Star WWars III Game Thread

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Oops, ignore me. A little more googling has shed some light. (I've only seen one of the newer movies all the way through, and I was confused.)

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I get the feeling that whoever is setting the bounty is trying to make it for someone we will likely vote today...

I definitely agree that Jabba is probably not rng and picked someone we were likely to vote for. I was going to vote BBC today, because even if she was in the chat of people watching the star wars movie, I would have thought that she would first think Luke, Leia, Han, Obi-wan as the rebels and not just the randoms she googled. But then again I'm not so sure what I think about this bounty thing.. I just don't really trust that it would be better for the village than for the wolves.
I definitely agree that Jabba is probably not rng and picked someone we were likely to vote for. I was going to vote BBC today, because even if she was in the chat of people watching the star wars movie, I would have thought that she would first think Luke, Leia, Han, Obi-wan as the rebels and not just the randoms she googled. But then again I'm not so sure what I think about this bounty thing.. I just don't really trust that it would be better for the village than for the wolves.
The names she brought up aren't random though. They are major players in the TV show Star Wars Rebels.
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Gonna be busy most of today so I wanted to go ahead and throw in a lynch vote

Lynch cyndia because she didn't vote in either of the last two votes (the emperor or D2 lynch).
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The names she brought up aren't random though. They are major players in the TV show Star Wars Rebels.

Oh okay. I haven't seen that show, but that makes sense they would come up if she googled star wars rebels.
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I was blocked last night.

I still don't see how voting for Jabba's pick can go well for us, but if people are feeling that BBC is wolfy then it might be a good time to test the game mechanic.
Oops, ignore me. A little more googling has shed some light. (I've only seen one of the newer movies all the way through, and I was confused.)
so is it likely then that we might have characters from Rogue One or is it another movie?

After seeing the bounty for today, I agree Jabba is not likely to be RNG and the bounty has been put on someone likely to be voted for. I'm planning to stay away from it unless someone has reasons we should vote for BBC other than the bounty.

Both night kills have been by blaster bolt. My first thought was Han but could just as easily be Leia or someone in the rebellion who would be likely to have a blaster. Pretty sure we have a wookiee around too. Thinking that might be Chewie who could be a wolf.
so is it likely then that we might have characters from Rogue One or is it another movie?

After seeing the bounty for today, I agree Jabba is not likely to be RNG and the bounty has been put on someone likely to be voted for. I'm planning to stay away from it unless someone has reasons we should vote for BBC other than the bounty.

Both night kills have been by blaster bolt. My first thought was Han but could just as easily be Leia or someone in the rebellion who would be likely to have a blaster. Pretty sure we have a wookiee around too. Thinking that might be Chewie who could be a wolf.
If they were from The Force Awakens I might have had a clue. :p No, it's a character from the original movies.
Yeah, I think jabba just has to put in a name every night and wanted to pick someone that they thought would be lynched anyway.

About the random affiliation, I'm not convinced. I think you just won't have as many clear cut empire-associated villagers when you have this many roles to create.
Lynch LIS.

Some of his comments rubbed me the wrong way yesterday and it's weird to me that he's so insistent on killing the person who Jabba put a bounty on. It seems like an easy way to get a villager killed without being help responsible for it. Idk, could be wrong but he'd be a sneaky wolf if he was one.
Lynch LIS.

Some of his comments rubbed me the wrong way yesterday and it's weird to me that he's so insistent on killing the person who Jabba put a bounty on. It seems like an easy way to get a villager killed without being help responsible for it. Idk, could be wrong but he'd be a sneaky wolf if he was one.
Yes, he would be sneaky and likely wouldn't stick his neck out posting a theory that others find strange.
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Current Lynch Tally
  • BBC 4 (dy, LIS, coopah, syndia)
  • cyndia 1 (cdo)
  • LIS 1 (hmoo)
Deadline 10pmEST
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And if it is a positive thing (say, a one-off ability or something), then what? We just follow Jabba's pick everyday? I don't see what useful knowledge we'll gain from this experiment.

It's possible Jabba could pick a wolf to single out, but chances of that happening are probably slimmer than our traditional lynches.
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Lynch BBC

Still curious about this Jabba thing and honestly, if sand people are village then Jabba could easily be village.
Sand people are village because they aren't associated with the rebels in any way. In fact they were originally supposed to be spies for the empire, so definitely more empire aligned than rebel. I kind of feel bad for the Tusken's because they are the natives of Tatoine, and they just want to protect the few natural resources they have.

Currently I think we are rebel hunting though, so anyone who is not a rebel, is village I believe. (Except chaos, or if we have a neutral)

I thought BBC hinted at a role yesterday, but I can't find it now. If it was her, I have an idea of who she might be, and if I'm right, I'd really like to keep her around for a while longer.
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One particular raider had made it all the way to the Endor Moon. She quickly became the talk of the moon as many there had never met a real Sand Person before. No one's sure who exactly she talked to while she was there, but she seems to have made someone very mad.

I'm curious about raf's death. The write up makes it sound like she PM'd someone and died because of that. SAR had a seminar thing for the last few days, so I doubt she would have been pm-ing much. That leaves Krabs, 3m, and ally. Any thoughts about them/from them?
I'm curious about raf's death. The write up makes it sound like she PM'd someone and died because of that. SAR had a seminar thing for the last few days, so I doubt she would have been pm-ing much. That leaves Krabs, 3m, and ally. Any thoughts about them/from them?

That feels more like creative license on the mods part, I doubt it was related to her actually pming someone.
Based off of something in my role PM I'm actually leaning towards thinking Jabba is villager - though that totally depends on what these 'bounty prizes' are, since if they are really things that affect game mechanics, then I could see Jabba as more chaos.

Can you be more specific, without giving away anything important about you? Because I don't see how influencing the lynch with bribes, rather than logic / gamesolving / argument is at all villagery. And picking the target based on who's likely to get lynched, rather than on who that person thinks it's a wolf, is not villagery at all.
I'm curious about raf's death. The write up makes it sound like she PM'd someone and died because of that. SAR had a seminar thing for the last few days, so I doubt she would have been pm-ing much. That leaves Krabs, 3m, and ally. Any thoughts about them/from them?
Kara is the only one who I've PMed with, and she was the one who started it.
Can you be more specific, without giving away anything important about you? Because I don't see how influencing the lynch with bribes, rather than logic / gamesolving / argument is at all villagery. And picking the target based on who's likely to get lynched, rather than on who that person thinks it's a wolf, is not villagery at all.

The reason I say it is because my character is a villager and my description mentions both Jabba and Han, and it sounds like I'm against Han and okay with Jabba. So that's not really anything confirmatory about Jabba, just my gut feeling that they're not necessarily a wolf. Could definitely still be chaos/neutral, but sometimes that's good for villagers as long as they don't have a separate win condition.. so I'd like to test the bounty once to see what happens (especially since I'm fine with lynching the person on the list today), then probably ignore his bounties from there on out unless it turns out to be useful.
Just chiming in to say that I'm uncomfortable with lynching someone just to test a mechanic - it seems too ruthless to me. Though, I don't know if I'm to the level where I would vote to lynch LIS for suggesting it either. Basically, I'm ALL kinds of confused :-/

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Just chiming in to say that I'm uncomfortable with lynching someone just to test a mechanic - it seems too ruthless to me. Though, I don't know if I'm to the level where I would vote to lynch LIS for suggesting it either. Basically, I'm ALL kinds of confused :-/

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Welcome to WW. Ruthless is the whole point. You lynch people who might be village every day, to get information.

My objection lynching to collect BBC's bounty, even more than to WZ's yesterday, is that I don't want to play along with a chaos win condition. WZ could have been RNG / mod mechanic, but BBC as a pick makes me feel very strongly that Jabba is a player, and we're being played.
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I'm curious about raf's death. The write up makes it sound like she PM'd someone and died because of that. SAR had a seminar thing for the last few days, so I doubt she would have been pm-ing much. That leaves Krabs, 3m, and ally. Any thoughts about them/from them?

I started a pm with raf but then she used it to ask about the block. She was trying to figure out if it was a group or individual block. That was the only thing we talked about which is why I'm confident we have a wookiee around. As I know I'm a villager and so far no one else says they were pm'ing with raf, I'm inclined to believe it was creative license like Cyndia mentioned

Kara is the only one who I've PMed with, and she was the one who started it.
you make it sound like we're in a fight :)
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I started a pm with raf but then she used it to ask about the block. She was trying to figure out if it was a group or individual block. That was the only thing we talked about which is why I'm confident we have a wookiee around.

It was a wookiee who blocked her? So probably Chewbacca / wolf blocker, I'd think.

I think it was LOtF who said earlier that we had multiple blockers, so presumably a village blocker and / or item also.
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Current lynch tally
  • BBC 4 (dy, LIS, coopah, syndia)
  • cyndia 1 (cdo)
  • LIS 1 (hmoo, genny)
8/27 voting
Deadline 10pmET, so you have about 3hrs until deadline. Lots of people still need to vote. Where is everyone?

Edited because I accidentally said deadline was in CT :oops:

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There's multiple blocking methods. One is an item.
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I'll play along, I guess...for curiosity's sake at least...

Lynch BBC
I personally do not agree with lynching anyone named by Jabba, even for curiosity's sake. Because who's to say that the reward isn't given to a wolf? Who could then lie about what was given? Also the crime syndicates tend to have strings attached to their work so that whomever completes the task is inebted to them for something else.
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Current lynch tally
  • BBC 4 (dy, LIS, coopah, syndia)
  • cyndia 1 (cdo)
  • LIS 1 (hmoo, genny)
8/27 voting
Deadline 10pmCT, so you have about 3hrs until deadline. Lots of people still need to vote. Where is everyone?

I'm here, I just don't know who to vote for. I don't like the BBC vote because if she is who I think she may be, I'd like her to stick around for a while longer.

(I like the BBC lynch, too. But I just really want to play Jabba's game and find out what it is. We can always lynch BBC tomorrow........)

BBC is probably town, and you idiots should have voted WZ. We might know something at this point.

I also don't like the LIS vote. I don't see him drawing attention to himself as a wolf, especially this early in the game when it would be easier to skate by. I do think it's weird that he went back and forth on BBC. Yesterday he said he could vote BBC but preferred the WZ lynch because of the bounty, then he said he thought she was village, and now he's voting for her again. I'm also sort of afraid to open Pandora's box by playing into Jabba's game. Sure Jabba paid out bounties, but working with him usually came at a price.

I could still go for cdo, and while other people said yesterday that they could go that way too, no one else voted for her. I will check back after I finish studying another section for my med surg test tomorrow.
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###lynch Dy###

One of the folks lynching BBC and I don't trust that lynch.

Also won't make it back before lynch end, driving home in foggy weather
I've asked to be subbed out, got too much going on to play the way I like to.

I'm going to try to come up with someone to vote for but I don't really like any of the candidates that have been suggested so far.
I don't like the BBC vote because if she is who I think she may be, I'd like her to stick around for a while longer

You mentioned someone hinting at a role yesterday and thought it was BBC. Was it maybe me that you're thinking of

Also agree that I don't want to play into the Jabba bounty but am unsure who to vote for.

Any thoughts on coopah? Late switch to WZ last night to figure out game mechanics including the bounty and lynching BBC today for the bounty
Interesting, has there been more than one block per night?
The person who told me they were blocked didn't mention it on thread, but did say it sounded villagery.

I was guessing if we had 2 blockers, than maybe one is wolf and one is village, especially since one is related to a wookie. But, with Gwen saying there is a blocking item, I don't know where that leaves my theory.
I don't really like any of the current candidates for lynch, but I've been working on my house all day. I'm gonna go give a goat another hormone shot and then I'll reread and figure out where to go from here.
I feel quite strongly that this is chaos, or perhaps wolf (thinking wayyyy more likely chaos but I'm sure they aren't too sad about it either way) oriented. My thoughts are: if chaos chose someone that would be an easy target, they want that person to be lynched. That suggests that having that person lynched benefits chaos. Usually something that benefits chaos contributes to their win condition. I think it is dumb that you want to throw someone off the cliff just to see what happens, especially when it does appear like chaos was behind it.

Curious at the reasons why people think Jabba is villager? Didn't see any actual reasons in my skimming.

For those who are voting because you are suspicious: I wasn't paying attention and made a dumb comment. Considering I actually did go and do my reading afterwards, I'm annoyed that I will probably be lynched in the first two days for just trying to start conversation. I've already stated how stupid of a wolf I would have to be to have made that comment in the first place, I promise I'm not that terrible of a player.

I haven't been able to go over thread in detail because I've been working since my post this morning. I am willing to give 3M benefit of the doubt since she said she has never played a game with a mayor before.

For now lynch Coopah

Since I am thinking at least 1 wolf would have jumped on an easy target. Open to waffles, and if I am in the lead later I will simply vote in self defence.
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I could still go for cdo, and while other people said yesterday that they could go that way too, no one else voted for her. I will check back after I finish studying another section for my med surg test tomorrow.

I'm one of those people. I didn't like the cadence of her posts yesterday.

Any thoughts on coopah? Late switch to WZ last night to figure out game mechanics including the bounty and lynching BBC today for the bounty

Yes, I also got wolfy vibes from coop. Storing that one away for tomorrow. Since I'm a loyal villager, I'll side with Emperor Jilary today.

Lynch cdoconn
The person who told me they were blocked didn't mention it on thread, but did say it sounded villagery.

I was guessing if we had 2 blockers, than maybe one is wolf and one is village, especially since one is related to a wookie. But, with Gwen saying there is a blocking item, I don't know where that leaves my theory.

Guis said she was blocked last night, I was blocked by a wookie, and I had the blocking item which is now gone. I didn't get to use it because I was blocked, so either there are two blockers (one wolf wookie and a villager?) or Guis was lying.
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I feel quite strongly that this is chaos, or perhaps wolf (thinking wayyyy more likely chaos but I'm sure they aren't too sad about it either way) oriented. My thoughts are: if chaos chose someone that would be an easy target, they want that person to be lynched. That suggests that having that person lynched benefits chaos. Usually something that benefits chaos contributes to their win condition. I think it is dumb that you want to throw someone off the cliff just to see what happens, especially when it does appear like chaos was behind it.

Curious at the reasons why people think Jabba is villager? Didn't see any actual reasons in my skimming.

For those who are voting because you are suspicious: I wasn't paying attention and made a dumb comment. Considering I actually did go and do my reading afterwards, I'm annoyed that I will probably be lynched in the first two days for just trying to start conversation. I've already stated how stupid of a wolf I would have to be to have made that comment in the first place, I promise I'm not that terrible of a player.

I haven't been able to go over thread in detail because I've been working since my post this morning. I am willing to give 3M benefit of the doubt since she said she has never played a game with a mayor before.

For now lynch Coopah

Since I am thinking at least 1 wolf would have jumped on an easy target. Open to waffles, and if I am in the lead later I will simply vote in self defence.

Not going after an easy lynch, I explained about trying the game mechanic, but that's ok. Why me specifically? Why not Dy, like Gwen, if you're just picking someone voting for you?