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John Thompson

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7+ Year Member
Oct 28, 2015
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Hi all. I just graduated from the University of Colorado with a 3.4 in integrative physiology and a Spanish minor. MCAT is 30. I have done two years of volunteering at the local hospital, worked in a medical office last summer, coached high school cross country and track. As far as making myself interesting, I ran my first marathon and qualified for the Boston Marathon. I also spent a semester in Spain immersed in the culture and the language. Also a member of the national college scholar society. What do y'all think my chances are of getting into an allopathic (MD) program? Also, as a last hope effort, what is the common thought on medical schools in the caribbean? Any suggestions also greatly appreciated, thanks! Let me know if anyone has or knows anyone with similar stats and what their experience was. Also, as demographics do play a role, I am a 22 year old white male. As far of LOR, I have two lined up from two very reputable orthopedic surgeons.

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Your GPA is 0.3 points below the mean for MD acceptees, but spot on for DO schools.

That said, invest in MSAR Online and target schools whose median stats are closest to your own. Pay very careful attention to the Acceptance Information pages.

Carib diploma mills will be perfect for you if you really like the idea of being unemployed and deeply in debt. Do some searching through these forums, and look into DO schools as well.

Hi all. I just graduated from the University of Colorado with a 3.4 in integrative physiology and a Spanish minor. MCAT is 30. I have done two years of volunteering at the local hospital, worked in a medical office last summer, coached high school cross country and track. As far as making myself interesting, I ran my first marathon and qualified for the Boston Marathon. I also spent a semester in Spain immersed in the culture and the language. Also a member of the national college scholar society. What do y'all think my chances are of getting into an allopathic (MD) program? Also, as a last hope effort, what is the common thought on medical schools in the caribbean? Any suggestions also greatly appreciated, thanks! Let me know if anyone has or knows anyone with similar stats and what their experience was. Also, as demographics do play a role, I am a 22 year old white male. As far of LOR, I have two lined up from two very reputable orthopedic surgeons.
Historical data would give those with your stats a 40% chance of an MD acceptance (if that is your only MCAT).
You really need LOE's from professors though, not private practice docs. If you are applying to UT, AZ or Chicago med, you can use one of them for a "clinical" letter, though.
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DO NOT GO TO THE CARRIBEAN!!! They'll steal you're money and leave you with <50% chance of even matching any residency (and if you do get a residency you'll be doing family med in rural North Dakota).

I was a 3.4 student who had success, so it can be done though it's not super easy. Apply broadly and definitely apply DO. As they said above, ypure gonna need strong academic LORs. Be sure to write a very good PS, a lot more is riding on it since your GPA is low. Are you a CO resident?
Hi y'all, checked other threads but didn't see any that I thought pertained to me (at least none that were easy to find). Anyway, from an honest standpoint, what do you guys think my chances of getting in to allopathic medical schools are: 3.5 GPA, 514 MCAT, 200 hrs (2 yrs) volunteering, 2 years in a research lab, coached hs cross country, qualified for boston marathon, started a juggling club on campus. Majored in integrative physiology (with a public health certificate) and minored in Spanish. 23 year old white male from the University of Colorado. Spent a semester in Spain.
I know my GPA is low but hoping my ECs bring it up a little bit. Also, if you think I do have a shot, what schools do you suggest applying to. Thanks!
Not sure what the mcat means (new scoring system). Your GPA is below average. However, many many are above average (so by definition of an average, many many people will be below average as well).

You have a chance. I don't think anyone can give you a percentage. If you want to be a doctor, go ahead an apply.

Also- DO school chances would be even greater. Again, if the goal is to become a doctor, it's an opportunity.
Did you retake the MCAT and get that 514? Nice improvement, especially with that bump in GPA. I think you have a significantly better shot at allopathic now, but still apply to both.
Do I have a chance at med school with my gpa being a 3.0 and mcat 505? I took a gap year and am doing research. i was thinking of doing an MPH before I apply as well
Do I have a chance at med school with my gpa being a 3.0 and mcat 505? I took a gap year and am doing research. i was thinking of doing an MPH before I apply as well

First, start a new thread. To MD schools no, there is no chance and the MPH won't help you. Retake CDF courses and apply DO in 2016.