2008-2009 Florida State Secondary Application Thread

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This is so frustrating; I've been on a post-interview hold since December and just want a decision already. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed and sending them update after update. Goodluck to anyone else out there waiting or that already has an acceptance. :xf:

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Do you know that from admissions, or you assuming because May 15 is approaching? Did anyone look at the FSU 2012 thread? I only saw one person say they got in off the waitlist, but then again there weren't that many people posting on it so I don't know...
yeah, do people just not show up to first week of school or something? how do you know there will be a lot of movement?
I got this information from the admissions people. A personal friend got in 1 week before orientation last year.
FSU called me yesterday offering me a seat. Last day of interview and i still got in, i cant believe it. :eek:

good luck to everyone else
Does anyone know if there has been movement from the wait list? The waiting game is nerve wrecking!

Good luck to everyone and let's hope for the best!
Congrats locus... I'm hanging in Bull Country too, maybe you will bring more luck our way.
FSU called me yesterday offering me a seat. Last day of interview and i still got in, i cant believe it. :eek:

good luck to everyone else
I think i possibly help out one person today, FSU just accepted my request to defer my matriculation for next year due to a medical reason.

Im sure a spot just open up because I have to fill out the 2010 AMCAS and stuff, so i dont think I count for this year... GO CLASS of 2014!!
I think i possibly help out one person today, FSU just accepted my request to defer my matriculation for next year due to a medical reason.

Im sure a spot just open up because I have to fill out the 2010 AMCAS and stuff, so i dont think I count for this year... GO CLASS of 2014!!

Best of luck to you then. I hope your medical reason goes away soon.
I bet there will be some notices going out tomorrow since the adcom seems to meet Tuesdays. Here's to hoping
Looks like locus really did bring the bulls some luck. I just got the call. I don't even know where to start with packing. Good luck everyone I'm sure more calls will be going out today. They give people one day to respond so things should move quickly.
Looks like locus really did bring the bulls some luck. I just got the call. I don't even know where to start with packing. Good luck everyone I'm sure more calls will be going out today. They give people one day to respond so things should move quickly.

You kind of made me depressed because I thought all hope was lost. I got the call this morning though! See you there Tuesday!
Congrats MossPoh and cleoscat3. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I guess i did help after all, so remember me next year (2010).. i will be one of the kid in the first year class...

cleoscat3: FSU plays USF this year in football::: go bulls!
Congrats MossPoh and cleoscat3. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I guess i did help after all, so remember me next year (2010).. i will be one of the kid in the first year class...

cleoscat3: FSU plays USF this year in football::: go bulls!

Thanks. I'll be sure to help you out. I'm about as close to a Tally native as one can get now. As far as football, well I went to Penn State so until Bowden leaves I cheer for everyone else. When Bowden leaves, I'll prob cheer for FSU.
Congrats and best wishes to MossPoh and cleoscat3!!!:D

I hope I can join you all soon and get some luck my way as well! Heres to keeping my fingers crossed and hoping!
If you hear it will probably be by tomorrow. Orientation starts Tuesday. If there are a couple of no shows then possibly next week. I'll keep an ear open for you.
Congrats MossPoh and cleoscat3. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I guess i did help after all, so remember me next year (2010).. i will be one of the kid in the first year class...

cleoscat3: FSU plays USF this year in football::: go bulls!

ha ha yea i know and my sister goes to fsu for undergrad so theres gunna be a battle that day :smuggrin:
So did everyone show up for orientation? Still haven't gotten my rejection letter not expecting anything but if anyone knows anything keep posting.
I heard last night that there were 2 seats still open at the orientation. They called one girl up and offered her a position. So, there may one seat left. That is just what I heard, so I don't know how much stock to put in it.
First lecture is in about 30 minutes, so if you haven't heard by now then I'd shift your attention elsewhere.
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