UCONN News, Acceptances, and Waitlists

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I interviewed at UConn on 12/8 and still haven't heard back from them. Should I send Dr.Sanford an email or wait a couple of more weeks? I'm so anxious to hear back!

Plus with the holiday season in December, I'm sure things are going slower.

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interviewed early December and still nothing. will keep waiting.

if the committee meets Tuesday, it will be reasonable to expect a snail mail letter by the end of the week (Saturday probably) and/or an email from the dean of admissions a little earlier-- this would be in case of an acceptance

alternate list (nice rejection in many cases) -- in previous years, emails were sent, often a little later than 6 weeks after the interview

it's possible that the committee will meet next week, extending the wait

Unlike the lucky ones that interviewed in November and found out 2-3 weeks later that they were accepted, we have to wait the usual 4-6 weeks.

I hope it won't be longer than that.:) I just want to know finally.
i interviewed on 11/21 and have not heard anything, either positive or negative, so sit tight ya'll but i'm definately gonna give a call next week
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does anyone know what the chance of acceptance post-interview is at uconn?
They interview 400
accept 120 ?

80-85 spots in class

So a chance to get accepted is about 1 in 4. Keep in mind that most people keep their acceptances to UCONN (little waitlist movement).

In recent years, few got off the list.

Edit: much harder to get in for OOS
I was talking to a dean at the med school who happens to be my boss at my current job. He told me that last year's class had a record number of people keeping their acceptances to UConn, to the point where he was worried that they would end up with a class over 80 students. Look like UConn is getting more and more popular these days.
because it's cheaper than other schools
So maybe they're accepting less than 120 this year. Yellowtibby, did Dr.Sanford email you your acceptance? Hopefully they will have decided by next week(it'll be week 6 of waiting for me).

Hang in there everyone :)
So maybe they're accepting less than 120 this year. Yellowtibby, did Dr.Sanford email you your acceptance? Hopefully they will have decided by next week(it'll be week 6 of waiting for me).

Hang in there everyone :)

Yes Dr. Sanford emailed me my acceptance but I also got a small envelope in the mail like 2 days later that was officially signed by him.
because it's cheaper than other schools

That is what I was told. My boss told me that the crash of the housing market and slowing economy made people realize how good a deal UConn was. Therefore more people are holding onto their acceptance and passing up on going to private med school.
I heard about a person that gave up Columbia (NYC) for UCONN. That was last year. I suspect it's not uncommon for IS to want to go to UCONN. I can totally understand.
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I heard about a person that gave up Columbia (NYC) for UCONN. That was last year. I suspect it's not uncommon for IS to want to go to UCONN. I can totally understand.

No offense to UCONN but if I were that person I'd be heading to NYC.

Still no word on my pre-interview hold (OOS). I probably shouldn't have wasted my money on UCONN because I don't have stellar stats. I probably won't get in as an OOS applicant.
Most likely you will not. Sorry.

Most likely, I will not, either, despite my in state status and solid application.

I'm sure it won't matter years from now that they chose to not accept me. I just wish I didn't waste so much time on them. Lesson learned.
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Karen when did you interview again? has it been 6 weeks yet?
It's been 5 weeks, but I think that acceptances are issued before the 6 weeks are up. No news is not good news, despite the holidays and such.
Aww no, don't lose heart yet. I'm still clinging to hope. I sent in my grades from this semester, yet another letter of recommendation, and an update on recent activities. I was also thinking about writing a letter of intent. UConn is my first choice and I'm doing all that I can till the very end. It's not over till it's over!
Is it safe to say that if we are on pre-interview OOS hold, we pretty much won't be getting an interview no matter what?
Aww no, don't lose heart yet. I'm still clinging to hope. I sent in my grades from this semester, yet another letter of recommendation, and an update on recent activities. I was also thinking about writing a letter of intent. UConn is my first choice and I'm doing all that I can till the very end. It's not over till it's over!

been there, done that - just look at some of my posts from last year and from two years ago

Hope is a wonderful thing, up to a point.
Is it safe to say that if we are on pre-interview OOS hold, we pretty much won't be getting an interview no matter what?

You may get an interview for March or April. UCONN seems to interview without planning on offering acceptances later in the process. Officially, the dean will tell you, "you can still get in," but faculty members who serve on the admissions committee will tell you something completely different, but unofficially.
Karen I really hope UConn works out for you. I know you want it more than most people on this website. :)
It's possible, but I don't know for sure.
Send an email to Keat Sanford. They may have a decision, but may not have mailed out the letter yet. Also a word of warning, the acceptance letter is a thin one page letter so it looks exactly like a rejection letter. When I got my letter my heart sank, but then opened it and realized I got in. Good Luck!
Thanks Yellowtibby. I think I'll send him an email this Monday, which will be the official beginning of week 6 for me. Meanwhile, I keep braving the cold to obsessively check my mailbox. Hang in there everyone:)
I am pretty sure the following is true:

UCONN does not send rejections after interviews, except for the occasional "the season is closed" emails. A snail mail letter after one's interview is likely to bring good news only.

I never heard of anyone being rejected after the interview. Instead, one is officially placed on the low or middle alternate list.

Another way to get rejected from UCONN is to get on the so called pre-interview hold list.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about rejections.

Edit: As ncb responded (see post below), there was at least one instance of a post interview rejection from UCONN. I presume there are more such cases except that people are unlikely to share their experiences. Thanks, ncb, for contributing.
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I am pretty sure the following is true:

UCONN does not send rejections after interviews, except for the occasional "the season is closed" emails. A snail mail letter after one's interview is likely to bring good news only.

I never heard of anyone being rejected after the interview. Instead, one is officially placed on the low or middle alternate list.

Another way to get rejected from UCONN is to get on the so called pre-interview hold list.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong about rejections.

err the pre-interview host =rejection?

Dr. Sanford sent me an email a while ago saying that my file was on hold and asked me to update my transcript. If it means rejection, why does he bother asking me to send my transcript? anyways,i sent my transcript several days ago but i haven't back from him yet
The more people they interview, the smaller percentage of those interviewed gets accepted, which makes the school appear more competitive than it otherwise would be.

Why transcripts? I don't know. They asked for mine too at some point in the past when I was waitlisted in previous years. I was happy to share my updated grades/courses because they were great, but nothing changed in terms of my status.
Don't get me wrong, supposedly people interviewing in January still get in. The official information is "we wouldn't be interviewing if we had no intention of accepting people." The inofficial information is "at this point in the process [as early as early December this year according to my interviewer], you really can't get in." I'm sure it depends on your numbers and other considerations. Probably if I had a 36 MCAT, I would be in. ... Although my friend with either a 36 or 37 three years ago got placed on hold at UCONN and that's all. He was in state. Ended up going out of state.

All my advisors say that UCONN is extremely unpredictable.
Karen - I interviewed last year and was outright rejected afterwards. I can't speak to the frequency of this outcome, but I guess the interview must not have gone well. I was however, offered another interview this year and am awaiting the result.
Karen - I interviewed last year and was outright rejected afterwards. I can't speak to the frequency of this outcome, but I guess the interview must not have gone well. I was however, offered another interview this year and am awaiting the result.

Thanks for sharing your experience. I was trying to find out if outright post interview rejections are possible and based on what you wrote, they are.

Well, good luck this year.
I wonder if there's an adcom meeting tomorrow. Still no news on my end..
So the news is a bit old, but how does everyone feel about the Dempsey merger? I'll be honest, I'm a bit wary of attending a medical school that can't even afford to run its own hospital. This all came to light after my interview, so I wasn't able to talk to my faculty interviewer about how this might affect the school.

http://www.courant.com/news/local/hc-dempsey1223.artdec23,0,7220556.storyOpinion against merger

Opinion in favor of merger

Info on new building proposal... which won't be completed until after I graduate and is thus irrelevant to me as a student
When I asked some medical students about dempsey they told me that the School of Medicine is safe regardless of what happens to dempsey since most the the clinical rotations are at St. Francis and Hartford Hospital. Dempsey is just too small to be a huge money maker, also Hartford Hospital definitely wants to have a monopoly around the area. I am concerned about the merger, I would rather have them expand the hospital and make it bigger and better to attract more patients.
The last line of this article is quite disconcerting to me.


It shouldn't be.

The hospital has been losing money for the state forever. The health center itself (schools, research institute) will not suffer if the money devouring hospital goes. That's not what the Union at the Health Center wants you to think, but in reality, the hospital is not crucial.

I was disappointed with such inaccuracy of reporting, from the NY Times, especially.

Edit: Actually, maybe the NY Times isn't to blame. Ms Harp (the person quoted at the end) doesn't know what she's talking about.
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Is the 6 week post interview decision deadline approaching for many people? Are there any people on here that have not heard back from UConn after 6 weeks?
It has passed for me without a peep from UConn.
It passed for me, too. The 6 weeks time frame for issuing decisions does not seem to be taken seriously.
Hey Karen!

I've been secretly stalking for a while...after everything we've been through the last few years i'm pulling for you!!

Couple tidbits of info, they are only interviewing on Mon and Fridays this year.

And this may be a rumor...but i've heard they are expanding the class size to 100.

Good luck everyone...and keep up the hope...
Oh maybe the reason we all haven't heard back yet is because they're busy restructuring the class. Let's hope so..
seems like the UConn thread is dying. I wonder why the admissions committee is taking so long.
It seems like every school is getting pretty bogged down at this point in the cycle, but UCONN seems to be affected more than most.

But I'm pulling for you guys! I hope the good news comes soon. :thumbup:
I haven't heard anything- Dec. Interview , but someone posted an acceptance in another thread.
No decision 2 months post interview is ridiculous.
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