2022-2023 East Carolina (Brody)

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Sorry if it's already been answered but does ECU do rolling admissions throughout Feb/March? And is it just a phone call or an email or both? Thank you!
I got a phone call when I was accepted! I then go the official email a few days after.

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also for anyone who interviewed recently, did you automatically receive an admission? bc i got an email that said "right now, your status will remain as "interview"..." so does this mean im waitlisted lol
No, they send that to everyone after you interview
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current Brody M3 dropping in again with a word of advice based on a conversation I just had with an M3 friend at another school.

some of you who have been accepted will be fortunate enough to be holding more than one acceptance. when you're trying to make your decision, see if you can find an M3 at each school to talk to, and ask them how rotation grades are weighted/curved. I was talking to my friend and he's having a miserable third year because of the way rotations are graded at his school. evals alone make up 50 percent of their grade, and there are only so many people in each cohort who can get honors or high pass on any given rotation, so it's curved and you're essentially competing against the rest of your class for the grade. and, as a result, one person deciding to give you straight 3/5s could sink your chances at getting honors or high pass.

I was shocked, because here it isn't like that at all. our rotation grades are honors/A/B/C/F (preclinical has moved to P/F as of this year), and it's hard to get honors because you have to score at least 80th percentile on the shelf exam, in addition to some other requirements that vary from rotation to rotation, but there's no limit to how many people can honor a rotation if they hit those requirements. certainly no limit to how many people can get an A. and evals don't make up more than 30 to 40 percent of our grade (on one rotation it might break down as evals 30 percent, final OSCE 30 percent, shelf 30 percent, assignments 10 percent, for example), and all 3s from one person certainly won't kill you - I've had three rotations where at least one person has given me straight 3s and I've still been doing quite well. this is partly because Brody recognizes that evals can be subjective and (for the most part) treats them accordingly - they straight up told us on IM that even if your eval average was all 3s that would still equate to a score of 89/100 on evals alone by their calculations, so you could easily pull it up to an A if you did well on the other stuff.

since we don't have to compete against each other for our grades, we're very collaborative, or at least my class has been. I've developed great relationships with classmates I didn't know at all before this year, solely because we ended up on a rotation together and had each other's backs. my friend isn't having that experience and I feel awful for him because I had no idea anywhere did it like that.

make sure you find out about these things, if you can, because right now as a rising M1 it probably doesn't feel like it matters but it will matter very much in just a couple of years.

I'm not on here all that frequently but feel free to DM me with any questions about this or anything else.
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What is the format of the Brody ii? Have mine coming up soon and literally don’t know how to prepare lol
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What is the format of the Brody ii? Have mine coming up soon and literally don’t know how to prepare lol
welcome session, two 25 minute interviews one with faculty one with a student (at least that’s how it was for me), and then a wrap up session w opportunity for more questions
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What is the format of the Brody ii? Have mine coming up soon and literally don’t know how to prepare lol

First off congratulations! I had mine on 1/31 and it was a welcome, then 2 interviews (for me they were both with faculty) then a final presentation. Good luck!
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What is the format of the Brody ii? Have mine coming up soon and literally don’t know how to prepare lol
how @kmk2124 said their interview was is how mine was as well. A quick tip for you! I recommend that during the times you may find yourself idly waiting, be friendly by starting conversations with your potential future classmates! You never know who from admissions may be paying attention and I doubt it will hurt your chances of getting the A!
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Are they done sending out IIs? Complete late October and losing hope…
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Are they done sending out IIs? Complete late October and losing hope…

Their interview season lasts through march so dont lose hope yet! I got an ii late last month and i was complete late october as well! You got this!
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Got the A like an hour ago!! I interviewed 12/13
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As of February 9, 2023 we have:
  • Received 1095 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Completed 314 interviews. All interviews are virtual for the 2022-2023 cycle.
  • Made 96 offers of admission. It takes on average, 120-130 offers to fill the class.
  • The application deadline passed on November 1, 2022.
  • We do not accept updates to your AMCAS application post-submission (for example, new community service hours, additional clinical experiences, job updates, letters of intent, etc.). The only exception is if the Admissions Office contacts you for additional information. Contact information updates-phone number changes, email addresses, mailing addresses, etc. can be accepted and must go through AMCAS.
  • We are not at the point of making an alternate list at this time.
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As of February 9, 2023 we have:
  • Received 1095 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Completed 314 interviews. All interviews are virtual for the 2022-2023 cycle.
  • Made 96 offers of admission. It takes on average, 120-130 offers to fill the class.
  • The application deadline passed on November 1, 2022.
  • We do not accept updates to your AMCAS application post-submission (for example, new community service hours, additional clinical experiences, job updates, letters of intent, etc.). The only exception is if the Admissions Office contacts you for additional information. Contact information updates-phone number changes, email addresses, mailing addresses, etc. can be accepted and must go through AMCAS.
  • We are not at the point of making an alternate list at this time.
So does this mean interviews are done? :(
On their website they say interviews are conducted from late August through January so maybe though they did have interviews on the 7th so maybe that was the last day

I have an interview 2/14 so lol they’re not quite finished yet
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Ok then never mind dont mind me good luck to you and everyone who has interviews!
They were done with interviews at the end of February last year. At that point, they had conducted 402 interviews and accepted 90. Hard to say when the last interview date is for this year, but… I feel like they are at the last phase of interviews since they already accepted 96 pplz
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220+ people vying for 25-35 spots... The circle continues to get smaller...
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A little delayed but I got the A on Thursday afternoon! I interviewed 1/10.
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Idk if it’s just me but felt like my interviewer was rude and didn’t think my answers were good enough
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I felt the same 🥲
I felt the same! and I got an A in October. At one point my interviewer even told me I didn't need to "ramble on pointlessly" LMAOO. anytime I would respond (with what I felt was a pretty decent answer that went on for a minute or two), he would look at me and say "is that your answer?" or "anything else you wanna add?". so when he called me the next week and gave me the A I was SHOCKED y'all.
honestly, this whole interview experience turned me off to Brody. I was extremely lucky to also get into Wake and got immaculate vibes from their interview session. But Wake's tuition :(((((
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I felt the same! and I got an A in October. At one point my interviewer even told me I didn't need to "ramble on pointlessly" LMAOO. anytime I would respond (with what I felt was a pretty decent answer that went on for a minute or two), he would look at me and say "is that your answer?" or "anything else you wanna add?". so when he called me the next week and gave me the A I was SHOCKED y'all.
honestly, this whole interview experience turned me off to Brody. I was extremely lucky to also get into Wake and got immaculate vibes from their interview session. But Wake's tuition :(((((

Omg congratulations!! And phew this makes me feel a little less horrible abt it lol
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Idk could be. For me it was a faculty member.
My faculty interviewer wasn't necessarily rude, but they were just serious throughout the majority of the interview. I would assume it is because they have to remain as objective as possible. Fortunately for me, I made a fool of myself early on, which caused them to chuckle a bit before we got into the questions for the interview. This gave me a sense of relief and more confidence for the interview lol.
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Since Brody has a class size of 86 and they already accepted 96, the hope for those waiting is some movement in other schools (i.e. UNC.) Is that right?

And is the "alternate list" the same as waitlist?
Since Brody has a class size of 86 and they already accepted 96, the hope for those waiting is some movement in other schools (i.e. UNC.) Is that right?

And is the "alternate list" the same as waitlist?

To answer your second question, yes!
For those that have not heard anything from ECU (no pre-II R), is all hope lost at this point for an interview invite?
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They made some additional offers recently based on their admissions update:

"As of February 23, 2023 we have:

  • Received 1095 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Completed 359 interviews. Interviews are complete for the 2022-2023 cycle.
  • Made 106 offers of admission. It takes on average, 120-130 offers to fill the class.
  • The application deadline passed on November 1, 2022.
  • We do not accept updates to your AMCAS application post-submission (for example, new community service hours, additional clinical experiences, job updates, letters of intent, etc.). The only exception is if the Admissions Office contacts you for additional information. Contact information updates-phone number changes, email addresses, mailing addresses, etc. can be accepted and must go through AMCAS.
  • We are not at the point of making an alternate list at this time."
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They made some additional offers recently based on their admissions update:

"As of February 23, 2023 we have:

  • Received 1095 verified AMCAS applications.
  • Completed 359 interviews. Interviews are complete for the 2022-2023 cycle.
  • Made 106 offers of admission. It takes on average, 120-130 offers to fill the class.
  • The application deadline passed on November 1, 2022.
  • We do not accept updates to your AMCAS application post-submission (for example, new community service hours, additional clinical experiences, job updates, letters of intent, etc.). The only exception is if the Admissions Office contacts you for additional information. Contact information updates-phone number changes, email addresses, mailing addresses, etc. can be accepted and must go through AMCAS.
  • We are not at the point of making an alternate list at this time."

interviewed 45 more people; accepted 10 more people.

overall post-II odds = 33%

now, about only 14-24 offers left for 200+ people. odds = 10%

feeling the inevitability
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Anyone have insight on the waitlist process? Seems like they only have 14-24 spots left. Are we assuming that these spots will be filled from the waitlist?
Anyone have insight on the waitlist process? Seems like they only have 14-24 spots left. Are we assuming that these spots will be filled from the waitlist?
I'm not 100% sure but the way I interpreted the following quote from their admissions update: "We are not at the point of making an alternate list at this time" is that they're still working on accepting more folks and then will create the waitlist once they meet that 120-130 threshold?
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I'm not 100% sure but the way I interpreted the following quote from their admissions update: "We are not at the point of making an alternate list at this time" is that they're still working on accepting more folks and then will create the waitlist once they meet that 120-130 threshold?

Numbers from last year below. You can freely interpret.

Jan 25 2022 = 68 As, 325 II

Feb 23 = 90 As, 402 II (no more II after that)

Mar 15 = 100 As,

Mar 25, = 110, As,

Apr 6 = 110 As (alternate list being generated)

May 25 = 136... game over
Numbers from last year below. You can freely interpret.

Jan 25 2022 = 68 As, 325 II

Feb 23 = 90 As, 402 II (no more II after that)

Mar 15 = 100 As,

Mar 25, = 110, As,

Apr 6 = 110 As (alternate list being generated)

May 25 = 136... game over
Yeah I’m pretty sure the number of offers included the waitlist offers too. At least, this is something that I’ve seen in previous threads. Not really sure how that works this year because at this many offers last year the waitlist was already made, but they haven’t made one this year. Idk dude.
Did anybody who interviewed in late january/early february hear back yet?
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The window may be outside what you are asking for but you can freely interpret....



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