
  1. E

    Gap year: full-time ophthalmic technician position or part-time allergist scribing position?

    Hi all, I’m currently wondering which of these two choices might be best for me. I decided to take a gap year after graduation because I wanted more clinical experience, and thought to apply to full-time jobs to get it. But I also need to increase my volunteering hours (currently have around...
  2. E

    Hobby or volunteering?

    I recently acquired a position called “volunteer cook” for an organization helping people with food insecurity, basically a food pantry with some shelter space. I can donate whatever food I want to donate that I’ve made, and so far I’ve mostly been doing cookies and peanut butter jelly...
  3. A

    Which lab should I choose?

    I am a rising sophomore trying to choose the lab I will stay in hopefully for the rest of undergrad. I have been given two choices, so any guidance would be appreciated. The first lab is with a relatively well-known PI that works in engineering. The research that I will be working on is a...
  4. Osono

    Extracurricular + Hobby

    Hello, I have been playing the flute since I was around 10 years old. While in college I was in the wind ensemble for all 4 years. I wanted to list these things as two separate activities- one being the 4 year period in the wind ensemble as an extracurricular, and the other being my 10+ year...
  5. F

    Will being a medical esthetician give me clinical experience?

    I’m considering getting an esthetician certificate and the program I want to apply to offers a medical esthetician certificate as well. I’ll probably go for it regardless because I love skin-related issues, but I’m wondering if it’d qualify as clinical experience. I would be involved in...
  6. F

    How to have time for all extracurriculars?

    Just finished first semester as a sophomore, I know I didn't get started as quickly as I should've, but I'm gonna start research in a couple weeks, apart from that I've just maintained a 4.0 gpa without any other extracurriculars. I don't want to take a lot of gap years, I would be fine applying...
  7. I

    Lied to quit a BS clinical job today right before my shift! will this be an issue

    I just lied to my manager to quit my clinical job before my shift today... They've recently been making me do a bunch of physical labor hauling patient charts to storage rooms nonstop and I didn't wanna waste my time doing something so obviously non clinical. I just don't see why I should give...
  8. D


  9. jyy3gx

    Doing Extra-curriculars abroad due to the fact that you live abroad and covid

    Hello, I am a non-trad who ditched premed mid-undergrad and is planning to go back and finish my pre-reqs and ECs. My family lives abroad (Korea), and I really don't have a home here in the States. Since the classes that I plan to take are asynchronous online, I can take them back in Korea or...
  10. M

    Many hours of generic ECs

    Hi - I was just wondering how bad it is to not have a “theme” to an application. As in, how do thousands of hours of generic ECs look (say, 500 hours of EMT, 300 of hospice, 600 of scribing, 400 of PCT, etc.) if all activities are “generic premed” ECs? I’m trying to clear up a disagreement...
  11. M

    Minimum Hour Count for Significant Activity

    Hi, I'm trying to determine the baseline for how many hours is necessary for an activity to significantly add value to my application. By significantly adding value, I mean for it to be my 2nd/3rd most significant clinical activity. I've recently started volunteering as an EMT (3 months ago)...
  12. C

    Worried About Level of Extracurricular Involvement

    Hello, all! I am slightly worried about my extracurriculars, volunteering, etc. I am a sophomore and I know it is prime time to be doing them, so I was wondering if anyone could give their thoughts on my list of what I am actively doing. --Residential College/Dorm Leadership Committee...
  13. T


  14. C

    Classifying extracurricular

    Hi, I am trying to figure out my hours, and where I need to improve my resume for applications. I worked in a Nurse Case Management office for about 6 months and wondered if this would count as paid clinical experience. I helped with all the clients and had direct contact with them, and was...
  15. A

    Extracurriculars as Non-Traditional

    What is everyone doing for extracurriculars as a non-traditional applicant? I'd love to quit my job, and focus 100% of my time of developing EC's for my application, but that's not feasible as I still need health insurance, money for bills, etc. I currently volunteer at a hospital, and am...
  16. E

    How to make myself stand out as an engineer applying to med school?

    Looking for a way to distinguish myself on my med school apps. A little background: Been working as a Civil Engineer for the past 3 years since graduating in 2016. Have: BS Civil Engineering, GPA = 3.80 MS Civil Engineering, GPA = 3.78 Both from USC. Been doing a DIY postbacc @...
  17. moralis

    Where should I start? MD/PhD, maybe a bit late in the game

  18. D

    Is it okay to list a friend as a contact for a non-service club?

    About 2 years ago, I joined a recreational frisbee club on Campus and I had a great time playing for about two semesters. I want to put it down on AMCAS as one of my activities because I can speak pretty well about how it helped improve me as a future physician by making me more resilient when I...
  19. jg2021

    Lower stats w/ great ECs vs. Higher stats w/ no ECs

    I have a 3.5 GPA, mostly due to messing up my first semester of undergrad (C in gen chem I, which I believe I made up with an A- in gen chem II, an A- in orgo I, and looking like an A in orgo II), but I definitely have a pretty significant upward trend. I also have 45 shadowing hours, 150+...
  20. P

    Clinical Experience

    Someone brought to my attention recently that med schools generally want clinical volunteering over paid clinical work -- does anyone know the accuracy to this? I have gotten a paid job as basically a CNA, so would this fulfill the unwritten clinical requirement (even though it is not...
  21. J

    MD What are my chances? HELP

    Check out my CV and let me know what to improve on. What are my chances for allopatric med. school?
  22. A

    balancing extracurriculars and school

    Hi guys, Im an officer for an organization and I have done 1 semester of it so far but I may not be able to balance my school/other activities with this. This is my senior year and my final semester is next semester. I know being in an officer position looks very good on a medical school...
  23. M


    Deleted for anonymity.
  24. J

    Pre-Med, what do I need to become a more attractive applicant

    Currently I am a junior in school but I will have an additional year due to athletics. I plan on having a biology major with psych and business minors. I have around a 3.1 GPA at the moment and am really focusing on course work to increase that GPA. I am an NCAA division 1 athlete and work as a...
  25. T

    Rate my extracurriculars?

    Hi, everyone. I'm currently a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh. So far, my classes are going well, and I think I have a solid plan for extracurricular activities, but I would like an outsider's opinion. Here are the 15 activities I have, or plan to have, by the end of my college...
  26. C

    Peer counseling as an extracurricular?

    There is this program at my school where students can be trained to listen/be counselors to other students who are having a hard time or depressed. I wanted to do this because it seems like a great skill to have (to be able to help and calm down those in a crisis), but it's also a huge time...
  27. O

    The Weight of a Valuable Research Experience

    So I am a student at Drexel University, and for anyone that doesn't know, this is a co-op school (similar to NortheasternU). I am on a 5-year undergraduate program with 3, 6-month long cycles of co-ops each. Basically, I am alternating being in classes for 6 months with being on a co-op for 6...
  28. woopsidaisy


    I made a major mistake on my AMCAS. For my most recent employment, I meant to write 1600 hours but instead wrote 6600 hours. I did not realize the mistake until I was going through my primary while working on secondaries. Obviously, this isn't something that will be missed by many medical...
  29. A

    What are my chances with 3.4 oGPA 3.3 sGPA 24 AA 23 TS 22PAT

    Hey guys what do you think my chances are at schools like NYU, Temple, Nova, UCSF, University of Florida, Meharry, Boston University, Western U, amongst others. Along with 24 AA 23TS and 22PAT with my lowest section being a 22 I have a 3.4 overall GPA and 3.3 science. I have 350 hours of...
  30. C

    Do I need to step my EC game up?

  31. T

    Volunteering/application question

    From what I can understand there are blocks (around 15) where you place your volunteer/EC/shadowing/research on a Med School application. My question is this: I volunteer at 3 places right now, which are all long-term (freshman year-until I *hopefuly* go off to med school). The first is working...
  32. A

    Is this clinical volunteering?

    I did 4 years of research, meeting with patients in teams of physician consults, and studying disease models based on patient data. Can I record this as medical/clinical volunteering instead of non-clinical? Thanks so much
  33. Guts Man

    Chances/advice for a non trad below average joe

    Hello all, Just looking for some input and possible guidance regarding application and next steps - - GPA is poor. 3.46 cGPA, 3.0 sGPA, 498 MCAT ---> 507 MCAT. My GPA excuse without getting into it: my sophomore year I stupidly overloaded with a family crisis and had a straight upward trend...
  34. Kobethegoat24

    People with anxiety, what is a good place for me to volunteer?

    So I have anxiety and volunteering has been though. I volunteer at a homeless shelter right now but it doens't give me many hours and i dont feel as if i am helping people. But when I have to volunteer in a public crowded setting my anxiety acts up badly. Just wondering any premeds with anxiety...
  35. massivegains(to528)

    4 months left, Help me decide what to do

  36. S

    Leadership Opportunities for Music/Biochem Major???

    I was thinking about providing private lessons (viola) to children from 4th~10th grade. I would be able to earn a lot more money in a short period of time (Seattle area students usually charge 45~50 dollars an hour, professionals charge 65~80), allowing for more time studying and volunteering...
  37. S


    please ignore I posted in the wrong section
  38. R

    Including Students for Justice in Palestine on application?

    Hi everyone, I just wanted to ask about the general opinion of adding my involvement in an organization such as SJP? I've had a significant role on the board. My family grew up in Palestine and immigrated here so the issues happening there are very important to me. We do things like bring...
  39. P

    Can experiences overlap in PhORCAS?

    If I did an activity where I had both leadership and service, can I list it under both leadership and service activities in PhORCAS?
  40. Babbitt4MVP

    How do I list a community education Spanish class?

    I am taking a once-weekly Spanish class offered by the hospital I volunteer it. This is in no way affiliated with any college or other educational institution. There are no grades or credits given with it. It is purely a community education class that I take to learn a valuable skill. I am no...