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Received my rejection this morning as well.

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Unfortunately this morning I received a rejection from PEI. I think it has to do with the way i’ve taken my classes - they stated that two of my courses were taken as “part-time” which i don’t understand. Anyone else have this issue?
I received an email the 21st about explaining why a class was considered "part time." I replied the next day, but somehow the email was never received because I got an email yesterday saying I was denied due to me not replying 🥲
Their website states you need to submit a letter of appeal if your prerequisites were not taken at a full time pace (aka a full courseload at a full time student pace)
Yes, this. I was accepted with two courses in a part-time semester (it was taking maybe 6 total credit hours?) but I did have to submit an explanation statement about why I was taking such a light course load.
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Regional applicant here! Looking for some reassurance. My grades are typically quite good, Dean’s list student. However, I have one c+. How badly will this affect me, and will I even be considered now?
Regional applicant here! Looking for some reassurance. My grades are typically quite good, Dean’s list student. However, I have one c+. How badly will this affect me, and will I even be considered now?

If one C+ is your worst grade in an otherwise solid application, it won’t affect you.
I received an email the 21st about explaining why a class was considered "part time." I replied the next day, but somehow the email was never received because I got an email yesterday saying I was denied due to me not replying 🥲
This happened to me too! I got an email asking why I never took biology or chemistry with a lab and why I took calc part time?? None of these things are true and I can't understand what on my transcript suggests that, because I took two semesters of both intro bio and chemistry, both with labs, got As, and have never taken less than 16 credits per semester. I emailed them back trying to get clarification on why they think I never took these classes and never got an email back. I even followed up with them and never got a response. How am I supposed to write a letter explaining why I never took those courses if I absolutely did take them??
This happened to me too! I got an email asking why I never took biology or chemistry with a lab and why I took calc part time?? None of these things are true and I can't understand what on my transcript suggests that, because I took two semesters of both intro bio and chemistry, both with labs, got As, and have never taken less than 16 credits per semester. I emailed them back trying to get clarification on why they think I never took these classes and never got an email back. I even followed up with them and never got a response. How am I supposed to write a letter explaining why I never took those courses if I absolutely did take them??

I would try reaching out again to let them know as this sounds like a probable technology error on their end that I’m sure they would be horrified by. I know it doesn’t help your situation now but I think it’s worth it :shrug:
I would try reaching out again to let them know as this sounds like a probable technology error on their end that I’m sure they would be horrified by. I know it doesn’t help your situation now but I think it’s worth it :shrug:
I had already tried with my issue and they said they understand but it’s too late in the process to change anything🙄
I had already tried with my issue and they said they understand but it’s too late in the process to change anything🙄
Did they at least refund you because that’s really terrible :/ Sorry to hear
Did they at least refund you because that’s really terrible :/ Sorry to hear
I asked for one but they said no😅Like I get there’s a process to everything, but to acknowledge they understand what happened but still refuse to do anything about it with no explanation other than “it is what it is” seems ridiculous to me
International applicant here c: !
Did anyone receive a confirmation email after responding to the interview invite? I responded to the admissions team that I would like to attend Interview Day and would like to confirm my spot, but I never received an email of confirmation from them. Am I overthinking that they did not receive my response? Interview Day is coming up and I am anxious that my position has been given up 😭
International applicant here c: !
Did anyone receive a confirmation email after responding to the interview invite? I responded to the admissions team that I would like to attend Interview Day and would like to confirm my spot, but I never received an email of confirmation from them. Am I overthinking that they did not receive my response? Interview Day is coming up and I am anxious that my position has been given up 😭
If it helps, last cycle this was a concern too. You can reread last year’s thread but I think someone shot them a second email to confirm but there was no need to as they were already confirmed! Never hurts to reach out again but it’s probably fine.
If it helps, last cycle this was a concern too. You can reread last year’s thread but I think someone shot them a second email to confirm but there was no need to as they were already confirmed! Never hurts to reach out again but it’s probably fine.
Thank you for the reassurance! This definitely helped ease my nerves :happy:
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Congrats! When did you interview?
thanks!! i ended up interviewing over zoom a little later because i couldn’t make it to the interview day in november - i think it was the first week of december but i can dig into my email if you want the specific date!
thanks!! i ended up interviewing over zoom a little later because i couldn’t make it to the interview day in november - i think it was the first week of december but i can dig into my email if you want the specific date!
That's right, I forgot there was an in-person date (I also was a zoom interview later).

Hopefully I'll hear soon too - fingers crossed!
I received my acceptance letter yesterday! Congrats to everyone else who heard and good luck to those still waiting!
I also received my international acceptance letter yesterday, instantly burst into tears! AVC was my #1 choice, I fell in love with PEI on interview day and now I get to actually live the dream! Congratulations to everyone else, feel free to reach out to chat!
International alternate list. Anyone know how often people get pulled off the list?
International alternate list. Anyone know how often people get pulled off the list?
Usually it’s a pretty good chance depending on where you are on the list. The international list has a pretty high turnover rate because they usually apply to lots of place and UPEI isn’t always their first choice.
Do you guys think that persistence towards applying has any benefit to getting an interview? Third time NS applicant here and I'm feeling more doubtful about my application than I did last year. My average was higher last year than it is this year and I'm just starting to worry as I graduated from my undergrad this past spring so I can't really do anything to strengthen my average. Feeling discouraged 🙁.
Do you guys think that persistence towards applying has any benefit to getting an interview? Third time NS applicant here and I'm feeling more doubtful about my application than I did last year. My average was higher last year than it is this year and I'm just starting to worry as I graduated from my undergrad this past spring so I can't really do anything to strengthen my average. Feeling discouraged 🙁.
Unfortunately it seems they base interview invites solely off of academic average ranking in each pool, so I do not think the number of times you have applied would have an influence. But just because you didn't get an interview last year doesn't necessarily mean you won't get an interview this year, even if your marks are lower. The minimum average to get an interview in each pool fluctuates year to year so you never know! And if you do end up feeling like you need to improve your grades you could try to take some classes this upcoming fall if you have any prescribed courses that are on the lower end. Such as taking a second year math or stats or chem etc. They would count towards your class of 2028 application as long as you take at least three classes.
Do you guys think that persistence towards applying has any benefit to getting an interview? Third time NS applicant here and I'm feeling more doubtful about my application than I did last year. My average was higher last year than it is this year and I'm just starting to worry as I graduated from my undergrad this past spring so I can't really do anything to strengthen my average. Feeling discouraged 🙁.
I completely understand! This is also my third time applying, and I haven’t gotten an interview yet. I’m trying not to feel discouraged but I’m actually dreading the emails coming out in March.
My guess would be that persistence matters when there are two students that are deemed equal being decided on. I believe they would lean towards the student that showed persistence. However, if there is a student more qualified than the persistent one, the school will go with the more qualified.
I completely understand! This is also my third time applying, and I haven’t gotten an interview yet. I’m trying not to feel discouraged but I’m actually dreading the emails coming out in March.
I am also dreading them coming out. Best of luck to you!
What is everyone’s guess for interview invite dates? Always seems to be after St. Patrick’s day.
Well last year it was on March 25th (and they were late looking at applications), the year before that was March 16th. So I'd say somewhere in between there. Wish it was sooner!
AVC staff member here saying hello! (I'm not in the admissions department so I probably cannot provide much help, sorry!)

I'm going to throw it out there to not be worried or surprised if e-mails/dates get delayed because of the Canada Winter Games that I believe end March 5th .
UPEI is taking an extra reading week to be closed for the games however, AVC is still open (a moment of silence for everyone trying to find parking right now 🙃) Quite a few staff are either working from home or have chosen to take vacation time during it.
I believe not only processing has to go through the AVC office but UPEI as well. I am unsure what the rest of UPEI's work schedule is with the winter games throwing a wrench into the mix.

For everyone finished their undergrads and are unsure of what to do- I highly recommend reaching out to departments about becoming a grad student.
We have an incredible faculty here that love to teach and nourish students. Many have applied to the DVM program as grad students.

It is an incredible school with an amazing atmosphere, every prof wants to see you succeed and will help you anytime you ask. I 10/10 recommend if you are on the fence about coming here!
PEI has wonderful small town vibes and it is physically such a beautiful place to be. It is easy to explore the Maritimes as a whole once you are here.

In any interview situation you are put in throughout your life- Look up the STAR interview method and practice it. I find it helps conversations flow naturally and it creates an open ended atmosphere for questions to be asked and answered.
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Did anyone else hear about the possible strike that may happen this month at UPEI? Wondering if/how that will effect us who are waiting for news on our application. 🫤
Did anyone else hear about the possible strike that may happen this month at UPEI? Wondering if/how that will effect us who are waiting for news on our application. 🫤
I have been wondering the same. As of last night the strike deadline is set for March 19th, so if an agreement is not met by then (looking highly unlikely that will happen) the strike will take effect. Hopefully the AVC/UPEI registrar's office takes this into account and get invites out next week before the 19th rolls around!
Did anyone else hear about the possible strike that may happen this month at UPEI? Wondering if/how that will effect us who are waiting for news on our application. 🫤
Current AVC student here! I'm not aware of the timeline for admissions for this year, but I wouldn't be surprised if things were a bit delayed with the strike. That being said, we did receive an email saying that the Academic and Student Affairs office will continue normal operations during the strike! I anticipate they'll probably be busy with rescheduling exams, rotations, etc. but hopefully this means your invites won't be sent out too late, I remember how stressful the anticipation was last year 😐
I spoke with someone who works at the AVC today and they said they had heard the admissions committee met this week to decide on invites and that they will be sent out closer to the end of the month regardless of whether the UPEI faculty go on strike.
I just received two emails from them but have to go to work and am too scared to open
This is how it started:

Dear Applicant:

I am pleased to inform you that your application to the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) program at the Atlantic Veterinary College (AVC) has been approved for consideration in the next phase of the admissions process.
Didn’t get an invite again. Feeling so discouraged 🙁 Wish they gave more feedback other than the general “you scored lower than those accepted”. Been trying for two years for more information on what to do and never get a response.
I’m a US international applicant on the alternate list. Most of the list movement won’t happen until after the April deadline, but has anyone declined their seat or removed themselves from the wait list yet? With a small class size, it seems like I haven’t heard any whispers. I know we’re all very anxiously waiting 😅😅
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Didn’t get an invite again. Feeling so discouraged 🙁 Wish they gave more feedback other than the general “you scored lower than those accepted”. Been trying for two years for more information on what to do and never get a response.
I’m not sure of the exact differences since I’m international, but I asked about an application review back at the beginning of February. I had emailed the [email protected] address and heard back the following week. The reply said to contact the admissions assistant Tracy Carmichael. On the admissions timeline webpage, she’s listed as the contact for Atlantic Canadian and international applicants. Maybe give that a try if you haven’t already?

I ended up completely forgetting to actually email, so I don’t know more than that. I did have an application review with one of the other schools I applied to (and was rejected from) at the beginning of March.
Has anyone in the NB pool received an invite?