feb. I'm so sad I won't get to work with her in Food Animal next year.

I complained in the Ohio thread a while ago. And threatened everyone so that they will be super nice to her
Who is it OK peeps? I'll make sure to keep an eye out.
I know! Poop on you Ohioans. Bah. I wanted her to teach a course at least, and would have loved her in clinics.

She's so cute but she can manhandle a cow better than any six foot something cowboy, hands down.

On the previous topic, DVM's dr appt is TOMORROW so I hope it is at least somewhat helpful. I'd like to know things are getting figured out so we can stop worrying about her so much.
I will rant about the most dreadful day of my life.. Today was literally 1 degrees and had to be at work by 8AM meaning leave home at 630AM to be stuck in traffic and get to work on time. Work full ten hours and was one bloody mess at work with dogs ripping their catheters left and right. At 6PM I go to start my car and it would not start, not even a noise. Waited to my father to the rescue until 720PM and tried jumping to techniques to starting the car.. my car did NOT budge. In the end, had to push the car with my dad in the 3 degree weather up the mini hill into the private parking spot at work. Got help from coworkers to push the car and came home a bit past 9PM. Oh I forgot to mention, all I ate today was a banana and 2 cookies. This day just really did numbers on me. Hope this never happens to any of you guys.
I think i need to go back on antidepressants - i'm not coping with life very well atm and I can't really be bothered to make myself cope either. Urgh. As bad as it sounds, I really don't have time for this either...

Please do whatever you need to do to feel better whether that be meds or counseling... I'm sure you know part of depression is lack of motivation but it will be so worth it when you feel better. <3
Making arrangements to go home and spend time with my boy dog. The vet is 95% sure it's a hemangiosarcoma on his heart and the prognosis isn't good. I'm going home as soon as I can tomorrow. They are going to try and remove the fluid from his pericardium to make him more comfortable and then send him home with us so we can spend a day or two with him at home. We will probably put him down sometime this weekend, we just need to make the appointment.
Making arrangements to go home and spend time with my boy dog. The vet is 95% sure it's a hemangiosarcoma on his heart and the prognosis isn't good. I'm going home as soon as I can tomorrow. They are going to try and remove the fluid from his pericardium to make him more comfortable and then send him home with us so we can spend a day or two with him at home. We will probably put him down sometime this weekend, we just need to make the appointment.

I'm sorry :( Give him lots of love.
Reaching out to those of you who struggle with anxiety... I know I've seen a couple of people post about it on here.

It's been 3 agonizing weeks since I received my first and only interview invite. Still 6 days to go until the Big Day. I think I've developed a stomach ulcer already. I'm worried I'll show up and not be able to do anything except stutter. :scared:

Sometimes I bake to alleviate stress. OHhmigawd do I need you guys to come help me eat all these cookies!!!!!
Anyone here in the UK that can check on DVMD? Really worried about her. BKT? Packen? Devyn?

I talk to DVM multiple times a day.... she can't get rid of me...... I am like a flea....

lucky for her I am not in Scotland......

anyhow she is not allowed to do anything drastic or she will have to deal with my wrath... and we all know how dangerous I am..... WW threats are not my only specialty.....:smuggrin:
I talk to DVM multiple times a day.... she can't get rid of me...... I am like a flea....

lucky for her I am not in Scotland......

anyhow she is not allowed to do anything drastic or she will have to deal with my wrath... and we all know how dangerous I am..... WW threats are not my only specialty.....:smuggrin:

It is true... I can't get rid of her. She is always around checking up on me. :)

(psst.... use that gift card lady or I am stealing it!!) :smuggrin:
The number of students disparaging our (double board certified) behaviorist in our behavior class is really down-putting to me. :thumbdown:

Agreed. Behavior is so important. And really she knows what she's talking about. I am curious as to what she might say about how to train my older dog. She's got noise phobias (so clickers are out) and she's not very food motivated to even get her used to the clicker. She loves praise, but she mentioned that a primary reward isn't always the best, didn't she?
Boiler broken and it's 25 degrees outside.

Hurry up emergency gas man, my flat is FREEZING.

Guess it's a good thing the plumber arrived late and I couldn't go to the gym....
Making arrangements to go home and spend time with my boy dog. The vet is 95% sure it's a hemangiosarcoma on his heart and the prognosis isn't good. I'm going home as soon as I can tomorrow. They are going to try and remove the fluid from his pericardium to make him more comfortable and then send him home with us so we can spend a day or two with him at home. We will probably put him down sometime this weekend, we just need to make the appointment.

I'm sorry prevetdreamer, :(.
Making arrangements to go home and spend time with my boy dog. The vet is 95% sure it's a hemangiosarcoma on his heart and the prognosis isn't good. I'm going home as soon as I can tomorrow. They are going to try and remove the fluid from his pericardium to make him more comfortable and then send him home with us so we can spend a day or two with him at home. We will probably put him down sometime this weekend, we just need to make the appointment.

Sorry to hear that PVD :( Give him a big hug. It's hard, but you're doing the best thing you can for him.
Thanks so much for your support everyone! I am home with my dog now and feeling about a billion times better. He was so happy to come home with us and he is doing relatively well for a dog in heart failure. We've just spent all our time cuddling! We told our family and some of them want to come over to see him, it's heartwarming to see how much they care for him too. Anyways, just wanted to thank you all for your kind words and thoughts!
Headed to work this morning and my practice manager calls and says

" hey we dont have any surgeries this morning so just come in at 1" .......

Womp womp. I was already on my way... Annd that will definitely take away my overtime hours :(. .... I'm trying so hard to work my butt off and pay my car off before potentially leaving for school in the fall. Laaame.
today's schedule: path II, (epidemiology), fish pathology, auburn necropsy path rounds via skype, and 2 hours of necropsy lab. have i mentioned how much i HATE pathology before? because i do. ugh!!! :mad:
Having a pity party for myself. Feeling discouraged about getting into Vet school. I have a horrible ( not one of those, "oh, my GPA is a 3.0, it's so horrible" things, I'm talking low!) GPA from my undergrad school, but that was 10 years ago! I had some personal and family situations that really influenced my poor grades. I've been retaking the pre-req classes I did poorly in and am getting A+'s, but have still been turned down b/c it is so hard to pull up a really low GPA. I know I'm not alone in this. My family is really supportive but is also counting on me, and I want this so much, for me and for my family. Blah! The past is haunting me! Ugh! When I talk to adviser's at the schools, they always seem encouraging, and tell me I'm taking the right steps to getting in, but then the school turns me down. So frustrating! Sorry for the woe is me, just needed to air it out. Thanks for listening.
Having a pity party for myself. Feeling discouraged about getting into Vet school. I have a horrible ( not one of those, "oh, my GPA is a 3.0, it's so horrible" things, I'm talking low!) GPA from my undergrad school, but that was 10 years ago! I had some personal and family situations that really influenced my poor grades. I've been retaking the pre-req classes I did poorly in and am getting A+'s, but have still been turned down b/c it is so hard to pull up a really low GPA. I know I'm not alone in this. My family is really supportive but is also counting on me, and I want this so much, for me and for my family. Blah! The past is haunting me! Ugh! When I talk to adviser's at the schools, they always seem encouraging, and tell me I'm taking the right steps to getting in, but then the school turns me down. So frustrating! Sorry for the woe is me, just needed to air it out. Thanks for listening.

Hi remi, don't be discouraged (I know it's easy to say but I have days like that too). A low gpa isn't the end all and be all; some schools look more strongly for improvement and last 45 credit hours, while some schools have the option of not counting older grades (Illinois comes to mind). It sounds like you're kicking butt with your prerequisites so don't give up and try to make yourself stand out in other ways! There is lots of encouragement in past successful applicant threads where people have made it happen! I am going through the same thing and it can be disheartening but then I remind myself if this year doesn't work out, I can present an even stronger application next year. We can do it!! :)
Having a pity party for myself. Feeling discouraged about getting into Vet school. I have a horrible ( not one of those, "oh, my GPA is a 3.0, it's so horrible" things, I'm talking low!) GPA from my undergrad school, but that was 10 years ago! I had some personal and family situations that really influenced my poor grades. I've been retaking the pre-req classes I did poorly in and am getting A+'s, but have still been turned down b/c it is so hard to pull up a really low GPA. I know I'm not alone in this. My family is really supportive but is also counting on me, and I want this so much, for me and for my family. Blah! The past is haunting me! Ugh! When I talk to adviser's at the schools, they always seem encouraging, and tell me I'm taking the right steps to getting in, but then the school turns me down. So frustrating! Sorry for the woe is me, just needed to air it out. Thanks for listening.

Don't give up! Have u heard from all of your schools? Start now on improving your application. And take the advice of the schools that have done a file review with you... They know better than anyone else as to what you can do to improve your chances! Take some more upper division science classes and rock them.. Study your butt off for the GRE. A great way to make up for a "lacking" GPA is to have a stellar GRE.. and probably the biggest thing is when you go to apply again, apply SMART! Different evaluation procedures can really help boost your chances... For example if you have a great last 45hrs GPA then you need to look at schools that weigh that heavily.. Or if you rock the GRE, apply to schools that weigh the GRE heavily. There are quite a few people on SDN that got in with lower GPAs.. Now idn what you think about going to an international school, but some are a little more forgiving for lower GPAs.. Have you thought about doing a post bac program or getting a masters? There are a lot of options for improving your application.. Getting a second degree and maintaining a high GPA would likely improve your chances as well. Also, get lots of experience either with a vet, a researcher, on a farm, zoo....whatever interests you.

And here's the devils advocate- be realistic.. It is unfortunate, but vet school is not for everyone. So really take a good look at your application, your stats, experiences, and make a rational decision as to if this is possible and worth it as well.

Honestly, this process is exhausting.. This is my first time applying, and I didn't realize how mentally and EMOTIONALLY draining it was going to be.. I can't imagine going through this process as many times as some people have- I have a Lot of respect for those who have done this multiple times... I just know that I definitely have a limit as to how many times I would do this.

Best of luck to you! Keep your head up, and keep your mind open, you never know what the future might hold!
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I feel that I have lots of good experience, over 3000 hours working as a vet tech, over 2000 hours as a foster/volunteer, and a lifetime of working with horses :) My GRE was decent, 151Q and 161V, a 3.94 in my postbac studies, and I only applied to international schools b/c I knew my in state wouldn't even take a glance at me. I think one thing not helping is that though I'm retaking classes and getting excellent grades, I'm only able to take a couple at a time, not a full load b/c I'm also raising a toddler, and in order to put him in daycare, I'd have to work full time which would still not allow me to take a full course load. After working as a vet tech, I knew I had to go to vet school. Being a tech is just not fulfilling enough. I've just gotta keep trucking along.
Thanks for the words of encouragement! I feel that I have lots of good experience, over 3000 hours working as a vet tech, over 2000 hours as a foster/volunteer, and a lifetime of working with horses :) My GRE was decent, 151Q and 161V, a 3.94 in my postbac studies, and I only applied to international schools b/c I knew my in state wouldn't even take a glance at me. I think one thing not helping is that though I'm retaking classes and getting excellent grades, I'm only able to take a couple at a time, not a full load b/c I'm also raising a toddler, and in order to put him in daycare, I'd have to work full time which would still not allow me to take a full course load. After working as a vet tech, I knew I had to go to vet school. Being a tech is just not fulfilling enough. I've just gotta keep trucking along.

I was accepted with a 3.18 and my last 45 was only like a 3.3, it can be done!

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Thanks so much for your support everyone! I am home with my dog now and feeling about a billion times better. He was so happy to come home with us and he is doing relatively well for a dog in heart failure. We've just spent all our time cuddling! We told our family and some of them want to come over to see him, it's heartwarming to see how much they care for him too. Anyways, just wanted to thank you all for your kind words and thoughts!

I'm so glad you are able to have that warm farewell with your pup. He obviously feels super loved!
today's schedule: path II, (epidemiology), fish pathology, auburn necropsy path rounds via skype, and 2 hours of necropsy lab. have i mentioned how much i HATE pathology before? because i do. ugh!!! :mad:

UGH, I know how you feel. I started school being really enthusiastic about path but it's really deteriorated. The professors are good for the most part and the material is interesting, I just find myself not really liking it like I used to :thumbdown:
UGH, I know how you feel. I started school being really enthusiastic about path but it's really deteriorated. The professors are good for the most part and the material is interesting, I just find myself not really liking it like I used to :thumbdown:

i didnt really have an opinion either way starting path. our professors are super boring though and not very good at teaching and thus i find the material to be extremely dull. just not my subject. :cool: