RANT HERE thread

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Grr. Second dog I was looking into adopting already got adopted...this time to a classmate. I'm glad she found a good home, but can't say I'm not bummed again.

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I feel so bad for my puppy. UTI's are no fun. Yesterday it was nearly every 20 minutes going outside to pee. Last night she slept for almost 10 hours(I had to wake her up to go potty). Today she has taken two 3 hour naps along with her usual 30 minute naps after playing.

The earliest the clinic could get me in is Monday at 3pm.

Still eats, drinks and plays, but poor baby. :(
So what I was told in my brief intro to parasitology was that urban environments create hotspots because of the buildings vehicles and such. This creates an environment where mosquitoes can live even if they would normally die because of the drop in temperature. Having had a dog with a reaction, personally I'd keep my dogs on preventatives regardless of the risk.

Our largest urban center is not very big and not very warm, it being by the ocean and all. We have warm winters and cool summers because of our proximity to the ocean. I cannot say I have seen an appointment where heart worm medications were advised. Then again, I have only seen a handful of appointments. Do any AVC students want to chime in? Now I am curious!
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My rant:

Clients are stupid. I do a test called Biochemical Oxygen Demand at work. Samples have a 48 hour hold time. Once I put them on, they have to incubate for 5 days before I read the results. I put them all on Wednesdays and Fridays (so I can read them Mondays and Wednesdays).

Whenever a client brings in a sample that they collected on a Sunday... well, do the math. They have to be put on Monday or Tuesday. Then I have to come in on a Saturday or Sunday to read them. *headdesk* It is also a waste of time to do only a few samples. I have to make up more standards and quality controls than there are samples. Also, whenever I come in, I have to let the probe warm up for 30 minutes before I can read the samples.

Well, I put a small batch on Tuesday.

I wake up bright and early to go to work (they also wanted me to help clean their storage area)

Everything is white and we are expecting 20-40 cm of snow. Nothing is plowed right now.

I was also going to have people over this afternoon for my birthday cake and board games :(
So, living on campus has its perks. These do not include the noisy, drunken people in my hall, which echoes so loudly, I may as well sleep with the door open. I fell asleep at around 12, as the noise died down, only to be awoken two hours later by shattering glass. DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY DOOR. Someone got pissed and punched the fire extinguisher on the wall, trailing blood all over the floor. I thought because we are all in professional programs that I wouldn't have to worry about amateur nonsense like this in the dorms... Grrrr :mad:
So, living on campus has its perks. These do not include the noisy, drunken people in my hall, which echoes so loudly, I may as well sleep with the door open. I fell asleep at around 12, as the noise died down, only to be awoken two hours later by shattering glass. DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF MY DOOR. Someone got pissed and punched the fire extinguisher on the wall, trailing blood all over the floor. I thought because we are all in professional programs that I wouldn't have to worry about amateur nonsense like this in the dorms... Grrrr :mad:

woah. thats pretty crazy. i cant say anything like that ever happened to me - our RA was a stickler for the rules (as a non-rowdy person I greatly appreciated this). make sure you mention the noise disturbance to the RA and if in the future it gets ignored, take it to housing as a complaint. this kind of behavior should not be tolerated in a professional school residence hall! they can go move in with the undergrads in 9 per suite housing if they feel the need to act like babies!
Our largest urban center is not very big and not very warm, it being by the ocean and all. We have warm winters and cool summers because of our proximity to the ocean. I cannot say I have seen an appointment where heart worm medications were advised. Then again, I have only seen a handful of appointments. Do any AVC students want to chime in? Now I am curious!

I keep my dog on HW preventative since back home (east coast US) it's definitely a problem and I'd rather be safe than sorry.

IIRC, lungworms are a bigger problem on the parasite front up here.
Last night I spent the last hour and a half at work holding an oxygen mask and some 'warmies' on a one week old kitten who had aspirated some food when the people tried to syringe feed it. It had stopped eating from its mother a couple of days prior (so the prognosis was poor anyway). They ended up euthanizing, which was definitely the right decision, but it was still super sad. :(
Last night I spent the last hour and a half at work holding an oxygen mask and some 'warmies' on a one week old kitten who had aspirated some food when the people tried to syringe feed it. It had stopped eating from its mother a couple of days prior (so the prognosis was poor anyway). They ended up euthanizing, which was definitely the right decision, but it was still super sad. :(


I hate the ones where you spend a lot of time with them and they still don't make it... I had a puppy that had surgery to correct an intussusception, I monitored the anesthesia (puppy had horrible blood pressure the entire surgery and I eventually lost the doppler sound altogether so this part was very nervewracking), I watched the puppy recover post-op to the point that I was able to extubate and then kept an eye on the little puppy after, but about 15 minutes after extubation she stopped breathing and even though the vet and I tried to bring her back... it did not work. :(
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heartworm disease is no joke.

That scares me. I mean my dog's getting better, but seriously he would have coded probably if not for a week in an oxygen cage. I'm sorry you had to go through that being the responsible one. It's no fun to go through in any situation.
my dogs got a rat tonight. injured it enough that it is still alive but dragging its back legs and suffering. no one is at work so I cant eu it. =[ i feel awful
Cervical dislocation? Or, if you have any dry ice, put the rat in a bucket and prop the dry ice on top. Very fast suffocation from the CO2.

Not the ideal options, I know, but those are the two I can think of.

I dont have any dry ice and stores are closed around here =[ I just had to google how to do a cervical dislocation on the rat. I will go check and see if it is still alive. Thank you.
I dont have any dry ice and stores are closed around here =[ I just had to google how to do a cervical dislocation on the rat. I will go check and see if it is still alive. Thank you.

I hope it goes well. Remember, you are doing a good thing for the rat.
I hope it goes well. Remember, you are doing a good thing for the rat.

Was still alive, not anymore. I had to pep talk myself about it first but I did it. I hope I never have to do that again. Instant relief for her. She had full boobies(medical term, right? lol) so its extra sad.

Thanks for the advice. The rat and I appreciate it.
Could just cry right now I'm so frustrated. We fixed the cleft palate on foster puppy today. Other than sleeping forever today she is totally normal. Doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, eating great, whatever. Usually she is so good about going to bed but tonight she will not fall asleep. I have her playpen in my room so I can monitor and I let her cry in there for 2 and a half hours before I got up to do anything. Fed her, gave her some water, fine, still won't go to sleep she just wants to get out and play. I finally moved the playpen out of my room, now, 4 hours later and now I can't sleep. Gah! :bang:

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Could just cry right now I'm so frustrated. We fixed the cleft palate on foster puppy today. Other than sleeping forever today she is totally normal. Doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, eating great, whatever. Usually she is so good about going to bed but tonight she will not fall asleep. I have her playpen in my room so I can monitor and I let her cry in there for 2 and a half hours before I got up to do anything. Fed her, gave her some water, fine, still won't go to sleep she just wants to get out and play. I finally moved the playpen out of my room, now, 4 hours later and now I can't sleep. Gah! :bang:

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maybe she has to potty? she on an anti-inflammatory?
Could just cry right now I'm so frustrated. We fixed the cleft palate on foster puppy today. Other than sleeping forever today she is totally normal. Doesn't seem to be uncomfortable, eating great, whatever. Usually she is so good about going to bed but tonight she will not fall asleep. I have her playpen in my room so I can monitor and I let her cry in there for 2 and a half hours before I got up to do anything. Fed her, gave her some water, fine, still won't go to sleep she just wants to get out and play. I finally moved the playpen out of my room, now, 4 hours later and now I can't sleep. Gah! :bang:

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It must be the weather or the moon or something. My puppy is allll riled up and running all over the place. She's usually sleeping right now. (I just got home from work and decided to let her run off her steam before I try and sleep for 3 hours and go back to work. She can sleep while I am at work.)
Everything else (more or less) on the island is closed or delayed opening this morning due to last night's snow storm. Schools, other post-secondary, government, businesses, charities... UPEI still hasn't said they're closing. Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly want a snow day today, because that means rescheduling all the classes we miss. But UPEI has a tendency to wait until the very last second, usually well after people would already be driving on horrible, often unplowed roads.

ETA: Last second indeed. At 8:10, UPEI issued a statement that they were open. So I mutter, go shovel out my car, clear the snow off it, drive very slowly to school. I get there at 8:35, only to find cars LEAVING. Yep, at 8:22 they announced they were closing. I am now home again and livid. Argh!
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Everything else (more or less) on the island is closed or delayed opening this morning due to last night's snow storm. Schools, other post-secondary, government, businesses, charities... UPEI still hasn't said they're closing. Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly want a snow day today, because that means rescheduling all the classes we miss. But UPEI has a tendency to wait until the very last second, usually well after people would already be driving on horrible, often unplowed roads.

ETA: Last second indeed. At 8:10, UPEI issued a statement that they were open. So I mutter, go shovel out my car, clear the snow off it, drive very slowly to school. I get there at 8:35, only to find cars LEAVING. Yep, at 8:22 they announced they were closing. I am now home again and livid. Argh!

That was ridiculous. I was at school early to walk the beagles and the closure wasn't announced over the PA system until 8:30am when most of my class, including the professor, were already in the classroom ready to go. Not cool UPEI :sendoff:
Was still alive, not anymore. I had to pep talk myself about it first but I did it. I hope I never have to do that again. Instant relief for her. She had full boobies(medical term, right? lol) so its extra sad.

Thanks for the advice. The rat and I appreciate it.

I had to do that for a baby rabbit my dog got ahold of. It's sad but at least you ended its suffering.
Was still alive, not anymore. I had to pep talk myself about it first but I did it. I hope I never have to do that again. Instant relief for her. She had full boobies(medical term, right? lol) so its extra sad.

Thanks for the advice. The rat and I appreciate it.

I'm sorry you had to do this. It sucks but you did the right thing.
we have a neighbor who uses a holistic vet (long time friend) who told the neighbor that her dog doesnt need heartworm testing or preventative because normal healthy dogs dont get heartworm disease. thats why so many shelter animals have it - because they're sickly.


We have a holistic vet in my state that does HW tests by feeling the dog and owner's pulses at the same time. That crap makes me so mad. :mad:

Dude, what the heck? These people give holistic vets a bad rap :mad: ... I work for a vet who offers conventional and holistic medicine but she still recommends vaccinating or doing a yearly titer and recommends heartworm testing every 2 years even though we live in an area where it's not common.
Along with this topic, I had two pet rats and this summer one of them had a horrendous tumor growing on the side of her neck. It wasn't bothering her for the most part but when it got to a certain point I decided it was time. I had to perform a "home euthanasia" with baking soda and vinegar. It worked exceptionally well, and it was surprising how much I could control the gas release by mixing the two slowly. It was hard though because I'd had her for well over two years and now her sister has been living alone for around 6 months.

Now her sister has a tumor on her stomach. It looks better than the neck one, more like a sub-Q mound than really integrated into her, but since I switched labs and don't work with rodents anymore I can't attempt a surgical removal (I used to work in a rodent-heavy cancer lab and it would have been pretty easy to do - my new lab is more in vitro work). It's getting bigger by the day and I'm just dreading having to do it again. It's so much easier when it's your job and not your pet!

Sorry to ask but, why didn't you take her to the vet to be euthed?

Ugh, that is really really rough. I'm sorry. Do you think she's pretty far along? Don't like to say it, but going ahead and getting her spayed might not be a bad idea... That's so so sucky though. Going to be much harder to place a litter of kittens plus mom especially since you're already having trouble finding a place for this cat to go to begin with.
Do any AVC students want to chime in? Now I am curious!

In my opinion, it's something you'll start seeing more and more. Heartworm prevention was never traditionally a big worry here, but I think as the winters keep getting milder and there's more and more people travelling with their pets (both Canadians taking their pets to areas with endemic heartworm and people from those areas coming up here), I think it's going to start cropping up here more and more and it'll be something that owners should be trying to prevent and that vets should be pushing for owners to do. I've never had a dog that I used a heartworm preventative on. My next dog will be on a preventative though.
Ugh, that is really really rough. I'm sorry. Do you think she's pretty far along? Don't like to say it, but going ahead and getting her spayed might not be a bad idea... That's so so sucky though. Going to be much harder to place a litter of kittens plus mom especially since you're already having trouble finding a place for this cat to go to begin with.

I know. I was planning on getting her spayed this week but they want to charge an extra $20 because she's pregnant. I backed out and they don't have another appt till next week. I'm going to try to see if there's a cat rescue that will meet me halfway that's willing to take her. Otherwise, I'll probably spay her even though I'm sure she'd have freakin beautiful kittens. Plus, by the time she gives birth it'll be close to kitten season. I'm guessing she's around 5-6 weeks but I'm gonna take her to the vet next week to make sure. Maybe I'll run into a money-loaded winter texan that will want her and her kittens :rolleyes:
Sorry to ask but, why didn't you take her to the vet to be euthed?

I currently work in a lab where we have all the materials for rodent euthanasia (and I have more rodent euths under my belt than I'd like to recall). I checked at a vet, just to see what the price of taking her in would be, but it was really outside of my budget. Honestly, had it been a reasonable amount I would have taken her in there, but it was hard to justify the cost especially when I've been doing rodent euthanasia procedures for years at my job and I know how painless it can be if done properly.

Basically I weighed the pros and cons of each and made my decision.
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I called the vet clinic I currently take my cat to and asked them about it. The admin person on the phone with me ran me the numbers and I about choked. She then dropped her voice and suggested a few websites I look up for "home euthanasia," which is what I did. Honestly, had it been a reasonable amount I would have taken her in, but it was hard to justify the cost especially when I've been doing rodent euthanasia procedures for years at my job and I know how painless it can be if done properly.

Basically I weighed the pros and cons of each and made my decision.

I am very sorry that about your rats. I grew up with them so I am really rather fond.

However, I do not agree with your home euth decision. At all.
Bleh. Think I'm getting sick again. Skipped Neuro (which turns out was okay since I apparently we won't be tested on the lecture) and came up and slept for like 4 hours. Still feel pretty lousy and can't focus which sucks cause we have both our anatomy final and a physiology exam in about two weeks.
I'm supposed to have landed by now and we're still waiting on the runway to take off. I'm pretty sure I'll miss my connection and worrying frantically about whether I'll be able to get to my interview. :(
However, I do not agree with your home euth decision. At all.

Here's my question for you then, would you have continued to let her suffer with a bleeding tumor, clearly interfering with the quality of her life?

Or spend well over $100 for a vet to perform a very similar procedure, but outside of the comfort of the home she grew up in?

I'm curious where the disagreement is coming from. Does this mean you also disagree with the decision previously in this thread to cervically dislocate the rat that someone's dog had caught?
Here's my question for you then, would you have continued to let her suffer with a bleeding tumor, clearly interfering with the quality of her life?

Or spend well over $100 for a vet to perform a very similar procedure, but outside of the comfort of the home she grew up in?

I'm curious where the disagreement is coming from. Does this mean you also disagree with the decision previously in this thread to cervically dislocate the rat that someone's dog had caught?

Over $100 for a small animal euth?! (ie not horse, cow, etc) :eek:
I don't want to go to work tonight. At all. I'm so tired of spending time and energy on a job that isn't fulfilling. I can't wait till I graduate so I never have to work in a cafe again. Thank the heavens above that my coworkers are so awesome or I'd be tempted to quit right now.
I'm supposed to have landed by now and we're still waiting on the runway to take off. I'm pretty sure I'll miss my connection and worrying frantically about whether I'll be able to get to my interview. :(

Made my connection, thank goodness! Now I just have the interview itself to worry about.
I am very sorry that about your rats. I grew up with them so I am really rather fond.

However, I do not agree with your home euth decision. At all.

I happen to agree with you Abney. Home euthanasia?!? And really, the receptionist at your VET clinic told you to look it up?! IMO, if the owner/vet found out then a firing should occur. What if that had been joe blow off the street?

I would like to know where humane comes in? Frankly, I would rather spend the money to have my beloved pet(s) euthanasized in a humane and digified manner than carry the memory of how I did it myself for the rest of my life.

We see small mammals at my clinic and when it comes to euthanasia, we gas them down first. That is the humane way.
so we had a farewell dinner tonight for a receptionist who has a new job.
the restaurant has two locations, both with the address on the same street, both reasonably close to work. I don't work Mondays, so I wasn't coming from work with everyone else.
I went to the wrong location. oops.
Figured it out when I called someone wondering why it was taking them so long since she had texted me when they left work...
I happen to agree with you Abney. Home euthanasia?!? And really, the receptionist at your VET clinic told you to look it up?! IMO, if the owner/vet found out then a firing should occur. What if that had been joe blow off the street?

I would like to know where humane comes in? Frankly, I would rather spend the money to have my beloved pet(s) euthanasized in a humane and digified manner than carry the memory of how I did it myself for the rest of my life.

We see small mammals at my clinic and when it comes to euthanasia, we gas them down first. That is the humane way.

Cervical dislocation is humane when done correctly, which I'm sure it was or else they probably wouldn't have tried it. I've seen it done numerous times, the rodents are passed in a few seconds without any struggling at all.

I understand that putting your own pet down may be a tough issue, but cervical dislocation or not, you're going to think about it the rest of your life. I think it takes more guts than I have to put down my own pet, I think it's admirable to know when to take action and do it yourself.
Cervical dislocation is humane when done correctly, which I'm sure it was or else they probably wouldn't have tried it. I've seen it done numerous times, the rodents are passed in a few seconds without any struggling at all.

I understand that putting your own pet down may be a tough issue, but cervical dislocation or not, you're going to think about it the rest of your life. I think it takes more guts than I have to put down my own pet, I think it's admirable to know when to take action and do it yourself.

Ithink people are more worried about the "baking powder and vinegar" method, not the cervical dislocation