University of Georgia

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One of the questions they asked was if I am trustworthy? The dr I work for told them I was and that I babysit for them and dogsit. The dr I work for actually knew the woman asking the questions (She was her old professor!) I think it went well. I work thursday and I am going to try to weasle out some more info. haha

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One of the questions they asked was if I am trustworthy? The dr I work for told them I was and that I babysit for them and dogsit. The dr I work for actually knew the woman asking the questions (She was her old professor!) I think it went well. I work thursday and I am going to try to weasle out some more info. haha

If they called one of my references with the same question they would get the exact same answer! One of the docs I work with graduated a few years ago from UGA, I babysit and dogsit for her too!
That's so funny BayleeVet2B! I wish I knew every question they asked her..I want a recording of the whole conversation! haha Maybe Thursday she'll give me more of a recap. When do you think we'll start getting acceptances/rejections?
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That's so funny BayleeVet2B! I wish I knew every question they asked her..I want a recording of the whole conversation! haha Maybe Thursday she'll give me more of a recap. When do you think we'll start getting acceptances/rejections?
If it's the same as last year...I think they started hearing around March 13th.
I'm super excited as well. One of my references also contacted me today to let me know UGA had called her. I am hoping she will give me a call soon so I can also find out some details, as she lives in VA now. At least I know the good old app. hasn't made it into the big, circular bin yet!
So, my friend at UGA says they post a list of acceptees on the Deans door the day they send out letters. Anybody here UGA undergrad? You'll have to let us know if/when they post it. Pleeeeesssseeee:D
So, my friend at UGA says they post a list of acceptees on the Deans door the day they send out letters. Anybody here UGA undergrad? You'll have to let us know if/when they post it. Pleeeeesssseeee:D

Haha, I could run past the dean's door everyday, but I think that would just contribute to my anxiety. Maybe I will pass by starting next Wednesday...
Next week is UGA's spring break, by the way, so things should be nice and quiet. That should give the adcomms plenty of time to send out letters, right? ;)
Haha, I could run past the dean's door everyday, but I think that would just contribute to my anxiety. Maybe I will pass by starting next Wednesday...

I would love you forever and ever!! :love:
You know what I think would be really great.....
If all the people who got accepted to like 5 or 6 schools, could decide on the one they wanted...and then grant the ones they don't want to their friends on SDN that they deem worthy! Wouldn't that be great!! :D
In my perfect vet dream world...that is how it would work! hehe
Totally works for ME! Maybe I could actually get accepted that way!

Lets start a revolution. Demand each vetschool allow one peer/student- elected acceptee each year! HECK YES! :thumbup:
So, my friend at UGA says they post a list of acceptees on the Deans door the day they send out letters. Anybody here UGA undergrad? You'll have to let us know if/when they post it. Pleeeeesssseeee:D

Haha, well Lenmaca already said shed check next week... Itll be our spring break, so I wont be in town. But when I get back that next monday, if they havent gone out yet, I have a class in the vet school on mon, wed, fridays, so I can check it on those days and let yall know....
Haha, well Lenmaca already said shed check next week... Itll be our spring break, so I wont be in town. But when I get back that next monday, if they havent gone out yet, I have a class in the vet school on mon, wed, fridays, so I can check it on those days and let yall know....

Much obliged copticvet9; Hey the more the merrier right! 2 heads are better than one, 6 eyes are better than 4, 10 prevet student walking by the deans office four times a day.....:laugh: (Wish I was local, I would be happy to take a shift.)
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I applied too, but I have zero chance at I've been lurking without posting as an OOS.
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Hey philo, O'l buddy, O'l pal. I hadnt forgot you were around. But Im counting on UF to hook you up. :highfive: Happy thoughts!
atlganon: IS; ref contact unknown
copticvet9: IS; ref contact unknown
GACowgirl: IS; ref. contact unknown
lenmaca: IS; ref contact unknown
Spyisis: IS; no refs called yet
turkeytalk: IS; ref contacted on Thursday 3/5
Veridianbunny: IS; ref called on Thursday 2/26 around 4 pm
LVT2DVM: OSS DE Contract; no refs called yet
BayleeVet2B: OOS, SC Contract, ref contact unknown
DemosthenesUSC: OOS, SC Contract, ref contact unknown
Yorkielover: OOS SC Contract, no refs called yet
One of my refs just emailed me to let me know that UGA called her today. I wonder if they're only making these calls on Thursdays? It's weird that Veridian's reference got a call on a Thursday, too. Maybe just coincidence!
Hey there! When they contact your reference, do you think that they contact your current vet. reference? I had one vet. write my LOR and now I am currently working for another vet...who do ya'll think they will call if they are possibly...maybe...hopefully interested in me?
I'm curious about UGA calling references. I asked one of the vets that I worked for if he had heard anything, and he said that they don't necessary call unless they are uncertain about something and want clarification. But then, I've also heard that UGA always checks references. Does anyone know if it's one way or the other?

Anyway, as far as I know, none of my references have been called.
I'm curious about UGA calling references. I asked one of the vets that I worked for if he had heard anything, and he said that they don't necessary call unless they are uncertain about something and want clarification. But then, I've also heard that UGA always checks references. Does anyone know if it's one way or the other?

Anyway, as far as I know, none of my references have been called.

One of my references told me the same thing - that they only call if they need clarification. I am hoping this is the case, since my references have not been called yet either.
Quite honestly, I have no idea whether it's good or bad or neither if they call your references. But the fact that they are calling indicates that they're making progress on the applications, and that's a good thing, right?

As far as who they call, in my specific case, I believe that the reference who gave me the strongest letter of recommendation was the one that they called.

I applied to UGA last year, but I don't know whether they called my refs or not. I made it on the alternate list last year at number 8, if I remember correctly, which was apparently not good enough! (I'm far from bitter about it, though--I had an amazing last semester of undergrad, got to do some incredible research in three different fields, and now I'm doing a sweet internship at Disney World--the opportunity cost was entirely worth it, so I'm really pretty happy that a) I wasn't rejected immediately last year and b) I didn't actually get accepted! Moral of the story: Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers.)
Sorry to get everyone stressed out over the "calling of references" question. My only reason for suggesting we make note of it, was because last year we were all speculating whether it "meant" anything or not. But we didnt have enough people posting to get a good idea of how many people had any refs contacted in context of their final status (Accepted, Deny, Alternate, ect..) So I just thought it would help future posters.

On another note, my UGA insider sent me a note yesterday and says no acceptance list posted on deans door as yet. Next week is spring break and last years decisions were mailed the week after. So hopefully not too much longer.
i guess we did get kind of anxious over the references calls, didn't we? :laugh:

thanks for clarifying. it will be interesting to see if they "mean" anything in a couple weeks.
Could this be the week? Could Friday the 13th be THE day?? Here's wishing GOOD LUCK to all us UGA hopefuls!! :luck::xf::luck:
atlganon: IS; ref contact unknown
copticvet9: IS; ref contact unknown
GACowgirl: IS; ref. contact unknown
lenmaca: IS; ref contact unknown
Spyisis: IS; no refs called yet
turkeytalk: IS; ref contacted on Thursday 3/5
Veridianbunny: IS; ref called on Thursday 2/26 around 4 pm
LVT2DVM: OSS DE Contract; ref called on Monday 3/09
BayleeVet2B: OOS, SC Contract, ref contact unknown
DemosthenesUSC: OOS, SC Contract, ref contact unknown
Yorkielover: OOS SC Contract, no refs called yet

I know we dont know if this means anything yet, but just the thought that Im still being considered is totally freaking awesome!
I'm happy to hear this!!! I'm wishing you all the best!
Woo hoo LVT2DVM! Certainly seems to be a realllly good sign!!! :xf::xf:
We're all rootin for ya LVT2DVM!!
Alright! Your still in the game, LVT2DVM!!!
LVT2DVM: :xf: x 10.

Wish that I had more fingers to cross....

Good luck this week, everyone! :luck:
I'm sure reference calls can only mean good things. ;)

We're behind you, T, 110%.:D
:oops: You guys are just too awesome for words. I'm not getting my hopes up though...been there and done that. But obviously decisions are being finalized. I'm a firm believer in prayer requests. Feel free to send one out on my behalf.

For now, it's just nice to fantasize. Reality (good or bad) will come soon enough.
:oops: You guys are just too awesome for words. I'm not getting my hopes up though...been there and done that. But obviously decisions are being finalized. I'm a firm believer in prayer requests. Feel free to send one out on my behalf.

For now, it's just nice to fantasize. Reality (good or bad) will come soon enough.

:ninja:Lurker here....sending good vibes, a prayer and a dash of :luck:
Hey y'all, I was getting pretty worried about everyones references getting called, and none of mine were. I was banking on the whole "they'll only call if they need clarification" idea.... Until work called me up today to ask about my schedule for next month, and The vet I work for told me she got a call from the vet school this past Saturday! I was really excited! Just thought I'd share... I'm still being considered! Woo hoo!
:oops: You guys are just too awesome for words. I'm not getting my hopes up though...been there and done that. But obviously decisions are being finalized. I'm a firm believer in prayer requests. Feel free to send one out on my behalf.

For now, it's just nice to fantasize. Reality (good or bad) will come soon enough.

Hi LVT2DVM, I've been seeing you on here a lot, and I just wanted to say that I wish you the best of luck. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!! :xf::xf::xf:
Hey y'all, I was getting pretty worried about everyones references getting called, and none of mine were. I was banking on the whole "they'll only call if they need clarification" idea.... Until work called me up today to ask about my schedule for next month, and The vet I work for told me she got a call from the vet school this past Saturday! I was really excited! Just thought I'd share... I'm still being considered! Woo hoo!

Yeahhhhh! That is awesome...I really hope it ends up meaning.... something. Did your Doc tell you what they asked? My doc said she would tell me after I get my decision.
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Haha, I hope it means something too... well have to figure out after decisions are mailed out...
She woke me up pretty early (im on spring break, lol) to ask about my work schedule for next month, and i was pretty out of it, and then she told me they called her last saturday. So I asked her what they asked her, and she tried to play it off, and joked around saying, she told them she doesnt know why she recommended me and they should take my name off the list, lol. And then she was like, im just kidding, I told them great things about you... And then she changed the subject.... I was too tired to try to get more out of her, lol. Ill try to get more info later....
atlganon: IS; ref contact unknown
copticvet9: IS; ref contact unknown
GACowgirl: IS; ref. contact unknown
lenmaca: IS; ref contact unknown
Spyisis: IS; ref. called earlier this week
: IS; ref contacted on Thursday 3/5
Veridianbunny: IS; ref called on Thursday 2/26 around 4 pm
LVT2DVM: OSS DE Contract; ref called on Monday 3/09
BayleeVet2B: OOS, SC Contract, ref contact unknown
DemosthenesUSC: OOS, SC Contract, ref contact unknown
Yorkielover: OOS SC Contract, no refs called yet

I was so excited I think I broke the Office Managers ear drum when she told me. I'm not sure when they called because I've been camping all week. So yay for making it over another hurdle. :D
When do you think we should start pacing?????:scared:
Poor admissions committee, no spring break for you.

A little birdie told me, they passed by the deans office today, and people were there working on applications! Yeah! Next week may be the week people! Ugh, god help my poor soul if I get bad news....
Poor admissions committee, no spring break for you.

A little birdie told me, they passed by the deans office today, and people were there working on applications! Yeah! Next week may be the week people! Ugh, god help my poor soul if I get bad news....
No negative energy LVT2DVM...only positive, happy thoughts.....! It'll soon be St. Patrick's Day...maybe a little luck of the Irish?????:luck::luck::luck:
Happy Thoughts to all!

Anyone have info on envelope size?

Not sure I want to hear it though - :scared:
Vbunny, I can only tell you last 2 years, waitlists and denials came in a standard business style envelope and acceptances came in an 9X12? (unfolded piece of paper) sized envelope. I vote for email! Snail mail sucks and my mailcarrier now shudders and pulls away every time I run out to the box. :laugh:
Good luck, everyone! Hope you all see 9x12 envelopes this year!