2022-2023 East Carolina (Brody)

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insider info: admissions is expecting 4/30 to kick off some waitlist movement, as this is the day when students holding multiple acceptances must narrow to one. however, they have had a lower than average rate of attrition (fewer people declining their seats) so far this year.
Accepted off the waitlist this evening! I am so beyond thrilled to go to Brody, it’s been a dream! Best of luck to all of you with the rest of this app cycle and all future endeavors 🙂
Congrats!!! So excited for you. When was your interview if you don’t mind me asking!
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Accepted off the waitlist this evening! I am so beyond thrilled to go to Brody, it’s been a dream! Best of luck to all of you with the rest of this app cycle and all future endeavors 🙂
Congrats! If you don’t mind me asking, when did you get waitlisted?
So I took biological chemistry at my university (which was a biochemistry course in the chemistry department), so I assume this meets the course requirement for biochem? Would they even offer someone a seat if they didn’t meet all the course requirements?
So I took biological chemistry at my university (which was a biochemistry course in the chemistry department), so I assume this meets the course requirement for biochem? Would they even offer someone a seat if they didn’t meet all the course requirements?
im sure it counts if you were offered acceptance!
JUST GOT THE A!!! Thank you everyone for the advice and support! Couldnt have kept the hope alive without yall! Good luck to everyone still waiting
Off the waitlist earlier today - interviewed 2/14, waitlisted 4/4. Good luck y'all!
correct, I am an M3 (who sometimes happens to be in the right place at the right time)
I see on the M2 curriculum that the stuff highlighted in red is the only stuff that students are required to come in-person to. How many of M1 lectures have required attendence? Is it all of the lectures, most, some, or none? I was confused because the M1 curriculum had nothing highlighted in red and did not say anything about this

Sorry for all of the questions lol, but I didn't know who else I could ask
m1 year (especially block 1) has a lot more required classes, mainly anatomy lab. Thats takes the bulk of time in block 1 with regards to required classes. blocks 2 and 3 have less required classes, but there are some classes that are required weekly (ethics, with some foundations of doctoring classes sprinkled in.)
m1 year (especially block 1) has a lot more required classes, mainly anatomy lab. Thats takes the bulk of time in block 1 with regards to required classes. blocks 2 and 3 have less required classes, but there are some classes that are required weekly (ethics, with some foundations of doctoring classes sprinkled in.)
correct. lectures (except flipped classrooms) are rarely, if ever, required attendance in the preclinical phase, but at the beginning of M1, the majority of your time isn't lectures - it's anatomy lab and other labs, small group stuff, etc., all of which you have to show up in person for.