hey y'all - current M1 at Brody here and happy to answer any questions to the extent that I can (since I've been in classes for less than four months I might not be able to answer everything, but I can do my best). our last exam of block 1 is tomorrow and I'd be lying if I said I didn't find and read this thread to procrastinate just now.... anyway, realistically, I probably won't be able to get back to anyone until Wednesday, but don't let that stop you from asking about anything in the meantime.
of course, just as y'all's application and interview experience has probably been completely different from mine, my M1 experience has differed significantly from what it would be in a "normal" year. I'm hoping for a vaccine in the first half of next year so that by the time y'all start things might be closer to normal, but who knows. the point being - keep in mind that my answers to some questions might not reflect the typical order of things, because I have no idea what it's like to be in medical school when there isn't a pandemic happening.