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Member cGPA/sGPA / MCAT / AACOMAS Verified/ Interviews/ Acceptances/Special Consideration
*Special Consideration: Military Service, International Student, IA
Alienman52 3.34/3.29/501 (Older- 125,124,126,126) & 500 (125,123,124,128)/Submitted 6/1/16 - Verfied 6/12/16!
Awesome_Alan 3.05/3.64/507/Verified 06/08 / 10+ years clinical experience
babs4077 3.25/3.11 (biochem pending)/500/ Verified 06.09/ 2000+hrs research & volunteer, nontrad
beernbaseball15 3.31 (3.58 after 1st year)/ 3.26 (3.52 after 1st year)/ 503 (Older-124,126,126,127) & 506 (125,127,128,126)/ Submitting in August
BelieveMeChile 3.1/3.2/514 (127,129,129,129). Submitting ASAP
chocolatalover 3.48/3.39/4.0 Masters in Biomedical Sciences/496 (2nd attempt; 1st attempt 18)/Verifying now/rare disorder and research
cuddlemonsters 3.2/3.2/508/Verified 6/1
coffee-doc sGPA (hopefully) 3.34 / 508/ not yet submitted / crazy research hours and 3 pubs
Doctor_Strange 3.48/3.41 (upward trends) /497 (123,123,125,126) / Verified 06/14 (submitted 06/07)/
Femmegoblue 3.2/3.0/3.94 grad GPA (all science master's at wayne state)/502 (124/128/126/124)/Submitted 05-26/Verified 06-02
Flyingjoshua05 3.0/2.8/3.7 grad GPA/30 (10/11/9)/Submitted 06-13
Getfat 3.41/3.58/28(10/8/10)/ Verified 05-28/
HopefullyaDOstudent 3.39/3.13/27 (11/8/8) - 499 newer (Low PS) /verified /strong EC's in the clinical and leadership area.
lnguyen1412 3.54/3.36 (negative trend during senior year) /502 (128/123/128/123) / Submitted 05/24- Verified.
johnstamos 3.57/3.48/499/ Submitted 06-03/Verified 06-09
kj8210 3.43/3.3/3.35 (grad)/26 Submitting this week
lemonscientist 3.53/3.21/29 (7/11/11)/Verified 6/16/16/ Special Consideration: chronic illness onset in sophomore year, upward trend with treatment (3.23/3.61/3.84)
LutGholein 3.64/3.46/502(124/122/129/127)/Submitted 6/5/16/ Verified 6/10/16
MADD!!! 3.87/3.9x/500/ Submitted 06/08/ Lots of EC's with underserved.
miakip: 3.8/ 3.9x/ 497 & 499/ Verified 6/16/ DO LORs, 2000+ clinical ER hours, research, volunteering, leadership
notevenmyfinalform 3.55/3.67/503/Verified/Sumitting in 2 weeks
pabu 3.3(upward trend)/3.1(upward trend)/509(127/127/127/128)/Submitted 6/6/16/Verified 6/13/16
sailorHg 3.1/3.36/513/submitting in August
scrubs101 3.25/3.4/pending MCAT ~509scored/submitting in July/ not so spectacular ECs
TrillyBassily 3.54/3.51/32 MCAT/verified June 16th/Special consideration: Very handsome
UndermmHg 3.89/3.8/495/ Verified 6/13/16/ have an autoimmune disorder + visual processing disorder.
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